Savage Queen's Secret

Chapter 77 - Lilian Step Mother

Inside the female wash room, Caixia washed her hand while standing in front of the half bodied mirror that was set behind the wash stand in a consecutive order.

While washing her hand and staring at her image inside the mirror blankly she wandered about the woman beside Wang Shiwei.

It was irritating her and she was having a hard time to find out the reason for her irritation when she considered having no feelings for him.

So, that woman beside him is his real girlfriend or why else will he pat her head with such a sweet smile?

He have never done such a thing for me. Other then forcing his thick body on me, he have never shown such a gentle and natural smile in front of me.

Hah! That bastard if he tried to touch me again, I will throw him inside a garbage cane which is his real place.

She was fuming inside without understanding her own real feelings and at that time someone stood beside her to put some oil into the fire.

"Haha! Being rejected by my brother you went to try your luck with my Shiwei, you must be dreaming!" Lee shin mocked her as she put lipstick on her thin lips.

Caixia gave her a savage look, "What are you bluffing for when you yourself is trying to make your thin unpresentable lips, a little thicker! Can't you shout a little less nonsense with your thin lips".

Lee Shin fumed and banged her lipstick against the sink, making their platinum white surface into a red one. Her fist clenched and eyes glaring Caixia but for some reason she controlled her mouth but her uncontrollable fuming breath was echoing in Caixia ears.

Lee Shin left after throwing the broken lipstick inside the dustbin and staring at Caixia with an evil smirk.

Caixia couldn't understand her expressions at all but one thing was sure that Caixia was thinking about Wang Shiwei's bad taste.

Tsk! Men are all same!

She got out from the wash room but got into trouble as Lee Sham blocked her path. She tried to go ahead from taking a right turn but he intentionally blocked her way again.

Being pissed off she took a deep breath to calm her temper and her itching fist, "Mr. Lee, what work do you might have with me?".

He smirked and moved his wine glass slowly in a circular motion, "Of course, it's you yourself!".

She again took a deep breath and relented from cursing the previous Caixia for chasing dustbins until she was alive.

"Mr. Lee, I don't think we have any need to speak with each other at all," Caixia tried to make herself clear but his stubbornness didn't let her go.

The woman coming and going inside the wash room which was separate from the party hall, kept gossiping about them. Even though it was normal for adults to separate themselves from party and spend time at a peaceful place, it was normal, too, for passerby to gossip.

Caixia swallowed her wrath and continously swallowed to keep herself calm or her temper might cause trouble for her image in the party where only rich business men were invited.

"Look, I don't have an inch of interest in you, so fu*k off silently before I screw you up," she said with a polite smile and calm facial expression.

No one could really believe that she uttered violent words with such a sweet smile if they saw them together from away.

He laughed hearing her cursing him and grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to himself.

Facing him so closely, Caixia held her polite smile, but inside she was raging with fire.

How dare this lowly person touch me! I don't even like to be touched by that Wang Shiwei and now a playboy is touching me, I must teach him a lesson!

She gritted her teeth while smiling and with her pointed heels, she crushed his toe like crushing an ant.

"Ahh!" he backed off leaving her waist while wincing.

"Oh dear! How did that happened? You were helping me because I stumbled but I did such a mistake as to walk over you toes. I am really sorry for this, but I need to go," she said loudly to let the gossipers hear it and stepped forward to pass by him.

He grabbed her arm and stopped her forcefully by pinning her on the wall next to the female washroom door.

"Lee Sham! Don't show your rogue like behavior to me or I will make it so that you will regret coming back from aboard," Caixia frowned as she said.

He was gritting his teeth but the obvious notorious smile didn't faded away from his face, "Clinging on that so called emperor will lead you to nothing, so it will be better for you to come to me. I might help your business if you become my girlfriend and Caixia don't act innocent when it was you who chased me even after being rejected".

She almost felt like strangling his neck.

"Little uncle! It's a bad habit to corner a girl forcefully," Lilian said.

He was standing behind Lee Sham and staring them and hearing their conversation.

Lee Sham stepped back leaving Caixia, "Small muffin, do you need me to call your mother to teach you a few things about us adults. It's not a good thing to eavesdrop and disturb adults so it will be better for you to leave here and stay silent about this matter".

Lilian who doesn't liked others calling his step mother as his mother, gritted his teeth after getting a threat from his uncle who is just back from aboard.

"Whatever! I will not meddle anymore so do whatever you want. Now, Ms. Lin! Come with me," he said since he can't go against his uncle because of his inferiority due to being a child.

He chuckled, "How can that be! If you are taking her away then how can I be able to do my work?".

How irritating! Caixia twisted her neck slightly and stood toward Lilian. Holding his hand, she gave Lee Sham a devious smile, "You are quite lucky today because there are many people here or else you wouldn't be able to see the next day. Goodbye!".

Glancing at Lilian, she felt angry because Lee Sham tried to threaten him using his step mother. So, how can Caixia just return back!

She looked around and waited for a second, her eyes on the place where cameras were kept for security reason and she leaned a little closer to Lee Sham with a seductive smile.

Lilian felt baffled because what he saw and heard before was quite contradictory to what she was doing right now but soon he started to control his laughter after Caixia kicked Lee Sham at a vital point which was scary for every man.

"Lets go, young master Lee! Your Big Uncle must be waiting for you," she said and left with him while Lee Sham sat down on the ground as he continued panting and moaning.

"Wow! Aren't you afraid of being in trouble because of kicking him and leaving there all alone," asked Lilian with a smirk.

Caixia shrugged her shoulder, "Who cares! No one was there when I kicked him and I guess even cameras could not capture it completely, so what evidence does he have. All he could do is trouble me with my business but I am not so easy to back down".

Lilian looked at her with his eyes that shows amusement. Her sharp gaze, tone and the way she deals with others was quite cool and it reminded him of Irene.

From the moment he saw her, his smell and sixth sense were telling him that Caixia was someone he met before but now he was quite sure about it.

While Caixia was free from those thoughts, Lilian kept his eyes on her, "But I saw you there!" he replied with a chuckle.

She tilted her head and smirked, "Do you? I don't believe that you will tell others though".

They both giggled pleasantly until Lilian step mother stood in front of them when they were going through the corridor to reach the party.

His step mother looked quite young maybe a little older then Caixia. She had dazzling black hair and the clothes she wore was quite revealing and seductive. She looked at Lilian with the utmost affection a parent could ever show their child but Lilian hostile eyes didn't changed toward her.

"My darling, come here, let mother take you to show a big surprise," she said.

Lilian who doesn't wanted to go with her, looked up at Caixia. His eyes blinking and staring her cutely.

Just by her words and the way she called for Lilian, Caixia understood that the trouble in front of her is Lilian step mother and she sighed, "I am sorry, mam but his uncle is calling for him, so he will meet you later".

Mrs. Lee frowned but kept her smile on her face since she doesn't wanted to show her true face in front of a stranger, "And who might you be?".

Caixia grinned, "I am.. Lin Caixia, comp..".

Mrs. Lee interfered, "Oh, aren't you the one who snatched the company from your parents".


Caixia stared her blankly after hearing her words.

"Sorry, my mouth just slipped but you shouldn't do what his uncle asked you to do, after all I am his mother"

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