Ryuu Kusari no Ori

[LN] Volume 2: Chapter 5.2

Volume 2 Chapter 5.2

Swordsman's Transformation, Girl's Budding Part 2

Translator : PolterGlast

In the moonlit garden of the Francilt mansion, Nozomu and Mena face each other with their weapons at the ready.

"Let's begin."


Their distance was around ten meters. A distance that could be closed in under two seconds if magic or Qi-jutsu were used.

Mena's rapier was raised and swung gently in minimal motion. The moment they crossed swords, Nozomu was struck by a sensation that sent a shiver down his spine.

(Iris did say she is quite skilled, but this is-......)

The fighting spirit emanating from the tip of the rapier pointed at him made Nozomu change his stance several times as he observed his opponent.

(I see. She said she wasn't going to injure me, but if I were to let my guard down, I'd be riddled with holes in an instant.)

In accordance with Nozomu's movements, Mena also subtly changed the movement of the tip of her rapier.

The two were currently in a state where they were both gauging the other's movements. There was no fierce exchange of blows, but that was why it was necessary to maintain a high level of concentration so as to be ready to move at any moment.

The tension was so intense that it seemed as if they were on edge. Somia, who was watching over them, was also absorbed by their swordsmanship.

Somia, hit by the numbing atmosphere, involuntarily let out a gulping sound. The next moment, Mena moved.

In an instant, she let the Qi run through her entire body, and then, *Bang!*. In one swift motion, she leaped toward Nozomu accompanied by a bursting sound. The speed was second only to Shino's among those Nozomu had seen so far.


Nozomu reflexively moved to intercept the rapier that was being thrust at him.

He strengthened his whole body with Qi, and at the same time, he poured his Qi into his weapon to create an ultra-thin blade. Tilting his katana slightly, he inserted it into the trajectory of the incoming rapier.

*Screech* With a shrill metallic sound, the trajectory of the thrust was deflected to the side.

However, there was no way that Mena's offensive would end with a single thrust. The rapier was pulled back and immediately launched into a barrage of blows that struck Nozomu like a rainstorm.


Nozomu was instantly pushed back by a barrage of thrusts. He kept deflecting the thrusts by stepping backward and using his feet to lessen the pressure, but he was unable to respond in time to the barrage of high-speed strikes from the shortest possible distance.

Even if he were to strengthen his body with Qi in the same way, there would still be an overwhelming difference in the efficiency of Qi between Nozomu, who has [Ability Suppression], and Mena, who is an expert with a rapier.

(Fast. If this goes on I will get swallowed ....... If so, then-!)

Nozomu narrowed his timing to one of the countless thrusts and stepped forward at the same time as he deflected it.

He also proceeded to move his body forward in time with Mena's action of drawing back the rapier, and then he folded his arms and twisted his hips.

A cleaving slash to the torso, both evasive and offensive.

However, Mena dexterously slipped the rapier into the trajectory of Nozomu's slash.

At the same time, she jumped backward. She landed softly while carefully parrying Nozomu's slash.

"A good decision by combining offense and defense."


This time, Nozomu went on the offensive.

He activated his Qi-jutsu [Flash Step]. Accelerating at once, he attempted to pounce toward Mena's bosom.


Mena, seeing Nozomu activating [Flash Step], moved to intercept.

She stepped forward with her right foot and, taking full advantage of her rapier and the length of her arm, she timed her attack perfectly, matching the speed of the onrushing Nozomu at the zenith of the timing when the tip of the blade would be at its most accelerated.

However, before Mena's arm could fully extend, Nozomu's reflection in her vision blurred.

Immediately after, Nozomu's body, without slowing down at all, dodged Mena's thrust like a snake.

[Flash Step・Curved Movement]. This is a technique in which Nozomu can freely change the trajectory of his [Flash Step] with his excellent sense of balance and body movement.

At the same time that he dodged Mena's thrust, Nozomu unleashed a cleave using the momentum of his [Flash Step・Curved Movement].

However, Mena, too, managed to avoid this attack. She pulled back her left leg opposite of the right leg she had stepped into, brought her elbow back, and interrupted Nozomu's slash with her rapier, which was imbued with her Qi.

*Clang!* With a high-pitched sound, Nozomu and Mena clashed and moved away from each other.

"What a wonderful body control. I didn't expect you to be able to change course at will without slowing down your [Flash Step] speed......"

While twirling her maid's dress, Mena was genuinely impressed with Nozomu's skill.

As a swordsman who utilizes Qi, Mena herself has a certain amount of confidence in her techniques, including the [Flash Step], but even so, she knew that the technique that Nozomu had just demonstrated was of a very high level of difficulty.

Above all, the fact that he was able to perform such advanced techniques naturally and without delay gave Mena a firsthand impression of Nozomu's skill.

"Mena-san! Just now, you went straight for my forehead, didn't you!? If I couldn't dodge it, I'd be dead, you know!"

"I don't think this level would be enough for a person who fought and survived against someone equivalent to an S rank though. Right at this point, I am certain that Nozomu-sama's ability had definitely reached A-rank."

What happened to the talk about not injuring each other? Nozomu protested, shouting from the pit of his stomach, but Mena assured him with a nonchalant look on her face that it would be all right because he could surely dodge it.

If one were to look closely, one would see that her mouth, which until a few moments ago had been closed in a straight line, was slightly lifted up. Apparently, she was quite excited.

"Yikes, this person is the same type as Shishō......."

"Especially when it comes to handling Qi, he is far superior to even me. I didn't think it would be this difficult to even parry it......."

With a relaxed smile on her face, Mena raised the rapier in her hand. If one were to look closely, one would see two scars carved into the belly of the blade. They were inflicted by Nozomu's Qi-blade, [Phantom・Coat].

The cuts were so deep into the core of the blade that her rapier had already become unusable.

"In this case, half-hearted Qi-jutsu and strengthening magic will be no match for him."

Mena tossed the rapier with the broken blade and spun around, flipping her skirt and pulling out a second rapier. The first rapier fell to the ground and broke with a sound like shattering glass.

"...... I was wondering, where do you keep it?"

"It's a maid's trick. Please don't mind me. However, I only have this one spare. Let's end it with the next one."

The sound of explosions echoed through the Francilt mansion. Once again, Nozomu was hit by a barrage of thrusts from Mena.

Nozomu continuously dealt with Mena's barrage of blows while retreating again. However, Mena also had no intention of repeating the same thing.

(How about this?)

She deliberately repositioned her barrage from the previous one and guided Nozomu's retreat. What lay ahead was a row of flowerbeds in the Francilt mansion.

Young plants as tall as a man's waist were planted in brick planters resembling a wall.

Mena was trying to catch Nozomu off guard by using obstacles.

(Two more steps, one more step, now!)



She waited for the right moment for the retreating Nozomu to make contact with the planter, and unleashed an all-out thrust.

However, Nozomu, on the contrary, leaned back and repelled Mena's thrust, leaning over to rest his back against the plants in the flower beds.

"What the-.....!"

Mena was taken aback by Nozomu's unexpected evasive maneuver, but she still managed to give chase.

While jumping over the flowerbed, she swung her rapier filled with Qi at Nozomu's back as she landed on the ground.

Nozomu, however, moved his katana to his back and blocked Mena's attack. Nozomu's ability to evade danger is frighteningly high, as was the case with his previous evasion.

"Does this man have eyes in the back of his head?......"

With a certain amount of admiration and dismay, Mena landed. In the meantime, Nozomu pulled away with [Flash Step], and the two separated from each other.

The two of them exchanged stares at each other for the third time.


Nozomu once again exhaled heavily and regulated his breathing.

Heat surged through his entire body accompanied by a tingling sense of tension. The sensation of his consciousness being sharpened to the utmost limit reminded him of the time he trained with his master in the Spasim Forest, and his mouth relaxed involuntarily.

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Each time, his concentration grew sharper.

In the ear-splitting silence, Nozomu found himself staring at Mena with a watchful gaze.

(That level of instantaneous power. Could the reason be the lapse of time and the speed from slow to fast? ......)

Mena is indeed an exceptional swordsman, but the secret of her strength is her instantaneous reaction.

From a complete stop, she moved forward, shifted her center of gravity, and then thrust. Everything happened frighteningly fast. The secret is her near-perfect power-switching.

In order for muscles to tense and exert force, they must undergo a process of relaxation. She is very good at this process.

She is also very delicate in the way she moves her Qi throughout her body. In the same way that her muscles relax, she can be as soft as a cloud, and at the same time, she can be as tense and explosive as a spring.

(Come to think of it, Shishō once told me that I'm a little stiff......)

A heightened sense of concentration and at the same time, a sense of excitement welled up inside him. Nozomu relaxed his stance and lowered the tip of his katana.

(Let's give it a try......)

The way Nozomu suddenly released his stance made Mena look at him doubtfully.

In the meantime, Nozomu's entire body continued to relax.

Blood flowed through his fingertips and toes. His shoulders naturally drooped and his neck hung down. The katana held in his right hand was only caught by his pinky finger.

Not only that, the Qi that had been circulating throughout his body gradually loosened.

His Qi, which had been tense and stiff, loosened up, and blood flowed through his entire body. Then Nozomu relaxed his legs and feet.

His legs collapsed under gravity and his body fell. Then he slammed his falling weight down on his heels and stepped forward, at the same time tensing his relaxed muscles and Qi all at once.


What resounded was the same burst of sound as when Mena stepped forward.

Nozomu had replicated her [Flash Step] perfectly.

As Nozomu rushed forward as if crawling on the ground, Mena quickly launched a thrust to knock him down.

The next moment, a loud metallic sound echoed.


This was followed by a shock to Mena's arm, and her outstretched arm was pushed back.

Upon closer look, Nozomu raised his katana, held the ridge up with his left arm and forehead pressed against it for support, and then used it to block the tip of Mena's rapier.

(Wha! Is he insane?)

There was only a tiny spot he could use to receive Mena's thrust with it. If he were to miss by even a mere tip of a fingernail, he would surely die.

Nozomu, who read the trajectory of Mena's thrust perfectly while charging at high speed and caught it flawlessly, gave Mena a shudder. It was not an action that even a master could easily perform, nor would one even think of doing it in the first place.

She looked down at Nozomu to see if he was crazy, but he was looking up at her with unwavering eyes.

(No, he acted with the certainty that he could do it!)

If one were to look closely, one would see that Nozomu's blade has dug into the tip of Mena's rapier and rendered it partially pinned.

Furthermore, at this point, Mena's upper body was lifted off the ground due to her arm being pushed back.

(Oh shoot, I hit a dead end!)

Originally, with Nozomu under [Ability Suppression], the scales should have tipped in favor of Mena in a contest of strength. In reality, however, Mena was pushed back by Nozomu and hit a dead end.

The reason for this was their respective stances and awareness just prior to the confrontation.

Nozomu charged forward to scoop her up from the ground, and Mena launched a thrust in the form of a downward strike. At first glance, Mena's stance seemed to be more advantageous, but in fact, her center of gravity was higher than Nozomu's, and she was in a more unstable position than he was.

On the other hand, Nozomu was able to fully receive Mena's thrust while securing a foothold on the ground, a foothold that would never budge.

Moreover, between Nozomu, who acted with conviction, and Mena, who was shaken by his unexpected action. The difference in mentality between the two sides was also a major factor in tilting the scales in favor of Nozomu, who was at a great disadvantage due to his [Ability Suppression].

As a result, Nozomu's charge, combined with the counter-force of the thrust, pushed back her arm, which was supposed to be strengthened with Qi.

(Did you take all of this into account?!)

When Mena realized this fact, her shudder turned to awe.


Nozomu screamed, convinced that Mena's body could no longer be moved. Nozomu twisted his katana, snapping the tip of the rapier, and released an upward slash.

Mena, not willing to give up, slammed her Qi into her legs with all her might and leaped backward, narrowly escaping Nozomu's slash. She just barely avoided Nozomu's slash, but her retreat without thinking about the consequences left a huge gap for Nozomu to exploit.

He returned the tip of the katana he had slashed upward and then sheathed his katana to the scabbard. He slammed his Qi into the blade and extremely compressed it. He lowered his waist in time with Mena's landing, and then drew forth his katana.


The released ultra-thin blade flew at high speed toward Mena's landing spot.


While twisting her body in mid-air, Mena pointed the rapier with a shattered tip at the ground. While floating in the air and in an inverted position, a powerful blade of Qi extended from the tip of the rapier.

The Qi blade thrust into the ground temporarily stopped Mena's fall.

And then, Nozomu's [Phantom]completely severed Mena's rapier by half right in the middle.

Mena, who had dodged Nozomu's [Phantom] by a hair's breadth, flipped herself up in the air again and landed on the ground.

"Well done. You completely got me in the end."

Mena smiled as she placed the thin rapier, which had been cut in half, into the scabbard she had pulled out of nowhere.

Nozomu, on the other hand, did not seem to be perturbed by the superb technique he had just demonstrated, and he tucked away his katana while letting out a sigh.

"No, Mena-san, you were going easy on me, weren't you?"

From Nozomu's point of view, he assumed that Mena was not using her full strength yet.

Indeed, she had only used Qi-jutsu to strengthen her body, [Flash Step] that produced tremendous acceleration, and [Coat], which is to imbue her weapon with Qi. It was easy to imagine that she had a number of other cards in her hand.

"It's rude to say that I am holding back. It is true that there are some techniques that I have not used, but at least I did not hold myself back. I have been serious from the very beginning."

"...... Well, you did seriously aim at my forehead."

"I believed I would have lost if I had not been serious."

"So that's why you were serious, huh?"

"Yes. I have told you many times, so please believe me."

While brushing off Nozomu's glare with a cool smile, Mena headed toward Somia.

"Somiriana-ojōsama, it's over."

"Fue~! Ah......."

Somia, who had been stunned by the exchange of so many advanced techniques, came to her senses when Mena called out to her.

"How was it?"

"Well, umm, ...... Mena."


"It was too amazing to be a reference~!"

Mena lightly agreed with the teary-eyed Somia, saying, " I guess so", and turned around to face Nozomu.

"Thank you very much, Nozomu-sama. It's been a while since I've had such a great exercise."

Nozomu had the impression that this maid also had a lot of loose screws, as she was able to lightly call it a good exercise despite having engaged in such an intense swordfight.

However, Nozomu was even more surprised to learn that he could stand up against this swordsman without releasing his [Ability Suppression].

At that moment, a dignified voice echoed through the garden of the Francilt mansion.

"Somia, I'm home."

"Ane-sama, you're back!"

Irisdina, who had returned, received Somia, who jumped onto her.

"Welcome back, Irisdina-ojōsama. How was the request from the guild?"

"It was a pack led by Garm, as I expected. The size of the pack was quite big though."

"If it was such a big pack, then the power of its leader must be- ......"

In response to Irisdina's words, Nozomu couldn't help but let out a muffled voice.

Since Nozomu himself had been involved in the request she had received, he was curious about the results of the subjugation.

"Yeah, it was quite something. From the reports compiled from all the parties, the total number of Direwolves led by Garm exceeded a hundred, and among them, there were several magic stone bearers. If we hadn't teamed up with Shina-kun and the others, we might have been in a dangerous situation."


Nozomu's eyes widen at the sudden mention of Shina's name.

His heart thumped from surprise, and his whole body involuntarily tensed up.

His mind recalled the circumstances he had heard about in Torgrein's laboratory.

Seeing him like this, Irisdina looked at him questioningly.

"Nozomu, is something wrong?"

"N-, no, it's nothing. I've never heard of or seen such a big pack before. Was anyone injured? ......"

"No, fortunately, no one was injured."

"I see ...... thank goodness."

No one was hurt. Upon hearing Irisdiena's words, Nozomu relaxed his shoulders. Seeing him like this, Irisdina smiled.

"Were you worried about me?"

"Well, yeah ......."

"Fufu~, thank you."

Irisdina's smile bloomed like a flower. Nozomu's face turned red involuntarily at the innocent, sincere smile.

"So, ojōsama, what happened to Garm, the leader of the pack?"

Mena urged Irisdina to resume the conversation.

"He was a formidable foe, but we managed to inflict a fatal wound on him. It was unlikely that he would survive."

"If so, that means that the vicinity of Arcazam has been secured, right? That's the most important matter."

While brushing off Mena's stereotypical compliments, Irisdina spotted the maid who was her father's confidant. Her gaze seemed to be somewhat reproachful of her.

"More importantly, Mena, you seemed to be enjoying yourself."

"Yes, for the first time in a long time, I was able to enjoy a good sparring match. Were you watching us?"

"Yeah, from the very beginning. You did treat the benefactor of the Francilt family very well, huh?"

"This is a formal request I made to Nozomu-sama, so- ......"

"Wasn't the request supposed to be about escorting Somia-chan?"

"That's just a pretext."

"A pretext, huh? ......"

"A pretext? So I was used as a pretext?"

Nozomu looked up to the sky, surprised at the maid's claim that Somia's escort request was just a pretext.

Irisdina, too, was pressing her temples with her fingers as if trying to suppress a headache.

"My apologies, Nozomu. My family has caused you trouble. You had a hard time dealing with Mena, didn't you?"

"Ah, well, I don't mind. I'm used to dealing with unreasonable people......"

He smiled and waved his hand lightly at Irisdina, who bowed her head in a truly apologetic manner.

From Nozomu's point of view, Mena's behavior was more or less dismaying, but still not as bad as Shino's punishment.

Being thrown out into the Spasim forest at night, or being made to scream in agony by impossible-to-perceive deadly techniques.......

The punishment he once received from his master resurfaced in his mind, and a dry laugh escaped from Nozomu's mouth.

"In that case, Nozomu-sama, would you like to join me in a regular sparring match from now on?"

"No, thank you."

"Is that so? That's very unfortunate."

As for whether or not he wanted to do it voluntarily, just because he was used to it, that was another story.

On the other hand, Irisdina's headache finally became unbearable as Mena looked seriously disappointed and dejected.

"Mena, you are done here, so go back to the mansion. I will personally attend to him."

"What are you talking about, ojōsama? So far, what we did was just a regular request. I will now thank him for being a benefactor to you-......."


Irisdina's strong voice made Mena reluctantly return to the mansion.

"I'm terribly sorry. As you can see, Mena has a tendency to fool around with whoever she likes."

"Looks like it. I'm not sure how to say it, but she's quite- ......"

Nozomu barely swallowed the remark that she was a somewhat eccentric maid.

Irisdina, on the other hand, turned her head down with a truly apologetic expression on her face, so much so that Nozomu, who was watching her, became worried.

"It's true that I don't mind it. You see, it was a little nostalgic, and I even enjoyed it......"

"Is that ...... what you were talking about before, about your training with your master?"

Nozomu nodded his head slightly in response to Irisdina's words.

Certainly, Nozomu began to devote himself to katana-jutsu as a form of escapism. But the environment in which he was able to put his true heart and soul into it was definitely a relief to Nozomu, who was on the verge of breaking down at that time.

He and Mena had only spent a short time together, but the time they spent dodging the fierce exchanges reminded Nozomu of how comforting it was to be in that environment. It was a fiercely intense training, but not all of it was painful.

It was a fact that he came to realize only because he had lost his master and realized his own escapism.

At the same time, however, this fact also forced Nozomu to confront the outcome of what he had turned away from, and brought up regrets and self-loathing once again.

The anguish that swirled in his head caused the smile on his face to distort slightly.

"Nozomu, I have a few things I need to talk to you about, is that okay?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"I know it's a bit late, but I have something for you- ......."

Irisdina then took out a strangely shaped silver emblem.

It was engraved with an elegant hawk with outstretched wings in a design reminiscent of a shield, with a gold border.

The hawk had a sword in its beak and was holding apples and wheat in its claws, clearly indicating that it was a special item.

"What is this?"

"It is the emblem of my household. It is not very useful in Arcazam, but if you have this, as someone related to my family, you will not be treated impolitely in the Forsina Kingdom."

A nobleman's emblem. It meant a lot that a nobleman would hand over his own emblem. It was a sign that the Francilt family recognized Nozomu as an important person.

Nozomu's eyes widened and a look of bewilderment came over his face at the sudden mention of this.

"I want to thank you for what you did for us. I'd like you to accept it."

"Well, umm ...... are you sure? I'm a commoner, you know?"

Nobles and commoners. The difference in status varies from country to country, but at the very least, if a commoner lives a normal life, he or she would never have a chance to be related to or be approached by a nobleman. In some countries, there is even a possibility of being treated with disrespect.

Nozomu and Irisdina. A commoner and a high-ranking aristocrat. The reason they are able to talk like this is because they live in Arcazam, a very special city on Arkmel continent.

"But you are the benefactor of our family. Besides, you don't have to worry about your status. Even in our country, there was a woman of outstanding talent who went from being a commoner to being the heiress of a great family."

Irisdina's Homeland. The Kingdom of Forsina is rather tolerant when it comes to the status hierarchy of nobles and commoners.

"Besides, you are much more capable than the average aristocrat once you enter the Solminati Academy and make it to the third grade."

This implication was based on the fact that she has been in frequent interaction with numerous aristocrats, exchanged words with them, and observed their behavior.

In fact, Solminati Academy is the highest academic institution on the Arkmel Continent. In order to open its doors to many children, the difficulty level of admission is kept to a certain extent, but there are very strict quotas for advancement.

Of course, there are educational institutions in the Kingdom of Forsina as well, but basically, schools in the royal capital referred to the noble schools.

And because it is called an aristocratic school, it is easy to enter and advance to a certain level if one is of high status.

Therefore, the quality of the students of Solminati Academy will be superior to those of the other schools.

"Is that so? ......"

"Yeah, it's not just about power. You fought for us when that vampire attacked us that time, didn't you?"

"Such a thing is only natural ......"

"That's not natural. Actually, there is no need for you to fight at that time. No normal human being would put themselves in danger. Even if they had a secret technique."

Nozomu was taken aback by the strong tone of Irisdina's voice.

"You were hesitating. I don't know why you were hesitating, but perhaps the release of [Ability Suppression] puts more strain on your body than I thought. Something that could even kill you if used inappropriately......"

"......Why do you think so?"

"The time you fought Rugato after releasing your [Ability Suppression] was less than a few minutes. And yet, you were asleep for a long time after that. It's crazy to think you could do that much enhancement without any kind of burden."


In fact, it is said that one does not exercise all of one's full capabilities in one's daily life.

It is a safety mechanism that living beings have. An innate subconscious limiter. Something that is said to be in one's body is innately present, preventing one from exerting excessive force and hurting oneself.

(if one could remove it at will, it would be astounding, combined with one's normally suppressed power)

"Furthermore, as far as I can tell from your earlier fight against Mena, your preparedness, or rather, your sensibility in battle is extraordinary. Your ability to discern between life and death is outstanding. I would even say that you are too exceptional."

But what made Irisdina shudder even more was the fighting sensibility that Nozomu possessed.

Since Mena was her sword master, Irisdina knew firsthand the sharpness of her fencing.

A thrust so powerful that it could easily pierce even a large boulder if it were seriously strengthened. In the face of this, Nozomu chose to move forward without hesitation, and instead of deflecting the tip of the thrusting rapier with the blade of his katana, he blocked it head-on.

It was a feat of astonishing physical control and courage.

And his courage made Irisdina aware of the dangers posed by Nozomu's secret technique of releasing his [Ability Suppression].

"Perhaps you are also removing the subconscious safety mechanisms of the living being along with the release of the [Ability Suppression]?"

"....... I don't know. I've only released it a few times myself."

"I see. ...... But it's such a technique that even someone of your caliber could hesitate to use it. I understand that it is a trump card that even the best of men can't easily control."

That was why Irisdina could trust him. He really put his life on the line to fight for her.

"You used such a dangerous technique for Somia, risking your life for her. So you should have confidence in yourself. You are more than you think you are."

Her straightforward words forced Nozomu to involuntarily avert his eyes.

The heat and sweet pain seeped out from deep within his chest, naturally making his eyelids hot and tears begin to well up. It was the same joyful heat as when Shino once said "Welcome home" to him.

The heat was almost overflowing, and Nozomu couldn't help but sniffle.

"Nozomu ......"

"S-, sorry. I couldn't stop myself......"

Irisdina was at a loss for words when she caught a glimpse of the loneliness that Nozomu had been enduring.

However, she had one more thing she needed to tell him.

"T-, there is one more thing I wanted to talk to you about. It's about Lisa-kun."

Nozomu's eyes widened at the sudden mention of Lisa's name. The heat of joy he had felt earlier suddenly turned into a feeling of suffocation.

Irisdina felt a tug on her back as Nozomu's expression suddenly began to harden, but she continued to speak.

"Actually, we talked a little bit. About what happened between you and her."

A subject that was immediately rejected when she brought it up before. It was Nozomu's deepest and bare scar. Naturally, Irisdina understood that it was not a scar that she should carelessly touch.

But she felt she should tell him about it. She thought it would be for his sake.

"As it turns out, she's not lying. Lisa-kun is serious and recognizes that you have betrayed her."

"I am not-!"

"I know. You're not lying either."

"...... What does that mean?"

"I don't know. But ......."

Irisdina looked up at the night sky once, paused for a moment, and then turned her gaze back to Nozomu, who had a puzzled look on his face.

"Is there anything that we missed? Like, what was happening at that time ......"

"At that time? ......"

"I mean before you, and Lisa-kun broke up."

Hearing Irisdina's rational words, Nozomu somehow managed to suppress the heat that welled up inside him.

A memory that made him want to turn away. Nozomu looked back to that painful past and answered in a voice that sounded as if it were squeezed out of him.

"...... Certainly, at that time, I was seeing Lisa less and less. Because I was so desperate to keep training. So if you were to ask me......."

"I see ....... But this discrepancy suggests one thing. Someone with malicious intent was at work here."

"What the heck, just who- ......"

"I don't know......"

The number of possible culprits was limited. Nozomu was speechless at these unsaid words.

At the same time, something in the depths of his heart began to flare up. His pupils dilated and his breathing became erratic. A greasy sweat broke out on his forehead, his vision wavered, and he involuntarily took a step backward, a symptom akin to vertigo.

It was the most sinister darkness he had ever faced in his life, a darkness that he had kept hidden from the world.

"I know it might be tactless of me to tell you this, but I felt I had to."

Silence fell between them.

"Just please remember this."

"You are an irreplaceable benefactor to me. No matter what anyone says, I will believe you."


"That's it. Good night, then. See you tomorrow. ......"

After saying goodbye to Irisdina, Nozomu also started his way home. His steps were heavy, as if he were dragging a load of iron.

"I couldn't tell him ......"

After returning to the mansion, Irisdina stayed in her room and looked out the window.

The main gate where Nozomu had left was reflected in her eyes. Her gaze, as if following the remnants of his departing figure, was tinged with loneliness and hesitation.

"Looks like you are troubled."

"Mena ......"

Irisdina sighed as Mena appeared like a shadow.

"Why don't you have a cup of tea and calm down?"


Irisdina was led into the salon, urged on by her childhood caretaker and sword master.

Sitting in a soft chair, she exhaled worriedly as she sipped a cup of tea that Mena had brewed.

"He is a good person. He's clumsy and still has his doubts, but I'm sure he'll figure out what he needs to do."

"That's very high praise coming from you."

"Yes, he and I are both swordsmen and when we cross blades, we could understand each other very well."

The sound of the steaming tea being poured into the cups again echoed quietly in the salon.

Irisdina was somehow not amused by Mena's calm demeanor.

"...... that's not all you wanted to say, was it?"

"Yes, I did a lot of research before coming to this mansion. It was very helpful to find someone who was more cooperative than I expected."

After saying so, Mena took out a bundle of papers from her bosom. Irisdina, who has known her for so many years, couldn't help but wonder where she had stored it, but she would probably just be ignored if she asked her about it.

Irisdina waved her hand as if to encourage her to talk, and then sipped the freshly brewed tea.

"He doesn't seem to be highly regarded at the school, and from what I have discovered, his homeroom teacher up until last year was a very picky one. No wonder many students aren't growing."

Mena looked somewhat coldly at the data of Kaskell, who had been Nozomu's homeroom teacher until last year.

"Kaskell-sensei is an aristocrat from the Cremazzone Empire. Compared to our country, the nobles in that country have a strong sense of entitlement."

The Cremazzone Empire is a country founded by a Dragonslayer, and its royal family is the descendant of the Dragonslayer.

Perhaps because of this, they tended to look down on the commoners and below, while at the same time honoring their noble lineage.

The most obvious example is the slave trade. In some areas, not only demi-humans, who are often the target of discrimination, but also their own citizens are sometimes used as slaves, and the empire itself is even actively engaged in this practice.

"However, his current homeroom teacher seems to be quite open-minded and flexible in her thinking. Though she doesn't have a lot of experience yet......"

Returning the bundle of papers in her hand to her bosom, Mena once again recalled the figure of Nozomu Bountis.

He has the air of an ordinary young man who is somewhat timid, but from the moment he draws his katana, he also begins to radiate a swordsmanship that sends shivers down her spine.

In particular, his skill is truly extraordinary. Even in the eyes of Mena, one of the leading swordsmen in the kingdom of Forsina, it has reached an unparalleled level.

"He has a distorted body, technique, and mind. In a way, it seems he was broken, but something must have happened."

"I've heard that his Master was a big part of his life."

"Master, huh ......"

"Is something on your mind?"

"Yes, about Nozomu-sama's katana-jutsu, most likely it is the Mikagura-style."

"Mikagura-style ...... as I recall, it's from the Far East."

"Yes, it's the main school of katana-justu in the Far East. I believe it is a branch of the original Mikagura-style."

An island nation in the Far East, Amanosumeragi. Due to the fierce ocean currents that restrict diplomatic relations, the country has little contact with the continent of Arkmel.

However, its national power is so great that it cannot be ignored. When a major power in the eastern part of the continent invaded the country in the past, it single-handedly repelled an army consisting of several hundred thousand soldiers.

It also has its own Qi-jutsu and magic system, and it is said that if cooperation from this country could be obtained, research in various fields would advance for several decades.

"And several decades ago, before I was born, one of the daughters of that family had left the country. "

Mena has served the Francilt family for many years. She has knowledge not only of the continent but also of the Amenosumeragi.

"Her name is Shino Mikagura. One of the greatest swordsmen to ever live in the Far East."

"Do you think she's his Master?"

"I think it's very likely. The Mikagura style is characterized by a Qi blade that can easily cut through steel and outstanding body control. And also, Nozomu-sama's weapon. It is probably a [Mumei]."


"Yes. A special katana made by a certain blacksmith in the Far East. It is said that it is a special weapon, like a kaleidoscope, which can obtain various characteristics, depending on the bearer."

"Do you think Nozomu's katana also has some special power?"

"I don't know, nothing special when I crossed swords with him. Is it unawakened or maybe-....... Miss, what did he look like when he released his [Ability Suppression]?"

"...... I don't know. It was just so overwhelming."

Yes, overwhelming. That is the only way to describe it. Nozomu, when his [Ability Suppression] was lifted, was so different from Irisdina's point of view.

The vast amount of Qi overflowed. The torrent of power that could not possibly be contained within a person's body was so great that it seemed as if he himself might explode from the inside.

(The release of [Ability Suppression]. It seems like there is more to it than that......)

Suddenly, turning her eyes to the side, she saw Arcazam in the dark night. The direction in which she looked. Houses lined up in a row. Beyond them was the boys' dormitory where Nozomu resided.

The distance, so far away that it was almost impossible to see. The darkness and obstacles seemed to remind her of the gap between her and Nozomu, and naturally, Irisdina's expression clouded over.

"This is the first time I've ever seen you make such a face, Miss?"

"Is that so? There are times when things bother me too though."

To Mena who said so, Irisdina sipped from her cup again without saying a word.

As a matter of fact, Irisdina herself was not sure of her own feelings toward Nozomu.

It was certain that she felt indebted to him, and there was no doubt that she had a favorable impression of him. However, behind this feeling, there was a sense of frustration.

"No, this is the first time. For the young lady to be so distressed about the opposite sex."

While Irisdina was in agony, Mena was looking down at her with a smile on her mouth.

At the implied look that says she understood, Irisdina's mouth twisted into a pout.

"Even when you broke off your relationship with your fiancée, with whom you had the most interaction, the young lady did not show that kind of expression."

It was a long time ago, but Irisdina had a fiancée.

It was when she was very young, but they got along well, she remembered.

However, that engagement was broken off when Irisdina decided to become the next head of the Francilt family. Their engagement was based on the premise that Irisdina would marry into the family.

"It is true that we were not meant to be, is it not?"

"Yes. That gentleman did not approve of the way the current young lady is."

That fiancée said to Irisdina, "It is impossible for a woman to be the head of a household".

In the Kingdom of Forsina, there is no prohibition against a woman being the head of a family. However, it was still a male-dominated aristocratic society.

Few women were active among men, and most of their children married into other families.

Some of them even blatantly despise women who are active in society.

Irisdina, in particular, is the next head of a very prestigious noble family in the Kingdom of Forsina. Although she put up a good-sounding argument, there were still those who looked at her with disdain from the back of the crowd, more so than other children.

At some point, her former fiancée was also among them.

That was why Irisdina came here to Arcazam. In the meritocratic Solminati Academy, she could place herself in an environment where she could objectively demonstrate her power. .......

Irisdina has a somewhat melancholy expression on her face. On the other hand, seeing her like this, the smile on Mena's face grew even deeper.

"But, if it's here ....... in Arcazam, there is no need for you to worry about it."

In the meantime, Mena was watching the troubled Irisdina with warm eyes.

It was because she knew Irisdina in her country that there was a color in her eyes that showed she was pleased with her change.

"This is a wonderful thing. It may be painful, but those feelings should be cherished."

"It's not what Mena thinks. Besides, he has- ...... no, it's nothing."

Mena kept speaking to Irisdina, who was unusually hesitant.

"My Lady, an aristocrat is not an aristocrat because he or she is a nobility. It is those who understand and accept their position, and continue to improve themselves to be so, who should be called aristocrats. There is no higher or lower status in that."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I think you already know, young lady. Have you not already told Nozomu-sama what my best friend's origin is and what position he is in now?"

Before Mena, who tilted her head and smiled at her, Irisdina stood up from her seat.

"I'm going to bed."

"Yes. Good night."

Irisdina went back to her room, leaving Mena bowing reverently with a meaningful smile on her face.

The tingle in her chest had calmed, though only slightly.


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