Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 631 - Two More Pawns Added To The Hand

With the short plan made, Lin Wu thought that it was time to finish up here.

"Well then, you two can head back. But I need to do just one thing before that." Lin Wu said.

"What's that, master?" Both Tian Han and Tian Chu asked.

"You, come here." Lin Wu ordered.

"Y-yes?" Tian Han said nervously as he stepped forward.

"Don't move." Lin Wu said as he touched Tian Han's forehead with a sharp spike.

The man was shaking in his boots, but knew better to flinch. 

'If he wanted to kill me, he doesn't need to do this. He can simply crush me with a breath.' Tian Han thought and forced himself to calm down.


At that time, he felt a sharp pain in his head and wanted to wince, but it disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.


Lin Wu withdrew the spike from his head, and only a faint wound was left there. A drop of blood dripped down from the spot and trailed down to his nose.

"What was that, master?" Tian Chu asked, feeling curious.

She asked this because she could feel a familiar feeling coming from Tian Han now. It was similar to the feeling she got from master and she was confused about it.

"A little improvement, you could say. Now you two can talk with your minds… between each other and me as well." Lin Wu explained.

'What?' Tian Han said, but realized that he had not moved his lips.

"I HEARD THAT!" Tian Chu was surprised.

"Seems like you two already grasped it, good. This will make it easier to communicate." Lin Wu stated.

"Oh, and also… I want the spirit tools you have." Lin Wu demanded.

"My spirit tools?" Tian Han said before taking them all out.

"I want, this, this and that one." Lin Wu pointed them out.

"Umm, these were all given to me by Elder Jigou. My father will probably ask me if he finds them missing." Tian Han stated.

"Simply say that you lost them during the battle." Lin Wu stated. "And I'll have some rewards for you later too, so you won't miss them as much either." 

"O-okay, master. If you say so…" Tian Han said, under the fierce gaze of Tian Chu.

With the quick explanation done, the two of them headed back to the Tian clan, while Lin Wu stayed back. 

Once they were gone, Lin Wu stored the spirit tools he got from Tian Han in the storage for the system to analyze and pulled up the map.

'Another task done… thought it went in a completely different direction than I had thought.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

"At least I know have a potential in to the Tian Clan's main branch." Lin Wu muttered.

His aim was to use the two to gain information from the main branch and potentially open up opportunities for him to visit it directly.

"Those probes will need to be upgraded one last time if they are to head out there. System, you will be done with the new version till then, right?" Lin Wu asked.

"Affirmative." The system replied.

"Good. The new version is necessary for a sensitive area like that." Lin Wu said.

The system had started its analysis of the spirit tools and would be done with it soon, from what Lin Wu could see.

"Time to head back I guess." Lin Wu said as he made his way back to the Tian clan's vicinity.

Quickly entering the ground, Lin Wu reached the Weasel who was still sleeping soundly.


"Wake up! We leaving now." Lin Wu said, knocking the beast down from the tree.


Tim was a bit startled and his fur stood on its ends, but then it calmed down seeing Lin Wu.

"We leave?" he asked, feeling groggy.

"Yes." Lin Wu replied.

"Leave for where?" He questioned further.

"Home." Lin Wu stated.

"Home?" The weasel seemed intrigued by the word, but didn't say anything by that.

"Come, follow." Lin Wu ordered, and started to move.

The two of them first went a sufficient distance away from the Tian clan before taking flight and speeding their way towards the Frozen Cloud Sect. 

'Yun Bai should be done by now. I'll contact him just in case.' Lin Wu thought and opened the communication link.

But after a minute, he furrowed his brows.

"How is this not working?" Lin Wu was confused.



ANSWER: The communication target is missing and cannot be found in the range.


"That's strange… if the jade slip was broken, the system would have known. Then this only means Yun Bai is not in the range or… the system cannot reach into the grotto where the Frost Foxes live." Lin Wu reckoned.

After thinking for a bit, Lin Wu understood that it would make sense if an old formation array that had hidden the Frost Fox clan for such a long time could stop the system's signals like an interference field.

"Seems like we'll have to wait at the Frozen Cloud sect for him them. Though system, keep on trying and tell me if the link works again." Lin Wu stated.

"Affirmative." The system accepted.

Lin Wu and Tim then continued on to their journey silently. Lin Wu was also observing the beast, trying to get a better gauge of the beast's behavior. 

During the journey, they had come across several beasts, but Tim did not attack him like before. He seemed to be far more in control than before.

"He's getting more… sane." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Their journey lasted a few days before they finally reached the Frozen Cloud sect. They did need to stop a couple of times because Tim got hungry and needed to eat something. Lin Wu let him do this and also got the system to analyze him at the same time.

This let him discover the fact that it was absolutely essential for Tim to continue eating or he might not be able to function properly.

"It's like a diabetic person needing sugar from time to time…"

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