Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 711 - The Angry Supreme Elder

Chapter 711 – The Angry Supreme Elder

Lin Wu had known that the true person behind the Frozen Cliff division was none other than the Supreme elder of the Frozen Cloud sect. He was the one who had originally had the conflict with the patriarch.

Both of them were the contenders for the position of patriarch, but he had not been chosen in the end. But even then, he showed that he had talent and managed to reach the position of the supreme elder. 

He was the second strongest person in the sect, being at the Dao Treading realm. Though some people also had thoughts that the supreme elder was possibly stronger than that too. There were often rumors and people wondered who was truly stronger between the patriarch and the supreme elder.

A long time in the past, the two of them had fought and the patriarch had won. But now hundred of years had passed and there was a great chance they might have become equal. After all, the patriarch often had to deal with the matters of the sect and didn't have enough time to cultivate when compared to the supreme elder.

After his loss against the patriarch, he had taken a different route. He had lowered his offense against the patriarch and had instead focused on improving the administration of the sect.

He nurtured his own subordinates that were capable and efficiently ran the sect. This not only netted him more resources, but also gave him more time to cultivate. It was common information that the supreme elder mostly stayed in secluded cultivation, only coming out for important matters that needed his attention.

The Supreme elders plan had evidently worked as he had gained enough influence to split part the sect into three divisions. And now the only question was whether he would have enough time to enact his plan.

While Lin Wu didn't know all the details, from the history he had gotten from Wang Xiong and the rest he had gathered from other sources, he could understand a few things. The one thing he knew for sure was that killing the supreme elder would be the only way to stop the rebellion.

As for the Weiyuan chamber… they weren't dumb enough to directly appear in the open conflict of a sect. It would get them too much infamy and possibly attract attention from the other sects.

And for a power that wanted to secretly develop, such infamy was the worst. Thus, even if they might have supported the Frozen Cliff division all this time, they won't act when there was an open battle like this.

While they might try to do something after it had all ended, they won't appear right now.

"Time to act." Lin Wu said, as his aura started to rise.

Spirit Qi waves rose from his body, making the area tremble. The remains of the buildings and other rubble moved under the pressure as the clouds in the sky kept on raining snow.

The system kept in sending more and more warnings, but Lin Wu simply ignored them for now. 

'Let's see how I compare to a true cultivator at the Dao Treading realm…' Lin Wu thought to himself as his fangs glowed in a strange yellow light.

Blue lines moved under the surface of his skin, looking like snakes. The sapphire meridians worked hard to produce more and more sapphire spirit Qi and Lin Wu got to preparing his attack.


Finally, the marker reached where Lin Wu was and met him. The two looked into each other's eyes, assessing their power. 

"There's no doubt… it is you who killed my son." The old man spoke.

Rage was visible in his eyes, and frosty air exuded from every inch of his body. The spirit Qi waves coming from his body were already enough to kill some weaker cultivators at the Qi refining realm just from being in his presence.

And this was when he wasn't even attacking anyone. Just the mere pressure had reached a high enough level to affect the flow of natural spirit Qi in the air.

'Dao Treading realm is certainly on a different realm… seems like I didn't really get to see much from the Aqua Dream Sea Lotus back then.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He had escaped from the Aqua Dream Sea Lotus back in the past, but even that was due to the help of Zhu Tianying. Lin Wu now realized how much of the pressure had been held back by her.

'Seems like I might have been a bit mistaken… though now I have the proper assessment.' Lin Wu thought to himself as he prepared his attack.

The supreme elder's spirit sense probed Lin Wu but was stopped by the radiation enveloping his body. But the old man didn't show any expression of surprise, as if nothing could faze him.

"Oh? Not many can use spirit sense on me and feel fine after that." Lin Wu spoke.

The old man's brows moved slightly upon hearing Lin Wu.

"So you speak." The old man said.

"I do indeed. Though you make me interested. Most others that hear me speak are rather shocked." Lin Wu replied.

"You aren't the only beast who can speak. I've seen a few." The Supreme elder stated. "Though… there aren't many that would dare to attack the Frozen Cloud sect… and even less that can enter the sect like this." He continued, his voice filling with killing intent.

"Haha, I thought I may come and test out your sect. I have to admit, I haven't seen such exquisitely tasting humans before. Your sect's elders and disciples certainly had talent… after all, I could taste it on my tongue." Lin Wu said, irking the old man.

"You dare insult me and the sect? Killing you will not be enough, it seems. I'll need to refine your soul and seal it in ice for a thousand years. Let's see how you like that," the Supreme elder said, feeling completely infuriated.


But just as he finished taking, Lin Wu attacked!

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