Ryuu Kusari no Ori

[LN] Volume 3: Chapter 2.2

Volume 3 Chapter 2.2

Smoldering Fire Part 2

Translator : PolterGlast

Nozomu and Somia walked down the main street of the commercial district. From the side, they looked like brother and sister who are far apart in age.

"So, where shall we go?"

"Ah, actually, there's a store I'd like to go to!"

When Nozomu asked Somia where she wanted to go, it seemed that she already had some plans.

"Hee~, what kind of store is it?"

"It's a fortune-telling shop. It has a reputation in my class recently for being very accurate."

"A fortune teller, huh ...... do you know where it is?"

"Yes, I heard it is in the commercial district. I've also made sure to ask for the location!"

Swept away by Somia's cheerful voice and smile, Nozomu naturally smiled as well.

(The problem is Iris in the distance, huh?......)

Nozomu let out an inward sigh and glanced behind him. Her black hair, much like that of the girl beside him, was sticking out from behind a store sign.

When he deliberately intensified his gaze, the black hair that had been sticking out suddenly returned to the shadows.

"Is something wrong, Nozomu-san?"

"No, it's nothing. Rather than that, let's hurry on ahead, shall we? If we are late and the store closes, it would be no good."

"Ah, that's true. Let's go then!"

Somia pulled on Nozomu's arm again. Being pulled by the small hand, he began to walk a little faster.

After walking down the street for a while, they arrive at their destination. Nozomu checked out the store in front of him and frowned.

"...... Somia-chan, are you sure this is the store?"

"Yes! The appearance of the store matches what my friend said, so there is no doubt about it."

"But this store is-......"

The store itself is not that big. It would be better to call it a stall rather than a store.

Cards and crystals lined up on a desk. Talismans and accessories to ward off evil hung on the walls with no space between them. And a goat skull sitting in the center of the store.

The store was a true embodiment of chaos, crowded with items that no one besides the owner knew the purpose for which they were collected.

Nozomu was familiar with this unforgettable store. And he also remembered the owner of this store.

"Oya~, is it a customer?"

"...... I knew it."

The man who appeared from the back of the store was Zonne, the old man who had previously tried to sexually harass Irisdina.

"What the heck, it's you again, brat? As you can see, I'm busy. Go home, shu-shu."

"What a way to greet someone, huh, Ero-geezer? No matter how I look at you, you don't seem to be busy at all."

Nozomu also responded with rude words to Zonne, who took a cold shoulder when he saw Nozomu.

It was out of character for Nozomu, but he knew that the old man would take advantage of him if he was reserved.

"Hmph! Youngsters these days don't know how to show respect to their elders. That's not how you should treat your elders."

"If you show us that you are worthy of respect, we will treat you well. However, judging from your previous ugly behavior, that's unlikely to happen."

"Kah~~! This is why youngsters are like this. They do nothing but complain. They are so proud of themselves that they can be so rude to others easily. Utterly lamentable."

"I don't want to be told by elders who can only pick up women in a sexually harassing manner. Your words are too sloppy, which makes us think of you lightly."

"You sure have a lot of nerve, brat ......."

"The same goes for you......"

Suddenly, Nozomu and Zonne begin to glare at each other. Their glares started to produce sparks, and Somia, although she was a bit nervous about it, gathered up her courage and opened her mouth.

"U-, umm... I want you to foretell my fortune!"

"Oh, pardon me, ojouchan. I was distracted by this cheeky little brat. A promising young girl has asked me for a favor, so of course, let me foretell your fortune."

"T-thank you very much!"

"Now, let's start with your palm."

"No, you're not going to do that."

"What do you want, brat? Don't interrupt me."

"Just do it and you'll see......"

"Come, ojouchan! Come touch this crystal!"

Nozomu kept Zonne in check when he attempted to touch her on the pretext of fortune-telling, just as he had done with Irisdina. Of course, he pulled out his katana to hint that he was prepared to use force.

As Somia sat across from Zonne on the desk with the crystal, Irisdina, who had been watching from afar, also intensified her gaze on them.

If Nozomu had not kept the old man in front of him in check, the older sister might have charged at him.

When Somia touched the crystal, the transparent sphere began to emit a pale light.

It changed from soft white to red, purple, and gray, and then faded away.

"Fumu, ojōchan, you seem to be having some trouble right now. The vague color of grey is proof of that."

"...... Yes. That's true. I would like you to tell me about that......"

"The white color at the beginning means ojōchan herself, the red means your goal, and the purple color means your anxiety. It looks like that's what's bothering you, ojōchan."

Somia nodded silently in affirmation of Zonne's words.

Nozomu was surprised by her words and actions. As far as he could see, the girl was always full of energy and had never shown any signs of being troubled.

"Perhaps it is red you feel troubled about. Red means energy and vitality, but in your case, is it about your goals?"

Somia nodded to Zonne's words again, regardless of what was going through her mind.

"Fumu. But both your anxiety and hesitation are important to you, and you are still a young girl. It is good to keep running toward your goal, but sometimes it is also necessary to look back."

"Looking back, is it?"

"If you have doubts, don't lose sight of what is important to you now. If you are having any anxiety, I think it is important not to keep it to yourself for too long. Human beings are too weak to live alone."


"You have someone you care about, don't you? Then it'll be all right. Your own color is white. With your bright and gentle color, you are a kind girl who can cherish someone as much as the person who cherished you......"

Zonne spoke to Somia with a gentle smile on his face, as if he were a grandfather talking to his granddaughter.

Nozomu was surprised to see that he was not the ero-geezer he had seen before, and at the same time, he was impressed by his ability to see through Somia's problems and provide a solution in a short period of time.

At the same time, he looked a little frustrated. Even if he were to hear her problems, would he have been able to understand and explain them so thoroughly and lighten the weight in her mind?

"T-Thank you very much! Um, about the fee-......."

"Don't worry about it. It's your first time, so think of this as a free service. But if you like, how about a date with me in about ten years!?"

"U-, umm......"

"You have such a bright future ahead of you, this grandpa would do anything for you if you're willing to go on a date with me."

"Just when I thought you had a good message to tell her, and now you're back to this bullshit!"

Nozomu, who had been impressed by Zonne's unexpectedly profound words, quickly revised his evaluation in a downward direction. He slammed his knife-hand down on Zonne's head without any restraint.

"Gefu~u! What are you doing!? Hitting me on the head every single chance you get!"

"That should be my line! Why do you have to pick on women every time you see one!?"

"Of course not! I have my own standards about women! I am selective about the women I speak to!"

"What a load of nonsense!"

"Of course, the first thing I pick is a good-looking woman, such as that dark-haired beauty I saw the other day! She's really my type! I can't understand why she was with a brat like you! Good grief, a fine woman like her deserves a better man like me......"

"Y-you, ero-geezer......"

"Now, now, Nozomu-san."

Nozomu was about to reach for the hilt of his katana again, but Somia was trying her best to calm him down.

Nozomu himself is aware that he is not suitable for Irisdina.

Irisdina is a very attractive woman. She has impeccable looks, noble principles, and the will to carry them through. To put it bluntly, she is out of his reach.

He understood that it was absurd to compare her with himself, who had escaped from his past and did not try to face the reality in front of him, but still, it made him angry when he was told so by this ero-geezer.

"What's more, she is a promising girl like this ojouchan. Ah, ojouchan, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those bastards who breaks young flowers. Young children are not to be broken, but to be adored. It is also a man's duty to patiently wait to see what color the still-blooming flower will show in the future!"

"......I knew it, I should cut this old man down. I'm sure he won't die anyway, just like Shishō."

"Nozomu-san! Hold it, hold it!"

"And finally, the flowers that still retain their beauty even after they have fallen. Indeed, they no longer have the beauty of their youth. Age has robbed them of their white skin and beautiful hair. How despairing they must be to have lost the petals that make a flower a flower......"

While raising both hands high to the sky, Zonne proceeded to shout at the top of his lungs as if he were giving the speech of the century.

The old man seemed to be so absorbed in his own world that he paid no heed to the suspicious glances of the passersby around him.

"But despite this, they still attract people's interest. Even though they have lost their former beauty, they still shine, proof that they have already turned into flowers that even the passage of time cannot easily take away! Then I can only stand in awe of these flowers as they have acquired a form that cannot be destroyed!"

The content of his speech itself might be great. However, even those wise words could not overturn the evaluation of the old man, who had even hit rock bottom due to his previous remarks and actions.

"Even though what you are saying is supposed to be a good thing, it is all ruined by what you said before......."

"A-, hahaha......"

"Why? Even though I went to such great lengths to convey wise advice to you. My Lord! It is rare to meet such a stunningly beautiful woman. If I were you, I would have proposed to her in a heartbeat."

"You are as unscrupulous as ever, you know that!? Why can't you control yourself a little bit better!?

"It's better than not telling anything at all, because sometimes hiding something hurts both you and the other person the most."

Those words pierced Nozomu's heart. For a moment, he shuddered and forgot all the abusive words he had been saying.

"I would rather tell them than hide it, because there would be still hope that way. And if I have to hide it, I'll hide it so thoroughly that the other person won't even notice the slightest hint of it. Half-heartedness is the cruelest thing of all. Both for the other person and for oneself. I once had a serious problem with my grandmother when she found the obscene picture I had hidden from her...... I wish I had told her honestly that I had it. That obscene picture was my favorite......"

Zonne looked pensive with a distant look in her eyes. His eyes seemed to be moistening somehow.

Meanwhile, while Zonne was thinking about the past, Nozomu's eyebrows were furrowed and he bit his lower lip.

"Hmm, ojōchan, it's about time to close the store, please come back again. Cute girls are always welcome."

"Ah, yes. Thank you very much!"

Even as Somia expressed her thanks to Zonne with a smile, Nozomu simply stared at them in silence.

Suppressing the uncontrollable emotions swirling inside him.

After leaving the fortune teller's store, Nozomu and Somia walked down the main street of the commercial district once again.

What came to his mind were Zonne's earlier words.

His situations, in which many things were being kept secret, including him being a Dragonslayer.

He wanted someone to know about this big secret. Such a desire constantly welled up in him.

(But if I were to tell them......)

Will they reject me?

His anxiety never went away. The fire kept smoldering and gradually grew.

"Nozomu-san? Is something wrong?"

"Eh? N-no, it's nothing."

Somia, who was walking beside him, spoke to Nozomu as if peering into his face.

He quickly acted as if it was nothing.

However, his voice trembled slightly, showing his agitation.

"B-by the way, Somia-chan, what are we going to do now? We still have time......"

"Hmm~m. Eh? Something smells sweet."

"This is......"

At that moment, a sweet fragrance brushed the two noses who were walking along the street. Nozomu and Somia looked in the direction of the fragrance and saw a small stall where children were gathering.

"Hey, oneesan! Give me that candy, too!"

"Ah, that's not fair! I was supposed to get that!"

"Now, now, don't fight. I'll make one for everyone."

A cool voice was heard. At the end of the long line, in a stall, a girl was dexterously making candy crafts, her blue hair fluttering in the wind.


"Nozomu-kun? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm just-......."

Shina's gaze fell on Somia, who was standing next to him.

"...... Are you on a date?"

"No, well, yeah. I guess...... By the way, why are you here selling candy? And all by yourself at that."

"I found a miscellaneous request from the Adventurers' Guild. Actually, Mimuru was supposed to accompany me, but she didn't show up, so I have no choice but to do it by myself......"

Many customers lined up at the stalls. Upon closer look, there were many young men as well as children.

Their gazes pointed toward the beautiful-looking elf girl. Some men turned their eyes toward Nozomu, but their gazes were, without exception, filled with suspicion and intimidation. It was obvious what they were lining up for.

"Gosh, I wonder what's keeping Mimuru......."

Seemingly quite busy, Shina let out a tired sigh.

Somia, who had been thinking about it with her hand over her mouth, suddenly opened her mouth.

"U-um. If you don't mind, could I help you run the stall?"


Shina's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected offer.

"I've never done this kind of work before. And I don't need to be paid, so will you let me do it?"

"Of course, you haven't", Nozomu murmured so in his mind.

She is an aristocrat. She is the daughter of a prestigious noble family from the Kingdom of Forsina. There would be no way she would have any experience doing business in a stall like this.

Nevertheless, it is precisely because she is in such a position that Somia would like to give it a try.

"Are you sure?  I thought you were on a date with him?"

"W-well, yes, but......"

The two peering gazes then turned to Nozomu.

"Nozomu-san, may I?"

"...... I think it's fine. I'll be helping out as well. Shina-san, please let me help you."

"All right. I am Shina Juliel. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Somiriana Francilt. Nice to meet you!"

"...... Eh, Francilt?"

Shina, who had no idea that Somia was the daughter of the Francilt family, blinked her eyes upon hearing her surname. She then turned to Nozomu in a rigid manner.

Her gaze asked Nozomu whether it was true.

"Well, that's how it is, I suppose. You must be surprised. I was the same way."

"Ha~a ...... You are truly unusual, aren't you?"

Shina was amazed by Nozomu's friendships, but even now she still has no idea how he came to be acquainted with such a high-ranking aristocrat.

If it had not been for the incident with the Waziart family, they would never become this close to each other in the first place.

"Umm, Shina-san! How am I supposed to make this candy?"

"Let's see. Let me handle that one, so can you help me with the wrapping? Nozomu-kun, can you help as well?"

"Sure. Should I take care of the customers?"

"Yes, please."

At Shina's request, Nozomu handled the customers.

"Thank you, Onīchan!"


"I don't want it from you. I wanted to receive it from the beautiful elf or the dark-haired beautiful little girl over there......"

"Or rather, how is it that someone as dull as you are acquainted with such beautiful girls? Die."

The children who genuinely wanted the candy thanked him, but the men who came to the store for Shina's attention hurled abusive remarks at him. And now that Somia, who is as beautiful as Shina, has joined the group, even murderous intent is beginning to mix in.

Therefore, it would be cruel to let Shina and Somia stand in front of such men with their instincts on full display, so Nozomu was serving them with a mask-like smile on his face.

(They're crows, I'm a scarecrow, they're crows...... -ouch!)

Among the male customers who were releasing murderous intent kicked him in the shins over the shade of the stand as he received his candy.

In order to make it easy to move, this stall had only a framework made of wood and covered with a cloth. In other words, from the customers' side, they could kick Nozomu's legs as much as they wanted.

But even so, Nozomu did not change his expression and kept on handling the situation. This is nothing compared to how he was treated at the school. His bizarre experience came in handy, Nozomu thought to himself as he endured the pain in his shins.

The line had thinned out, and the peak of the crowds had passed. But then, a very suspicious-looking person visited the stall.

"Wel-, come, eh?"

The person covered his body with a cloak and hid his face with a big hat.

Although he was clearly suspicious, Nozomu was very familiar with this person's presence.

"...... Iris, what are you doing?"

"M-my name is not Irisdina. I'm just a customer."

(The voice is also the same ...... or rather, it's meaningless if you say your own name......)

Nozomu's shoulders slumped at the sight of the beautiful girl who had thrown off her usual dignified appearance and was exuding the stench of disappointment.

"So, Iris, do you need something? If Somia-chan were to find out, she'd be upset, wouldn't she?"

"A-as I said, I'm not Irisdina ......."

"I can tell just by your voice. You'd better hurry up. You're too suspicious and attracting too much attention."

Irisdina's shoulders trembled unnaturally whenever Nozomu pointed it out, and her eyes wavered behind her hat. Somia, concerned about Nozomu's strange behavior, called out to him.

"Nozomu-san, is something wrong?"

"Ah, no, it's nothi-, ~!"

Irisdina grabbed Nozomu by the collar with great force, put her face close to his ear, and whispered something in a low voice.

"Listen here Nozomu, be sure you don't make any mistakes!"

"Even if you say so. What do you mean by "mistakes"? I won't do anything to an eleven-year-old girl......."

Intense glare and curse-like tone of voice directed at him from a close distance.

However, because of the reason, he felt demoralized rather than frightened.


Seeing Somia approaching, Irisdina hurriedly grabbed the candy bag, forced the payment into Nozomu's hand, and ran away.

"It looks like you got tangled up with some strange customer, are you okay?"

"Ah, yeah, I'm fine. Haa~......."

He lightly waved his hand at Shina's concerned voice and looked down at the payment that was imposed in his hand.

"...... Five silver coins is way too much."

By the way, the candy cost three copper coins. It was roughly seventeen times the price of the candy.

What should I do with the change?

While throwing the silver coins into the payment box, Nozomu let out another sigh over Irisdina's antics.


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