Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 677 - A True 'Big Shot'

"Now what?" Lin Wu questioned, seeing that the situation had come to a stand still.

The sealed being seemed to be tired and exhausted, yet the anger within its eyes was blearing.

"DAMN YOU BEAST! I SWEAR UPON MY NAME! I SWEAR UPON TELETH! I WILL DEVOUR THIS WORLD!" The Sealed Being cursed, his voice thundering through the skies.

If it were not for the isolating barrier that Lin Wu had gotten system to set up earlier, it would have been heard for thousands of kilometers beyond the Millennium forest. It won't be a surprise if the humans were greatly alerted by it.

And that was exactly what Lin Wu wanted to avoid.

'No human will interfere in things unless I want them to!' Lin Wu thought to himself as his eyes narrowed.

But the beasts that were still in the millennium forest had all heard the voice and had another reason to have nightmares for a while. The smarter beasts were especially worried as they knew the implications of something like this.

"System… DO IT!" Lin Wu ordered, not wanting to wait anymore.



SEAL: Initiating




Thousand upon thousands of runes appeared in the sky and flew around gracefully, forming mysterious patterns.


The runes were like fine needles that weaved a net around the Sealed being, much to its annoyance.

"HUMPH! Do you really think such a weak thing can restrain me?" The Sealed being scoffed.

Its eyes strobed, and two globs of black fluid shot out from them. The fluid touched the formations that were being constructed and immediately dissolved them.



SEAL PROTOCOL: Interrupted!


"Fuck! It can still do this?" Lin Wu said in irritation.


But just as he said that, a mysterious sigh was heard in his head. 

"What?!" Lin Wu was surprised as he could clearly tell that this was a foreign presence that was not there before.


His eyes were quickly pulled towards Tim as a crushing pressure exuded from him. The pressure was unidirectional and went towards the sealed being. Lin Wu was still started by it and couldn't help but retreat a hundred meters, just in case.

"He… he's suppressing him?" Lin Wu was confused.

The pressure exuding from Tim right now was different from the new aura that he had currently. It seemed as if another presence had appeared within him, taking the total number to three, including Tim's original self.

Tim's eyes gazed upon the Sealed being with a deadly gaze, making it cower and unable to speak.


The sealed being was pressured back into the ground and soon it was pushed back enough that the Tomb's own formation array had started working.



NOTIFICATION: Tomb sealing formation array online!

NOTIFICATION: Beginning repairs...


Lin Wu then watched as the Sealed being, who had been 'partially freed', was put back into its 'prison'. The entires process only lasted a minute, but each second of it was stressful for him.


But it didn't end there as the ground started to shake again, this time though it was to close to the fissure.



Once the fissure closed, dust settled over the area, but the devastation was not something that would be easily hidden now. The Millennium forest was forever changed and could only heal naturally as the trees regrew.

"Watch…" Lin Wu suddenly heard a voice coming from Tim and looked back at him.

'He spoke?' Lin Wu first thought he was hallucinating.

"Watch… Over… This… Child…" A voice spoke from Tim.

It didn't come from his mouth, but just seemed to be coming from the body itself.

"Who are you?" Lin Wu questioned, wanting to know more.

He didn't like to be in blind and knew that Tim was far more unique than he had originally thought.

"You… cannot… know…" The voice spoke once again.

"Why?" Lin Wu questioned.

"You… are… not… strong…" The Voice Replied.

"Then why should I care about him if I don't even know who's ordering me to do this? Why should is spend my effort?" Lin Wu asked, feeling pissed.


A sigh was heard in response to this and Lin Wu felt his very soul shaking. Both of his Nascent souls' opened this eyes and the Nascent soul of the unknown bloodline even seemed to be angry for some reason as a scowl appeared on his face.

"What in the…" Lin Wu muttered as he saw a pair of eyes appearing in his mind.

They were illusory and a deep yellow in color, looking like the finest of garnets. There were two vertical pupils in them, but the size of them was what shocked Lin Wu. They were bigger than anything he had seen in this world till now.

Even the things from the Skull God's memories couldn't compare to their sides. 

And Lin Wu knew that this was not an illusion. He felt it deep in his soul that this was a fact. He couldn't tell why, but every bit of his instincts were screaming that the being in front of him was not something he could compare to at all.

The two eyes were not just free floating either, they were attached to a head, but Lin Wu could not see the appearance. 

'So that's what it means by 'I'm not strong'… just it's form is enough to prevent me from comprehending it…' Lin Wu understood this fact.

He also understood that he now had his first 'Big Shot' encounter.

'And I thought the Taiji Celestial's tomb and the sealed being were something…' Lin Wu thought to himself.

While Lin Wu couldn't estimate the Taiji Celestial's strength, the strength of the being that had shown its eyes was certainly on the same level… or so he thought.

The two eyes disappeared after a few seconds, leaving behind some lingering words in his mind.

"Search deep… to find… what you seek…" 

With that, Lin Wu felt his vision return, and he looked back at Tim floating in the sky.. This time though, the aura was the same as the childlike Tim.

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