Ryuu Kusari no Ori

Side Story - A Birth Record of a New Breed of Cat

Side Story : A Birth Record of a New Breed of Cat

Translator : PolterGlast

Late afternoon on a holiday.

Nozomu had finished cleaning his room in the dormitory which he had been doing since morning and was heading to the commercial district for lunch.

The roadside is lined with a wide variety of stalls, many of them selling food, of course.

Especially today, a holiday. The merchants lined up in line were shouting more vigorously than usual, taking advantage of the time when the purse strings were loosened during the holidays.

As Nozomu walked through the busy downtown area, he saw a girl in an Ecross uniform about 10 meters ahead of him.

"Eh? Somia-chan?"

Her beautiful black hair, trimmed to her shoulders, definitely belonged to a girl he knew well.

She scurried her eyes around as if looking for something, and then disappeared toward a back alley.

"What is she doing? There's no sign of Iris nearby..."

Seeing that there was no Iris around, it seemed that Somia was alone.

Nozomu, while tilting his head at her suspicious behavior, stepped into the back alley and followed her for the time being.

The back alley was quite dimly lit due to the disorderly rows of houses and stores around it, and it was difficult to see.

The back alley was like a maze, and if he were to lose his way for a moment, he would definitely be lost in no time.

Nozomu looked down the alley and saw Somia about 10 meters ahead of him.

"O~i, Somia-cha~n!"

"Eh? Nozomu-san? Is something wrong?"

After Nozomu called out to Somia, she came running up towards Nozomu, while looking surprised.

Upon closer inspection, she was carrying a handbag, which was quite large and bulging, as if it had something in it.

"I was just out walking to get some lunch somewhere ....... What are you doing in a place like this, Somia-chan? And you're even wearing your Ecross uniform. I thought today is your day off..."

"I ... I'm on my way home after studying at school..."

Nozomu tilted his head at Somia, who was mumbling something.

It was true that she had been doing independent study at Ecross. Irisdina had told him that Somia had been studying hard recently.

However, her house is in the administrative district in the northern part of the city. Even if she were to return home from Ecross, which is in the center of the city, she didn't have to pass through the commercial district.

And even if she were to take a detour, it would be suspicious to go to a back alley like this, regardless of whether she went to a store or a stall.



Nozomu remained silent and turned his skeptical gaze on Somia. Perhaps because she knew that her own statement was unreasonable, she averted her gaze like a kitten whose mischief had been discovered.

Somia, no longer able to bear Nozomu's silent stare, slowly opened her mouth.

"U-, umm. Can you please keep it a secret from my sister?"

"That depends on the content..."

"Please, I beg you!"

"O-, okay, I get it. I won't tell Iris. Is that okay now?"

"I-, I'm glad... Thank you, Nozomu-san!"

Somia was pleading so desperately that Nozomu ended up promising not to tell Iris.

He wondered inwardly if it was a good idea, but when he saw Somia smiling with relief, he couldn't bring himself to tell Irisdina now.

"Well then, Nozomu-san, please follow me. Please try to make as little noise as possible."

"O-, okay..."

Nozomu nodded his head and followed Somia to the back alley.

"Hey, Somia-chan. What are you doing ..."

"Shhh~! Nozomu-san, please be quiet."

"Y-, yes, I'm terribly sorry ..."

Somia's strange intimidation made Nozomu involuntarily become respectful.

She bent down and moved quickly, as if she were a spy or a ninja, to the back of the alley, hiding in the shadows of the crates and wagons left in the alley.

As for Nozomu, he felt nothing but discomfort that such a young girl behaved in such a manner.

However, Somia's intimidation reminded him of his late master, and he decided that it would be impossible to stop her now. So, he silently followed her.

And when they came to a turn in the alley, Somia suddenly pulled herself into the shadows of the alley and called out to him.

"Nozomu-san, look ..."

"What's that?"

Somia pointed ahead. When Nozomu looked at the end of the alleyway, he could see a black cat walking leisurely.

Nozomu felt a sense of deja vu by the way the cat walked with a strange sense of self-esteem.

"That cat is..."

"Yes, that's Kuro-chan."

The cat that Somia called Kuro was a female black cat that led to the encounter between Nozomu and Somia.

She was a stray cat that Somia had seen in Central Park and had given the masculine name "Kuro" to the cat, even though it was a female.

Somia apparently thought this name was cute.

"I had not seen Kuro-chan around the Central Park area recently, so I was worried about it. But today, on my way home from school, I saw Kuro-chan and chased after her several times, but each time I lost sight of her..."

"And you were so determined that you kept chasing after her."


"So That's why you want me to keep quiet about this. because it would be embarrassing if Iris finds out."

Nozomu recalled that Irisdina seemed to be in quite a good mood about her sister's recent efforts.

Perhaps it was because she had some growth due to her age, but Somia also noticed her sister's happy mood, so she didn't want to spoil her sister's expectations.

"Ugh, you're right ....... Besides, if Mena finds out, she'll scold me and say, 'What you are doing is inappropriate as the young lady of the Francilt Household!'."

"A young lady tailing a stray cat ....... Well, it's a sight that makes one's head spin."

While guessing Somia's true feelings, Nozomu observed his target, a black cat.

Kuro didn't seem to notice Nozomu and Somia, and headed towards the end of the alley energetically.

"I understand. I'll keep quiet about this from Iris and Mena. Rather, I'm afraid we're going to lose Kuro, so we'd better go after her as soon as possible.

"Wawa~! Let's go, Nozomu-san."

Somia rushed out in a panic.

Perhaps impatient at having almost lost Kuro, Somia completely forgot all about her earlier ninja-like behaviors and followed the black cat with a hasty pitter-patter.

"Somia-chan. Your footsteps, footsteps."


When she noticed the sound of her own footsteps, she hurriedly bent over her hips and acted like a ninja.

Nozomu followed her with a wry smile on his face.

Kuro, on the other hand, was strolling down the alleyway with grace and elegance, oblivious to Somia and Nozomu.

However, her manner was free and unrestrained, just like a normal cat.

She dived under a cart behind a store, walked on the roof, and passed through a hole in the wall.

Somia also boldly chased after Kuro.

"Nozomu-san, please hold that dolly!"

"Okay, okay."

She used an assistant named Nozomu to remove obstacles.

"Nozomu-san, please run faster. We'll lose sight of her!"

"Well, are you sure about the footsteps?"

They gave chase in a hurry so as not to lose sight of the target who was walking on the roof.

"Nozomu-san, please be a stepping stone. I'm going to jump!"

"Eh? Somia-chan, are you really able to do that?"

"I'll be fine. If Nozomu-san and I work together, I can do it!"

Using her assistant as a springboard, she jumped over a nearly three-meter wall.

Moreover, she was strangely agile.

Just as she was about to jump over the wall, Nozomu put his hands together to become a springboard. Somia put her feet on top of them and jumped up.

Of course, she landed perfectly.

To put it bluntly, before they knew it, it was starting to feel more like chasing a criminal than tailing.

"Kuro-chan, we won't let you get away this time!"

Correction, for Somia it was completely a game of chase.

Forgetting all about her hiding technique, the girl chased after the black cat with all her might.

If she kept chasing after it with such loud footsteps, of course, Kuro will notice Somia following her.

The black cat turned around and glanced at Somia, who was chasing after her, but she didn't seem to be bothered by it and went back up to the roof, walking leisurely.

"~, You seem to have a lot of leeways! Alright then. I'll show you how to break that composure!"

Kuro's behavior seemed to have aroused Somia's rivalry even more, and her tension shot through the roof.

Nozomu, while blinking his eyes at this unexpected aspect of Somia, remembered that, at the age of five, she had run away from home before.

"Nozomu-san, please hurry up. Kuro-chan, she went to the roof! Maybe that's the place she's headed for! We won't let her get away this time!"

"It's just, why does every single statement you make sound so serious?"

No matter how one looked at it, what she did was like a military police officer chasing a criminal. No matter how stubborn she is, isn't that a little too much?

Of course, the cries of Nozomu's heart would naturally not reach Somia, and with her tension maxed out, she ran as fast as she could toward her target.

And where she was going, there was a mountain of obstacles like never before.

Not just carts and crates, but household pots, chairs, tables, and bookshelves. In addition, beds and other large pieces of furniture were piled up as if they were castle walls, completely blocking the alley.

"This much won't stop me now!"

With a strangely cool line, Somia boldly jumped onto that pile of obstacles.

She seemed to have said her lines many times, but the cat she was chasing should be an ordinary black cat.......

"Hop, hop, hop~!"

"F-, fast!"

Somia leaps with her feet on the back of an abandoned, overturned chair. She puts her hand on the corner of the piled-up desk and pushed her body upward.

Then, once again placing her feet on the corner of the desk, she leaps again, puts her hands on the top of the mountain of obstacles, and climbs over it in the same manner as a side roll.

Somia jumped with her feet on the back of an abandoned, overturned chair. She placed her hands on the corner of a table and pushed her body up.

Then, once again placing her feet on the corner of the table, she jumped again, placed her hands on the top of the mountain of obstacles, and climbed over it in the same way as rolling sideways.

Then, with the fluttering skirt of her school uniform billowing in the air, she made a clean landing.

It was a glimpse of Somia's talent, but it was a move that made it hard to tell which one was the cat.

Nozomu also hurriedly chased after Somia.

"Kuro-chan, I'm going to catch you this time! Prepare yourself... Eh?"

Somia finally cornered Kuro and was about to deliver a speech to make her surrender when suddenly her speech was cut off.

Somehow, when Nozom caught up and turned his gaze to the point where Somia's eyes gazed, there was a vacant lot about the size of a house.

And there was .......

"A cat gathering ..."

More than a dozen cats were gathered in the vacant lot.

The cats, which were of various colors such as blotchy, tortoiseshell, and dark brown, were all sitting, lying down, or playing with each other in their own way.

Among them, the one that stood out the most was the one at the back of the vacant lot.

In the middle of the space, where an abandoned rug had probably been spread out, the black cat in question was gracefully lying down.

Upon closer inspection, most of the cats in the vacant lot were gathered around Kuro. And several of the cats that had gathered around the black cat were carefully licking Kuro's body and grooming her fur.

This composition clearly showed who the central cat of this gathering was.

"H-, harem ... No, it's a female cat, so is it a reverse harem?"

"Kuro-chan, so you're in a place like this..."

Somia casually approached Kuro.

Then one of the white cats, who was grooming Kuro, stood in front of Somia and began to intimidate her.

The other cats also intimidated Somia as they followed behind the white cat. This cat seemed to be the leader of Kuro's bodyguards.

However, when Kuro shouted a single "Nya~", the cats gave way to Somia. It seemed that Kuro had a solid discipline for her subordinates.

"Thank you~! Oh, this one is cute. Oh, this one too!"

With Kuro's permission, Somia immediately tried to pet the cats around her.

However, the cats of Kuro's bodyguards didn't take too kindly to the sudden intruder, and when Somia tried to pet them, they immediately slipped through her hands and moved away from her.

"They're quite a strong bunch..."

Somia, perhaps particularly curious about the white cat, tried to get his attention by beckoning him a bit and twirling her finger in front of his eyes.

On the other hand, Nozomu could not even approach the harem.

Whenever he tried to approach, the bodyguards would block his way, just like Somia had experienced earlier.

There was no choice but to sit down. Nozomu imitated Somia and beckoned to them, but was suddenly hit with a cat punch.

"W-, why ..."

He reluctantly descended to the edge of the vacant lot and sat down, while stroking his scratched hand.

Then, as if to comfort him, a calico cat with a beaded pattern came to Nozomu's side.

It seemed that this cat was not a member of the harem.

Nozomu decided to watch over Somia while stroking the head of the calico cat.

The white cat was wary of Somia at first but gradually closed the distance, perhaps because Kuro allowed Somia, and began to sniff Somia's finger, which was stretched out to him.

However, after that, the white cat immediately turned and moved away from Somia.

"Hmm, if this is not good enough, then ......."

Somia suddenly put her hand into her bag and pulled out something.

A hair ornament consisting of two black triangles connected together. Also a black rope-like object.

"It's cat ears and a tail! Now I'm one of the cats!"

She took out black cat ears and tail. They were strangely well-tailored.

Somia put the cat ear hair ornament on her head and attached the tail to her butt, tucking it into the back of her skirt and smiling confidently.

"These cat ears react to the user's mind when we channel magic power into them, and they move just like real cat ears and tails. With these, I'm sure they will recognize me as a cat!"

"No, it's useless. No matter how good the cat ears and tails you put on, more than 90% of your body is human!"

Despite Nozomu's remark, Somia approached the white cat. The cat's cat ears and tail were moving in an adorable manner. It seemed to be true that the cat's ears and tail can be moved by channeling magic power.

However, there was no way that the cat could understand Somia's cuteness, and on the contrary, the white cat became more cautious of Somia, and even more so, she couldn't get close to it.

"Hmm. Even though these cat's ears and tail are specially made by Feo-san and Tom-san...... That's strange."

"What are those guys doing by creating such things?"

What on earth were the creators of these cat ears and tail thinking when they made such a thing?

Nozomu involuntarily thought of the faces of his friends, a fox-eared troublemaker and a friend who was likely to be caught by a Shotacon.

"I don't have a choice. I have to use my trump card!"

Once again, Somia thrust her hand into the bag again. Then, the cats present suddenly became very energetic.

"Ta-daa~, Catnip! With this, every cat will be swept away!"

What Somia pulled out was, without a doubt, catnip. It was the ultimate weapon against cats.

She placed it on the ground in front of her.

Sure enough, the white cat came back, attracted by the catnip.

While the white cat sniffed at the catnip on the ground, Somia reached out to touch it.

However, just before her hand touched the white cat, Kuro, who came from behind, stole the catnip.

Kuro enjoyed the catnip without regard to the white cat that she pushed away.

The white cat behind her stretched his spine and waited for Kuro to finish enjoying the catnip.

Indeed, he is the leader of the bodyguards. However, the white cat's tail is honest, and it tapped the ground enviously.

"Muu~, Kuro-chan has stolen it..."

Somia looked disappointed because she couldn't catch her target.

Perhaps in response to her feelings, the cat ears and tail she had attached also drooped and hung down without force. It was a set of cat ears and tail with a high degree of perfection in a strange place.

"I have no choice! I'll use my second trump card!"

Somia had no choice but to slap her skirt with her hand and get up from the spot, and then she put her hand into her bag again. She took out two catnip sticks.

She held them in both hands, passed Kuro who was enjoying the catnip, moved in front of the white cat, and began to move them around a bit in front of the white cat's eyes.

Perhaps because of the cat's animal instincts, the white cat's eyes also began to move. Finally, the white cat jumped on the catnip.

"Hurray~, I got the white cat... Fluffy~! Even the other cats!"

However, Somia's behavior invited other cats as well.

An army of more than a dozen cats pounced on Somia at once.

When she had slapped her skirt earlier, the scent of catnip probably transferred to her clothes. All the cats jumped on her and rubbed their noses and bodies against hers at once.

The space of only two meters square was overcrowded with cats, and the girl was immediately covered in fur balls. However, her face looked somewhat happy.

A comfortable feeling of cat fur enveloped her whole body. The warmth of cats' body temperature, which was higher than that of humans, reached the core of her body.

The cat ears and tail attached to Somia also responded to the excitement she was feeling, and they moved wildly.

At this moment, a vacant lot in the commercial district became a space "by cats and for cats". It had become an existence that could be called a cat space-time.

"Nyan~ Nyan~ Nyan~. Nyan~ Nyan~ Nyan~."

Somia, too, had been caught up in the cat space-time, and even her speech had become cat-like. In addition, the way she played was just like that of a cat.

She caught a cat that was playing with her rake-like rounded hands and rolled it on her belly. She was so cat-like as if she had grown real cat ears and tail.

On the other hand, Nozomu was completely excluded along with one calico cat. The calico cat, which he was petting before he knew it, was rolling by revealing its belly as if to say, "Pet me!".

Nozomu was wondering if it was okay to pet a stray cat, and while petting the calico cat's belly, he looked at Somia, who was on the verge of turning into a cat.

"The birth of a Somia cat?"

Such words unintentionally leaked out of Nozomu's mouth at the sight of Somia, which could be convincingly called a new species of cat.

Somia Cat.

Cute indeed. Her black tail and ears matched her black hair, and the way she played with the other cats with mischievous smiles on her face was just as adorable as a cat.

The school uniform she wore was also a great complement. Uniforms that exuded a neat atmosphere and cat costumes that evoked a sense of wildness would be received by people as if they were God's decree for this world.

It may even become an object of worship for a small number of people. Mainly Irisddina and Victor. ......

"Nyan~ Nyan~... Oh, this cat is a girl. Oh, this one too... Nozomu-san, these cats are all female."

"So, it's not a reverse harem, but a yuri harem......"

No wonder Nozomu was thrown out. In the first place, it was a space where the male species could never exist.

What an unhealthy harem. No, it was doubtful that the word "healthy" was appropriate for a harem in the first place. ......

Unexpectedly, beside Nozomu, who let out a sigh, the calico cat mentioned earlier was lying on its back as if to say, "Pet me more!". No matter how he looked at it, this was not the normal way to treat someone she had never met before.

"Don't you have any wild instincts or pride?"

The magnificent navel.

Nozomu was surprised to see that there was not a trace of wildness in the calico cat's behavior.

However, there was no way that the calico cat could have understood his words, and without even having lunch, Nozomu ended up turning into a fully automatic petting machine dedicated to the calico cat until the cat was satisfied.

"... Oh, this one is a male."

Turns out, the calico cat is a male.

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