Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 789 Threat And Recruitment

'Of course, he grasped it quickly. The intelligence is not bad at all.' Lin Wu thought after seeing Shirong picking up on the old memories and clues.

"You did indeed. There was actually a great conspiracy behind it all." Lin Wu said before starting his explanation of how the Skull God hatched a great plot to invade the world by borrowing the hand of others.

He suppressed the Vermillion bird's beacon and prevented it from fully awakening, thereby weakening the grasp of the four guardian beasts on this world. It was a plot that had been happening for a long time and was mind blowing.

It was even more so for Shirong, since he knew about the true story of the Ming Dao world. Lin Wu's words filled in several gaps in his memories and also added more.

"This is something that would cause a great upheaval in the world if it was known. The great invasion that gave rise to the three guardian clans was actually all orchestrated by the Skull god…" Shirong muttered to himself.

Knowing that an unknown power had manipulated local powers to rise to the top was unacceptable to Shirong. It only made him feel an urge to get strong as soon as possible. He had always wanted to be at the top of the world and go beyond it. Thus, hearing that someone already did that and was close to the success was not fine by him.

"What is in it this world, that the Skull God is willing to do anything to get here?" Shirong asked in conclusion.

He could tell that there was definitely something to this world that the Skull god wanted. In not for that, there was no logic in going against another great power like the four guardian beasts.

"That is nothing but this place." Lin Wu stated.

"This place?" Shirong finally felt it click. "Of course!"

"Indeed. The Skull god wants the thing that was sealed in this tomb. And also the inheritance of the Taiji Celestial. After all, his own power came from the negative part of the Taiji Celestial in the past. That is how he grew and gained all that he had. He would want to progress more after reaching a wall." Lin Wu spoke.

Shirong thought to himself and wondered if or when the Skull God would appear once again.

"But then… the Skull God is not the only threat either." Lin Wu added.

"It's not?" Shirong asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"No… rather, there is another one that is already taking root in this world. The shadow calamity." Lin Wu said. "That is the reason why I was sent to this world. To stop it from rising again."

Shirong knew about the shadow calamity too, as he had seen it in the movie that Lin Wu had shown him. He knew about the dangers and how volatile it could become. It would be hard to find it in the initial stages, but once it spread, it would be impossible to contain.

"What do we do then, senior?" Shirong asked.

He could see the big picture and understood that if something like the Shadow calamity truly rose in the Ming Dao world, he would likely perish to it too. And even if he managed to escape it, the power he gained in the world, and all that he had built, would be lost.

One didn't want to lose their hundreds of years of investment after all.

"I have a plan to stop it. The kingdom is a part of it, but more will come soon. If you are willing, you can join me." Lin Wu spoke.

Shirong thought over it for a minute and knew that it was the best option.

"I agree, senior." Shirong replied.

"Good!" Lin Wu said with a smile. "But before you can do that… you will need a better cultivation technique."

"Oh? Is my Immortal Sky Shaker Art not good enough? Its a top cultivation technique in this world." Shirong asked.

While he was indeed interested in greater cultivation techniques, he still wanted to know how the one he practiced stacked as. After all, there was also the issue of compatibility within cultivation manuals.

One couldn't just pick anyone, they needed to see if their old cultivation base was even compatible for it.

"Ahahah~" Hearing his words, Lin Wu couldn't help but laugh.

"The Immortal Sky Shaker art might be good in this world, and even in some other worlds, but compared to the Taiji Celestial's inheritance, it is nothing." Lin Wu said before thinking of something. "Would you like to see a demonstration?" he asked in a teasing tone.

Shirong didn't really pick up on that, and thought that Lin Wu simply wanted to teach him something as a senior.

"Yes, senior! I appreciate any pointers!" Shirong said right away, not wanting to miss out.

'Time to blow his mind a little.' Lin Wu chuckled in his mind before raising his tail.

At first, his tail simply stood in the air, but then a faint glow appeared on it.


Suddenly, spirit Qi fluctuations rose from it and a unique aura appeared.

Sensing it, Shirong's eyes went wide.

'It can't be… that's the aura of the Immortal Sky Shaker Art!' Shirong recognized it.


Wind attribute spirit Qi swirled around Lin Wu's tail and moved in several patterns, some of which were unique to the Immortal Sky Shaker art.

"Y-you know the Immortal Sky Shaker art?" Shirong asked in disbelief.

"I just learned it from the memories of the spear." Lin Wu replied casually.

'He learned it just like that?! Even I took months…' Shirong was stunned.

"Now for the demonstration… this is the basic level of the manual, yes?" Lin Wu asked.

"Y-yes." Shirong nodded his head.


Then in front of Shirong, lightning streaked across the tail of Lin Wu, contrasting with the wind.

"And this should be the next major level?" Lin Wu asked.

"Y-yes…" Shirong said, almost trembling.

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