Lin Wu narrowed his brows seeing the effect of the formation array.

"Huh, a formation array that isolates and absorbs all the spirit Qi in a certain area, preventing anyone from using it. Neat." Lin Wu spoke.

He could see how it would be useful in dealing with an average cultivator. After all, they were protected by a barrier and did not have to use up any spirit Qi of their own, but their enemy would be dependent on their own spirit Qi to sustain themselves.

Sooner or later, they would run out of it and end up getting killed by them. It was a way to prolong and outperform the enemy. 

"Unfortunately… The Weasel is not really the perfect candidate to use this formation array on." Lin Wu shook his head.

He watched on as the events progressed.

"Haha! The formation is working! The beast is as good as gone now." A couple of Core condensation realm cultivators rejoiced.


But as a surprise to them, Tim didn't care about the missing spirit Qi. In fact, he could barely sense it at all. After all, he no longer absorbed spirit Qi from the air for the most part. 

A majority of spirit Qi that it got was obtained from eating other materials that were rich in spirit Qi. Plus, since it was in a constant state of anger the past ten years, it didn't really cultivate normally.

His increase was mostly due to eating the entire time. Still, that was enough for him to reach the Adult Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm in that short time. For any other beast, it would take at least five to eight hundred years to reach that level on average.

The Twin Lights Liger King who was rather talented, still spent four hundred years on reaching it. Even the Olive Viper King was nearly three hundred years old before he found the meteor and broke through to the Nascent Soul realm.

Otherwise it would have run out of longevity and died. It was the method of cultivation that often decided this, and cultivating without any resources was often slow and strenuous. 

Very few actually cultivated that way and they strive for resources all the time. Only when a cultivator reaches a high enough cultivation base where no resources would help them do they end up cultivating normally for the most part.

This was usually when a cultivator would enter a long seclusion and stay in it till they broke through. Since cultivation states like these needed long periods of concentration, seclusion was the most common method.

The Weasel was an anomaly and acted like one. He attacked the barrier nonstop and mindlessly.

"Activated the offensive formations! Counterattack!" The elders ordered.

"YES ELDER!" The disciples replied in unison.

~shua~ shua~

They all made different hand seals and the offensive formations hidden in the layers activated. Multiple colors appeared in the sky as different attacks materialized. Flames, ice, iron spikes, chains, whips and a multitude of weapons made out of spirit Qi were created.

But the fastest attack was a bolt of lightning that shot out of a Thunder Punishing Offensive Formation and struck Tim the weasel.


A thunderclap resounded in the air as the ground around the exploded with soil and dirt. For a second the attacks stopped as smoke covered the air, but when it finally dissipated, the junior cultivators were stunned.


The weasel was unharmed and casually shook his head before attacking the barrier again. The only difference was in its eyes, and it seemed to be annoyed even more. By now he had understood that his normal attacks won't really work here.


And just as he thought this, the rest of the attacks arrived as well. 


The Weasel growled in anger and moved like a blur, dodging all the attacks with ease. The weapons were unable to even get close to him. As for the energy attacks that still managed to hit him due to a wider area of effect, they just fizzled out in the end.

The fur of the weasel was far too tough to get injured from.

"Just what is this beast?" The disciple whose barrier Tim was attacking this entire time said.

"No wonder it has managed to terrorize this mine for such a long time… it is certainly strong." One of the Nascent soul realm elders said.

"As expected." Lin Wu muttered, seeing the Weasel beast unscathed.

He was sure that even his own attacks won't injure the weasel easily. He had even held him in a crushing hold earlier to stop him from moving, and the weasel was just fine. If it were any other beast or cultivator, they would have had their bones shattered and organs squished.

But then Lin Mu saw something new.

"Oh?" He raised a brow.

Tim started to run in the opposite direction and then turned around, using the barrier of the formation array as support to flip. He then sprinted towards the barrier and mid way through started to roll instead.


His speed turned him into a spinning tire that barreled towards the barrier at great speed. His fur stood on its end and a prickly surface was created. Everywhere he passed over, the ground was uprooted and soil sprayed around.



The spinning weasel finally hit the barrier and it made a strange noise. But it didn't stop there, as after the initial impact, the weasel beast kept on spinning and a grinding noise came from the barrier.

"Huh… reminds of me a certain fast hedgehog…" Lin Wu said upon seeing Tim's ability.

The disciples were a bit surprised too, but that soon turned into utter shock.


"WHAT THE-!" The disciple sitting in the barrier said.

Sweat dripped from his forehead as he watched cracks spreading on the barrier. The spiny fur of the Weasel kept on grinding it down and a couple of seconds later, managed to fully breakthrough.


Tim chittered in joy as the food in front of him was now free for him to eat.

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