Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 438 - Dao Treading Realm Bird Beast?

The second cry came from the body of Shirong, but not actually from his mouth itself.

Lin Wu could even see an illusory skull figure forming above his body that looked similar to the actual head of the skull god. It looked in the direction of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle and had visible anger as could be seen from the two black fumes coming from its eyes.

"HOW DO YOU STILL EXIST!?" The Skull god's avatar shouted.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle to which this question was addressed to, didn't answer it, however. Rather than that, she let out another cry and flapped her Vermillion wings, spreading Vermillion flames from it.

Lin Wu was awed by her appearance now. She was another size bigger than she was before, reaching a height of almost sixty meters. Her wingspan though was over a hundred meters wide, making it even larger than Lin Wu's real body.

Her entire body was covered with Vermillion feathers that varied in shades of orange and red. At her back, she had one long tail feather on which flames continued to burn and glistened like a liquid.

Her beak had changed from silver to a golden red now and on her head, two crown feathers could be seen. They swayed in the air while letting out small embers from them. The eyes of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle were the most fierce thought.

Her irises were a deep yellow in color while her pupils were Vermillion in color. Currently, anger could be seen within her eyes and she was clearly agitated by the followers of the skull god.


But that was merely the start as she raised her head and let out a cry. 


A red orb suddenly rose up from her body that shimmered like a ruby. If one looked within it, they could see a small flame burning. As soon as Lin Mu saw it, he recognized what it was.

"DAO SHELL! DAO EMBRYO!" Lin Wu said out loud.

It was confirmed from this that the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle had now successfully broken through to the Dao Treading realm. It was evident that she was only at the first stage of the Dao Treading realm right now.

There were three stages in the Dao Treading realm, the Embryo birth stage, the Embryo growth stage and the Embryo Comprehension stage. The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle was at the Emery Birth stage and her Dao embryo had just been born.

This was the stage one would arrive after they successfully birthed their embryo in the Dao shell in the Dao shell realm. The size of the Dao shell would determine the progression of the Dao embryo and how far they could go.

This was also the reason why it was often emphasized for one to expand their Dao Shell as much as possible in the Shell expansion stage of the Dao Shell realm. There were many requirements for different kinds of Dao Embryos and some needed a bigger Dao shell than others.

In the case of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle, her Dao shell was even bigger than that of the Aquadream Sea Lotus. That creature was also at the Dao treading realm and Lin Wu was sure that it had progressed quite a bit in that too.

"Damn! The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle's Dao Embryo at the Embryo birth stage is already comparable to that of the Aquadream Sea Lotus's Embryo growth stage Dao Embryo." Lin Wu exclaimed.

He could see that the Dao Embryo, which was in the form of a tiny flame, was merely the size of a fingernail, while the entire Dao shell was over a meter in diameter. It was evident that there was a lot of room for the embryo to grow there.

Compared to the Aquadream Sea Lotus's Dao Shell that was the size of a football, this looked far more massive. Just from this, Lin Wu was sure that if the Aquadream Sea Lotus met the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle again, she would probably be able to fight it on equal terms if not completely defeat it.

In addition to that, her Vermillion flames were different from normal Fire Elemental flames. They not only contained the Fire Attribute spirit Qi, but they also contained the traces of the vermilion bird's Dao!

With every flap of her wings, the flames only spread more and more, purging the followers of the skull god. They were now fast approaching the location where Lin Wu, Shirong, and the prophet of the skull god were, which made Lin Wu wary.

"Dammit! She'll burn Shirong and me too, if she keeps this up. I need to warn her!" Lin Wu realized.

He quickly used his spirit sense to signal the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle, but it was impossible to get close to her right now. Not only were the vermilion flames able to burn physical matter, but they were also even able to block, if not damage Lin Wu's spirit sense.

Lin Wu knew that if he forced his way, his spirit senses would only get burned and it will hurt him. 

"What other solutions do I have?… come on, think!" Suddenly an idea was presented to Lin Wu, and he hoped it would work.

A while back, when Lin Wu had gotten the third stone feather, he had given the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle a jade slip that he had made. This was for communication for when they were separated.

"Hopefully that jade slip is still intact…" Lin Wu muttered and tried to contact her.

But after a few seconds of effort, he received no response, and he realized that her message never reached the other jade slip.

"FUCK! That jade slip must have been destroyed in her breakthrough or in her flames as well." Lin Wu cursed.

With each passing second, the Vermillion flames were approaching, and the temperature was increasing more and more.

With no other option left, Lin Wu decided to do the one thing he could still do.


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