While Lin Wu was observing the little drama that was happening, he was also gathering the information in the hall. Doing these two things simultaneously was easy for him and watching the people was free entertainment for him.

"This guy is certainly not up to any good." Lin Wu said as he noted the evil gaze with which the man named Tian Han was looking toward Tian Chu.

Lin Wu was also interested in the different clan rules that Tian Chu had just mentioned and looked into them.

"Here they are," Lin Wu muttered as he found the clan rules of the Tian clan.

They were very prominently displayed in the Affairs hall for everyone to see and were hard to miss. There were over a hundred rules and most of them were normal and understandable, such as not killing fellow clansmen, not stealing things, and all.

But then there were unusual rules like, not participating in any tournaments outside the clan that were not approved by the clan elders; leaving the clan for more than a year without approval from the elders; monopolizing tasks and missions being prohibited and a lot more.

"Aren't some of these… not good for the growth of the clan?" Lin Wu said, finding the rule to be non-competitive and suppressive without a reason.

In addition to the more than a hundred main rules, there were a lot of smaller rules that were additionally hung on the side. They were written on long scrolls and one could read them just by tapping them which would cause the scrolls to unfurl.

Lin Wu found a mind raking level of rules in them. The smaller rules were different than the main rules, such that they could be broken and the punishment would be far milder.

"This clan is weird…" Lin Wu muttered.

To Lin Wu, this didn't seem like a family clan, but more like an indoctrination center of a cult.

'Though clans are kinda cults in a way?' Lin Wu reckoned.

He pushed this to the back of his mind and thought that he would learn about it more in detail once he finished gathering all the information in the Tian clan branch. That way he would be able to learn the history of the clan as well as the reasoning behind the rules.

About thirty minutes later, Lin Wu finished gathering all the information in the Affairs hall and went to the next location. He spent the rest of the day gathering information from five more locations and finally reached the final location that was the main repository of the clan.

It was the smallest of them all and contained the most secretive and important records of the clan. 

But when Lin Wu was trying to gather information from this hall, he came across an obstacle.

"Huh? It can actually stop my spirit sense?" Lin Wu was surprised.

There was a thin barrier that actually protected the repository from being infiltrated by anyone. This was surprising to Lin Wu since the system was already in control of the clan's formation arrays.

"What's the issue here system? How's this possible?" Lin Wu couldn't help but question.



ANSWER: The barrier was hidden from the system's scan and is on a different level than the others it has come across till now. While it can still be infiltrated by the system, it will take some more time to do so.

The Isolating formation array is on a different level than the formation array that is spread over the clan; It is at least two levels higher than it.


Seeing the system's answer, Lin Wu understood that this was not a simple thing.

"Was this made by the main branch of the Tian clan perhaps?" Lin Wu wondered.

That was the only logical answer that came to him at that time. 

"How long will it take you to decrypt the formation array and take over it, system?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANALYZING: Please wait a moment…

ANALYSIS COMPLETED: The Formation array decryption will take 7 days, 14 hours and 43 minutes.


Seeing the system's answer, Lin Wu was surprised.

"No way! How's it taking you that long? Just what level is this formation array at?" Lin Wu was shocked now.



ANSWER: The system estimates it was set up by a cultivator that was at the Immortal Ascension realm at the very least.


"GODDAMN! I knew the Tian clan was hiding something." Lin Wu exclaimed.

He spread his spirit sense around the clan and checks it in detail to verify the cultivation bases of every person. But even after two tried, he didn't find anyone that was at the Dao Shell realm or above here.

"Huh? So was it someone from the main clan that set this up?" Lin Wu guessed.

No matter what, Lin Wu was now determined to obtain the information that was hidden here. This repository stood out from all others and had a security that was on par with the Frozen Cloud sect which is one of the top ten sects of the Long continent.

"Is there any other way we can speed up the process of accessing it?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The host can directly break down the confines of the repository and access the contents inside. The defense of the repository only pertains to spirit sense and other investigative techniques, it does not actually defend as well against direct attacks.

The repository can only defend attacks of Nascent soul realm completely and will be able to hold on for a while against Dao Shell realm attacks. The ones above those realms are able to break it in a single blow.

Though doing so will inevitably trigger the warning and alarm formations that will send alerts to every Tian clan branch as well as the main branch.


"This is basically a trap, isn't it? The one who set it up must be confident that no one would attack it physically. They probably have solutions set up for that too. The main clan will definitely react to protect their branch.." Lin Wu understood.

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