Lin Wu decided to observe the man for a bit since he was already in a trial.

"System, show me the trial." Lin Wu ordered.


A new screen appeared in front of him and it showed Shirong standing on top of a tall tree.

"What is this trial?" Lin Wu wondered.

"Hmm… this is the 81st trial?" Lin Wu read the information on the side provided by the system.

He had not seen all the trials of the Sky Bright Daoist, as there were nearly a hundred of them. And he had also been asleep for the years the disciples of the Frozen Clouds sect had taken them.

p Lin Wu had only seen some of the earlier trials of them that were relatively easy.

Shirong stood on a tall tree that seemed to tower over everything in this world. It was literally so tall that if one looked from its top, all they would see was an ocean of clouds. And if they looked up, what they saw was not the blue sky but rather an endless black expanse with shining lights that dotted it.

"Now that is a tall tree… it's already tall enough to be in the outer space." Lin Wu guessed.

Since this was a trial zone, and was in an illusory setting, there actually wasn't an actual planet here. Beyond what could be seen, nothing truly existed and thus there was no way for the system nor Lin Wu to estimate just how large this planet was or how tall the tree was.

Thus he simply continued to watch the man stand there with a complex expression his face.

"How the fuck am I supposed to get down from here?" Shirong cursed.

He had already taken this trial nearly fifty times, but he had failed it on every attempt. The goal of this trial was for him to get down from the tree and if he did that he would pass it. But nothing seemed to be working for him.

Not to mention there was also a time limit to this trial.

If he stayed too long here, he would suffocate and die. If he jumped down, he would find himself burning up and turning to ashes like a meteor. And when he tried to climb down along the trunk of the tree, it would take him so long that he would still die from fatigue.

Then there were restrictions on him that prevented him from using his cultivation base. This complicated this greatly since he couldn't fly down and neither could he use spirit Qi to dispel his fatigue.

Right now, all he had was his own physique, which was rather strong and far more refined than most cultivators. But even with a physique like that, Shirong couldn't last that long and would get tired enough that his body would simply stop working and he'd fall off the side of the trunk.

"What kind of a tree is this that doesn't even have branches or leaves?" Shirong said in frustration.

He would have been fine if there were some branches on it, since he would be able to rest on them, but there were none. He had to hold on tight to the bark and the crevices that were present in it naturally.

Shirong would have thought that the tree was dead since it had no leaves, but then it had no branches either. It wasn't as if they had been cut off, but rather it was as if they had never grown at all!

Even the tree top he was standing on was rather narrow, being only a meter wide and was also curved, making it uncomfortable to stand for long. The first couple of attempts, he had actually slipped and directly fallen off the top.

Only on the third try did he realize that there was no ground beneath him.

He had fallen off so fast that the trial didn't even have the chance to tell him the goal!

Which had only gotten him even more pissed.

Having accumulated many failures and depleting his obvious solutions, Shirong had decided to simply wait and observe everything.

'There must be some trick to it… the trial can't be impossible.' Shirong thought.

This was not his first time facing a trial like this and before this, he had faced three more trials that had taken him nearly a hundred attempts to pass combined. But he had still gotten out of them.

And many times when the solution wasn't directly apparent, Shirong knew that waiting and observing was the key point.

'It isn't that the solution isn't there, but rather it's not the time for it to appear. I need to bide my time.' Shirong thought to himself.

While he would suffocate if he simply stayed here. Shirong reckoned he could regulate his breathing and conserve the air enough to observe for a little longer.

Shirong didn't know that there was someone observing him too. Lin Wu watched the man for a while before finding it to be a bit too boring.

"Damn, this is taking too long. Just what is the solution for this trial?" Lin Wu wondered.


And just as he said that, the system presented the solution to him on the side. Lin Wu glanced at it and was intrigued.

"Huh… that's certainly not easy to do." Lin Wu said after seeing the solution.

The solution to getting down from the tree was actually just as how Shirong had guessed. He needed to wait for a specific amount of time, after which a current of wind would rise from the bottom.

He would then need to jump into this current of wind and slow down his fall. It was hard to do and one would have to make sure that they didn't drift too far away from the tree or drift toot close to the tree prematurely.

Only when the current was starting to weaken was one supposed to come closer to the tree and latch onto it again.

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