Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 756 - Hidden And Open Value

Chapter 756 – Hidden And Open Value

The question from the Pale Marble Kingdom Elder was rather understandable to all and even Minister Ting was wondering about it.

"Of course, the kingdoms are free to send their people too. But know this… all those that decide to attempt the trials will be unable to leave the forest until they either give up entirely or pass it." The Emeraldine Sky Light Monk Ape warned.


The dark tone of the Emeraldine Sky Light Monk Ape made the elders a bit hesitant but in the end, they decided to go with it. 

'A known inheritance ground is still better than an unknown one. At least after the first few attempt it, the others will have a better chance.' Some of the elders thought.

It was not uncommon for cultivators to die on inheritance grounds and it could even be said to be rightful in many cases. The ones that died in such grounds would end up becoming a part of the trial in a way since the resources they brought with them would be left behind.

This acted as an additional reward to the ones that attempted it. 

Of course, this greatly varied depending on the inheritance ground and some were completely safe. So much so that no one had ever died in it. There were also some grounds that gave everyone who enter a reward for sure.

This was usually the case for the grounds set up by sects and their ancestors. In this case, the access to the grounds was what was controlled instead. 

Many inheritance grounds were even downright unpredictable, changing their layout and rewards randomly. So much so that ones that could be passed by mere Qi refining realm cultivators would end up killing Nascent soul realm ones.

This was why the value of a known and charted Inheritance ground that was stable was a lot more than an unknown one.

The fourth condition was nothing but a big bait for the kingdoms and the sect.

While the elders were thinking of taking advantage of it and raising their own people's strength, they also thought of possibly taking over the entire forest in the future.

'Humph, beasts are beasts in the end. They don't even know just what kind of a mistake they are doing by giving us this opportunity. We only need to spend a few decades and let out disciples get the inheritance. Once a certain number of them have gained it, nothing will stop us from usurping it entirely.

There may not even be a need to enter the inheritance ground after a certain point.' One of the elders of a sect thought. 

The elder was someone who had barely spoken since the start and was also the one who had stayed behind the entire time. He was certainly the shrewdest of them all and even when others were lusting over the Pink Bottom Peaches, he had been looking for danger.

He had kept up appearances to fool others and had evidently succeeded.

'The Seventh Edge sect will surely rise in the future!' The elder thought to himself. 'And I'll be rightfully called Patriarch Linshe then!' 

The ambitions of elders were hidden for now, but would certainly rise in the future. 

Unfortunately for them… all of this was already predicted by Lin Wu.

In the depths of the Taiji Celestial's Tomb, Lin Wu was watching everything.

"HAHAHA! These dumb fucks don't even know what will hit them." Lin Wu laughed.

All the conditions that he had set were in fact just baits, even though it looked like only the third and fourth ones were like that. 

"They won't ever want to go back to their sects once they get the inheritance… I'll make sure of it." Lin Wu said as a wide smile appeared on his face.

The Elders of the sects and Kingdoms continued to ask more questions as an hour went by quickly. 


At this point, the Twin Lights Liger King let out a low growl, startling the elders again. They had almost forgotten that they were being watched by such strong beasts and had become comfortable for a bit. 

But the growl broke them out of that state and reminded them of just how dangerous situation they were in for a while now.

The Emeraldine Sky Light Monk Ape looked at the Twin Lights Liger King and nodded lightly.

"This is enough for now. If you all want to discuss more, a proper meeting will be held in the future. For now, you all are to return." The Emeraldine Sky Light Monk Ape stated.

"W-wait! How will we know when the meeting will be?" Minister Ting quickly asked.

"Keep that crystal slip, we will inform you through it." The Emeraldine Sky Light Monk Ape replied.

Hearing this minister Ting Looked back at the Crystal slip in his hand with a different look. Now that he knew it was not just a basic slip that could store information but also one that could communicate, he knew that there was someone backing the beasts.

He was sure that it couldn't be another beast as there was certainly a spirit tool refiner involved in the making of the slip. Even if it was not a jade slip, and was made from some unknown crystal, it still seemed to use the same method.

Or so Minister Ting hoped. 

'I'll need to get the others to analyze this. We might just find out who is backing them.' Minister Ting thought.

But just as he thought this a voice was heard.

"Oh, and I wouldn't tamper with that Crystal Slip if I were you." The Slim Arm Ape suddenly spoke. "Not unless you want to break the protocol of diplomatic respect. That crystal slip will be considered as our 'royal decree'." He added.

Minister Ting narrowed his eyes upon hearing that as he fully understood the threat as well. By saying that it was a royal decree, the Slim Arm ape fully implied that the Millennium forest will retaliate!

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