Lin Wu was like a bowling ball as he mowed down the followers of the skull god, like bowling pins.

The more fortunate ones died in a single hit while the unlucky ones were alive even when the spikes pierced their body, leaving them crying in pain and agony. Lin Wu kept on rolling and killing as many as he could right now.

This was not just to reduce the number of people, but actually to obtain the spirit Qi they had. You see, the form Lin Wu had taken was carefully chosen. The spikes allowed him to penetrate their bodies and forcefully drain their spirit Qi and vital energy.

Hundreds of notifications were popping up on the side window for Lin Wu that showed that he had obtained spirit Qi and vital energy. 

'There we go killing cannon fodder to restore resources… reminds me of a game I used to play in the past. It involved a lot of killing too…' Lin Wu thought to himself. 

"A little background music would help though," Lin Wu said finding it to be a little lacking.

Shirong on the other hand, was as tense as ever looking around hoping that those nascent Soul realm cultivators were dead. While they had managed to catch them off guard, he did not know if it really worked or not.

His spirit sense spread and checked the bodies of the Nascent Soul realm cultivators, discovering that ten out of all had been killed. Though he did not know if their Nascent Souls were still alive or not.

"Good, fourteen down, twenty nine to go…" Shirong said with a little grin.


But just before they could continue on anymore, a strong beam of energy hit them.


Lin Wu and Shirong were knocked away by the beam, crashing into tens of buildings, destroying all of them.

"Ugh, dammit." Lin Wu said as he and Shirong switched back to the normal form.

While the ball form was good for multiple enemies, it was only so for the cannon fodder types. Even the Nascent Soul realm cultivators only became its victims because they were paralyzed. If that had not been, Lin Wu probably would not have been able to kill them.

Shirong looked at the source of the attack and saw that it had come from the other group of nascent soul realm cultivators that were sent by the child. They were working together and had sent out that attack.

"Kill him!" The Nascent Soul realm cultivators rushed towards Shirong.

"He dares kill our companions and servants of the Skull god, he shall face our wrath!"

More and more curses were hurled by the followers of the skull god and their anger could be clearly felt from all this. The number of the followers of the skull god had been reduced by half directly by Lin Wu and Shirong, and this was enough to consider them as lifelong foes.

"Come on! We'll kill you all!" Lin Wu taunted, but it was not like anyone could hear him.


They flew towards Shirong with their weapons drawn and various lights of attacks glowing around them.




Shirong tried to dodge as many of the attacks as he could, but it was still difficult to dodge so many attacks. There were hundreds of them coming at the same time, making it far more difficult than before.

Thankfully, Lin Wu was able to bear the attacks. But even then, Lin Wu's body would get small cracks from time to time.

"Dammit, those Adult Stage Nascent Soul realm cultivators can still hurt my body!" Lin Wu cursed.

Even if he could continually heal the damage that he got from the others due to the system, it still hurt Lin Wu and disturbed him a bit. 

"You shall die under my blade!" 


Suddenly, the sound of a blade bending could be heard coming from behind. Lin Wu sensed that there was someone sneak attacking them from behind. It was also a Nascent Soul realm cultivator and he had a long axe in his hand.

The Axe had smoke coming out of it and it was evident that it was something related to the skull god as well and thus could hurt Lin Wu. 

"Welp, time for a new tactic." Lin Wu said before transmitting some new information to Shirong.

As soon as Shirong got the message from the immortal Crystal Armament, his eyes lit up.

"Haha! This only gets better and better!" Shirong said before bringing his arms closer to his body. The armor started to broaden up towards his shoulders and became slender towards his legs. 


His legs suddenly joined up as the boots melded to become one. Then, in the next moment, he started to spin rapidly and disappeared inside the ground.


The Axe of the Nascent Soul realm cultivator hit the ground where Lin Wu and Shirong had been, but all that was left behind there was a hole the size of Shirong.

"Huh? Where did they go?" The man couldn't help but question.

Shirong's spinning had knocked up a lot of dust and debris in the area and thus the man was unable to see that they had actually entered the ground. As for the spirit sense, there was still interference from the unknown energy that Lin Wu had used and thus they could not be directly sensed with spirit sense.


Shirong found himself to be moving through the ground at rapid speeds. 

"How do I control this…" Shirong wondered and thought of going left.

Just as he did that, the spinning armor changed its direction to left. 

'One thought is all that takes' Shirong through to himself.

He quickly grasped the methodology and used his spirit sense for navigation while his mind to control the direction. He thought of going left and it turned left. He thought of right and it went right.

"Wait, a second… isn't this speed… FASTER THAN FLYING? How can this even be possible?" Shirong was shocked.

Somehow, in the armor, moving through the dense ground was faster than flying in free air. After a few seconds of shock, Shirong shook his head and focused on the task at hand. 

"Let's take advantage of this and get rid of more…" Shirong muttered to himself before changing his direction and finding a target that was relatively far from the others and isolated.

It didn't take him long to do so and he found an Adolescent Soul stage Nascent Soul realm cultivator a distance away from the battlefield. While he was not as far as the others who were using the smoke from the incense burners to break the barriers, he was still at the border.


"Huh? What's tha—" Before the man could say any more the ground below him trembled and burst apart.





Out came Shirong covered with the crystal armor that was now moving like a drill. The drill came out from right where the Nascent Soul realm cultivator was standing and hit his body. The spinning motion and spikes on the drill managed to utterly maim the man's body, killing him in an instant.

"NOOO!!!" The man shouted in pain as the life drained from his eyes. 

The lower half of his body was almost gone, and he was only left with a head and upper shoulders. Soon his eyes glazed over and he died, but then a second later a pale glow came from his body.


"Dammit, this sneaky bastard!" The man who was only left with a Nascent Soul cursed. 

It flew away at rapid speeds, trying to get to safety, but it was too late for him.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Lin Wu said as he controlled the direction of the drill and flew towards the Nascent Soul.

"Stop him!" The cries of the other Nascent Soul realm cultivators came from the distance as they witnessed what was happening.


They sent out defensive skills to protect the Nascent Soul, but alas! They were not enough.




Lin Wu directly drilled through the defensive silks like they were paper and hit the Nascent Soul that was escaping.


The Nascent Soul was as if a small balloon, snuffed out in one go. 

"AH, good! More spirit Qi and even some data nodes." Lin Wu said upon seeing the notification window.

Lin Wu obviously didn't have the time to go through the data nodes and thus just put them on the back burner till he got into a more free area.

"He killed brother Jiguan!!" The shocked voice of other followers could be heard coming from the other side.

"How is he doing this?"

"How did he get there so fast? Is he teleporting?"

"He must have a spatial spirit tool! Quick, get him! We may get to have some rewards!" 

Various words could be heard coming from the followers of the skull god, each worse than the one before.

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