Rome Must Fall

Chapter 22: A New Broom Sweeps Clean

Chapter 22: A New Broom Sweeps Clean

Pigres looked hesitant and said, Captain, its already late at night. Saxippus sleeps over by the sheep pen. Shall I call him tomorrow morning?

Alright, Maximus restrained his smile, looked at the three individuals, and solemnly said, If we want Spartacus and other leaders to agree to my proposal and solve the problems of our Logistics Team, we must do better than before. We need to make the soldiers from other teams realize the importance of our team, and they will be happy to see our team grow stronger.

The three individuals exchanged glances upon hearing this.

Maximus continued, The three of you are already working diligently and responsibly, but we can do even better. For example, Agnes, in the kitchen that you are in charge of, breakfast consists of a bowl of barley porridge, two pieces of bread, a piece of cheese, a bowl of meat soup, and a small portion of vegetables. Dinner is a small piece of smoked meat, two pieces of bread, and a bowl of meat soup It has hardly changed in over 20 days. The soldiers eat just to fill their stomachs. Of course, its not easy for the kitchen to provide sufficient food for so many people, but if you could spare a little more effort and carefully consider how to make the food tastier, that would be even better.

For example, when stewing the soup, adding some dried seaweed and shellfish that we confiscated from a large farm four days ago, it will surely make the meat soup more flavorful. Or, brushing a layer of honey water on the freshly baked bread, or occasionally slaughtering two or three more sheep to make roast meat and distribute it to the soldiers, or occasionally slaughtering some chickens and ducks to make soup for them to drink

But Captain, if we do that, our daily expenses will be very high! Agnes couldnt help interrupting.

Our supplies are all looted. There are plenty of farms around here. When we finish the good stuff, we will seize other good things, Maximus smiled dismissively.

Agnes and Hamilcar both came from humble backgrounds, and their inherent values emphasized frugality and thrift. Maximus understood this, but he couldnt continue to do things the same way. As a newly appointed leader of the Logistics Team, he needed the team to undergo some obvious changes as soon as possible to win the soldiers approval. Of course, he didnt express this thought openly but continued righteously, The brothers who joined us have suffered a lot in the past. Now, they have to fight against the Roman army and may die on the battlefield at any time. Providing them with delicious food, and making their journey in this world worthwhile, is the only thing our Logistics Team can do for them! Lets put more effort into making this food even tastier, so they can occasionally feel surprised and grateful. Then, when we make requests, we will receive their support

Maximus words deeply moved Agnes, and she immediately spoke up, Captain, youre right. I will do as you say and do my best to make the food even more delicious.

Pigres quickly followed up with a question, Do we need to make some changes to the Wagon Team as well, Captain?

Maximus nodded approvingly and glanced at Cornelius before saying, I do have some ideas for the Wagon and Warehouse Teams, but its not the right time yet. Well discuss it later.

Oh, Pigres responded with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

Lets end the discussion for tonight. Everyone, go back and rest quickly, so it doesnt affect our work tomorrow, Maximus said, but then he remembered something and called out to Agnes, who was about to leave the room.

Captain, rest assured, Ill make sure everyone has breakfast ready tomorrow morning, Agnes hurriedly said.

Maximus knew she had misunderstood and smiled as he said, Go and call Akgo, Cassius, Gallus, Nasya all the children. Although my room is small, we can squeeze in with the children. At least its much better than them sleeping outside in the courtyard.

Nasya was Agnes youngest daughter, and she immediately responded with a smile, Okay, Ill go and call them.

After the three left, Maximus fell into deep thought. Based on their performance just now, Agnes was enthusiastic and willing to obey his orders. Pigres was also proactive and had suggestions, perhaps because he used to be a merchant before becoming a slave, so he had a more meticulous mindset. Cornelius, on the other hand, seemed indifferent, maybe because of his old age and not wanting to bother anymore

Therefore, Maximus was somewhat dissatisfied with Cornelius as a leader, but he didnt have a better candidate at the moment, so he could only wait and see. It was also because of this that he decided to bring a group of children into his room to rest, not only to care for their physical well-being but also because the children had better learning abilities. He needed to provide them with intensive guidance so they could become useful as soon as possible.

In the early morning, Maximus woke up and didnt disturb the still sleeping children. He then went alone to the kitchen.

The kitchen was filled with smoke, and dozens of people were busy. Some were tending to the fire, others were cooking porridge, kneading dough, or baking Although the Logistics Team had renovated the kitchen and opened up a few adjacent rooms, it still felt crowded. The room was unbearably hot, and sweat soaked through the thin clothes. Some people even worked shirtless.

Amidst all the noise, Agnes voice rose above the rest as she stood in the center of the kitchen, waving her hands and loudly directing her subordinates.

Maximus stood at the door for a while, then turned and returned to the main building, climbing up to the rooftop on the third floor to look around.

When the Rebel Army first arrived here, the area around the farm was lush and green. Orderly rows of trees were covered with grapevines, adorned with clusters of small grapes like green pearls. However, now, the trees and grapevines had already been cut down by the soldiers. The messy and haphazardly placed tents of various sizes and shapes, as well as rudimentary huts made of wood, scattered across the dark brown soil, extending from the vicinity of the farm to the distance. There were no earth walls or fences around the tents. In the open spaces between the tents, many people were lying fast asleep. It didnt resemble a military camp at all, but rather a refugee camp.

It was precisely because of the disorder in the military camp that Spartacus recently abandoned resting in the farm and instead lived directly in the camp, enduring hardships with the soldiers. Many gladiators, such as Crixus and Artorix, followed suit and learned from him, so the relationship between the gladiators and the slaves who joined the Rebel Army later was harmonious.

However, discipline within the army remained an issue. Just like now, the members of the Logistics Team placed some prepared breakfast on wooden carts and as soon as they passed the farms gate, people in the camp rushed over, frantically grabbing the food like greedy pigs. Even though the officers shouted loudly to stop them, it was of little use. Only when the patrol teams arrived and used sticks to strike them did they barely manage to maintain order.

Maximus looked at the chaotic scene at the farms gate and sighed inwardly: I hope that the upcoming military training can train these ignorant and unruly slaves into a competent army!

After finishing breakfast, Maximus took the children to the warehouse.

Cornelius, who was taking a stroll after breakfast to aid digestion, saw them and asked in surprise, Captain, what are you doing here?

Dont you need more people here? I brought them to help, Maximus said, pointing to the children behind him.

Them?! What do a bunch of children know? Theyll only cause trouble. No, no, no! Cornelius shook his head repeatedly.

No one is born with knowledge. Although they are young, their arithmetic skills are better than others. As long as you teach them a bit more, once they learn, it will make your job easier in the future, Maximuss words made Cornelius somewhat intrigued.

Taking the opportunity given by Maximus, Akgo spoke up, Grandpa Cornelius, we will listen to you attentively and work earnestly!

Let me make it clear beforehand, if anyone doesnt listen or follow orders, I will send them back, and they wont be allowed to come again. Understand?! Cornelius words didnt frighten the children. They excitedly nodded their heads.

Watching the children being led into the warehouse by Cornelius, Maximus turned around and left with relief.

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