Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 458 - The Beetle Beast's Surprise Breakthrough

The Beetle king had felt the presence of Lin Wu, the moment he had approached the boundary of his territory. The king himself had been feeling a bit unsettled today had had thus kept an eye on everything wondering what was wrong.

But then Lin Wu's appearance explained everything. His bloodline was something that made his own tremble whenever it came in its proximity. Upon finally seeing Lin Wu, the Split Thorn Horn Beetle King finally realized why he was feeling nervous today.

But his shock didn't stop there as not only had Lin Wu come to meet him, but he was also far stronger than before. So much so that the beetle king had a hard time believing the same Lin Wu was barely at the Infant Soul stage of the Nascent Soul realm ten months ago.

Now he was stronger than the Split Thorn Horn Beetle king. This he could tell from the pressure that Lin Wu's body exuded. It was a different kind of a feeling that he could not explain clearly, but it was strong enough to force him to think every word that he said to Lin Wu.

The Split Thorn Horn Beetle even wondered if it was due to both of them being insect beasts. The bloodline suppression on beasts of the same type was stronger than that of different ones. 

'Sigh… the new replaces the old while the even newer gets ready…' the Split Thorn Horn Beetle thought to himself.

He was the oldest insect beast in this forest and had seen countless other beasts, whether they be insect beasts or not, die and perish due to old age. But he knew one thing: that a day would come when others would have to replace him.

All he could do was to make sure that the newer generation would be prepared to do so. He had already gotten his candidate in the form of the female Split Thorn Horn Beetle that was Lin Wu's servant.

Her bloodline was mutated far enough that it was bordering on completely merging. The Split Thorn Horn Beetle king even wondered if she would become a comparable different species when she broke through to the Nascent Soul realm.

He even knew that she was close to a breakthrough and would perhaps enter the pseudo Nascent soul realm at any moment. And just a minute after Lin Wu arrived, it happened…


Waves of spirit Qi wove around the female Split Thorn Horn Beetle as the green crystalline parts on her body glowed.

"Oh?" Lin Wu focused his attention on his servant and saw that the rhombus gem in her body was resonating.



NOTIFICATION: Detected that the Split Thorn Horn Beetle servant is close to reaching the Pseudo Nascent Soul realm



Seeing the notification, Lin Wu was surprised.

'Seems like my increase in cultivation is affecting others as well. Hmm… if this keeps up, I should have more of my servants breaking through I guess.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

"Approve it, system." Lin u said in his mind.




NOTIFICATION: The Host's servant will now undergo a free growth process that will not be controlled by the system. The end result will depend on the servant itself.



As the spirit Qi started to pour into the Split Thorn Horn Beetle, she closed her eyes.

"My, my, looks like I get to see another surprise today." Lin Wu chuckled.

"Indeed… I had thought that today was going to be different, but I certainly didn't think this would happen." The Split Thorn Horn Beetle king stated.

The spirit Qi waves intensified before finally settling after five minutes. The Split Thorn Horn Beetle didn't seem to have changed, but Lin Wu could feel faint spatial fluctuations appearing around her.



TARGET: Split Thorn Horn Beetle

CULTIVATION BASE UPGRADED: Peak Stage of the Core Condensation realm -> Pseudo Nascent soul realm 

Approximate time for the arrival of heavenly tribulation: 25 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes


"Congratulations, you are quite close to a breakthrough to the Nascent Soul realm now." Lin Wu praised.

"Thank you, master. This is all due to your grace." The Split Thorn Horn Beetle stated.

"Seems like your presence itself causes miracles…" The Split Thorn Horn Beetle King muttered to himself.

"Ah, haha… Well, this aside, I just came to check up on you and wanted to say that I would be acting soon." Lin Wu spoke, changing the topic.

"Oh? You will be fighting the Olive Viper King?" The Split Thorn Horn Beetle questioned.

"Indeed. But there are a few things I need to do before that. Plus, there are some new developments that have turned up that many don't know about." Lin Wu answered.

"Oh? Like what?" The Split Thorn Horn Beetle king questioned.

"For example, did you know there is another Nascent soul realm beast in the forest now? It's a Club Tailed Lizard, and she's the mate of the Olive Viper King. That is also the reason why he has been inactive as of late." Lin Wu answered.

Hearing this, the Split Thorn Horn Beetle king was surprised.

"That… that's unusual. The entire Millennium forest should have felt it if a new Nascent soul realm beast appeared in it." The Split Thorn Horn Beetle king spoke.

"That's the thing. I don't think the club tailed lizard broke though here. I think she was already at the Nascent soul realm and the olive viper king simply brought her here since she was going to lay eggs." Lin Wu replied.

"No wonder…. If that lizard is his mate while also being at the Nascent Soul realm, then the offspring that he will have now will be far stronger than the ones he has had till now. 

In fact… these will be the first proper offspring he will be having since he became one of the rulers of the Millennium forest." The Split Thorn Horn Beetle said.

"Oh, is that so… I didn't know that…" Lin Wu muttered, finding it to be interesting.

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