Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 378 - Regret And Sacrifice?

Lin Wu saw the woman trying to contract her mistress but no matter what she tried, nothing worked.

"Do I need to leave the city? Why is this still not working?" The woman wondered to herself.

She hesitated and looked at the temple in the stance.

"If I run away without getting concrete results, the mistress will not be happy with me. I need to at least see what comes out of this." The woman said to herself in a determined tone.

"I guess I don't need to chase her down later then… she'll be here to be taken." Lin Wu stated as he looked back at the inside of the temple using his spirit sense.

"Oh yeah system, track that woman and record all that she says, just in case." Lin Wu ordered.

"Affirmative." The system replied shortly.

Inside the temple, Jiao Fan and the others were doing their best to stop the formation array of the statues. Their combined spirit sense drilled into the statue and struck the formation inscribed in it.


A humming sound could be heard as their spirit sense directly spread to the formation array through the dangered formation of the broken state. The damaged formation was like a hole in the wall, allowing water to reach the circuitry, and short circuiting it.


Then, in the next moment, all of the formations died down and the flames disappeared as well. The only flames that were still burning were those that were on the corpses. These were burning with the corpse as a fuel and were not dependant on the formation array and thus stayed lit.


"QUICK!" Jiao Fan uttered as blood dripped down his mouth. "The Door! Get to the door!" 

The four Nascent Soul realm cultivators managed to reach the door just when another humming sound was heard.


The formations came back alive and the flames started to burn once again.

"PUSH!" They all shouted and moved the doors.


The doors were hard to open, but under the combined strength of the four Nascent Soul realm cultivators, it finally budged.


The formation array had seemingly discovered them and the flames rushed toward them as if they were alive. But just as they were about to touch them, they were blocked by the doors.


The doors of the hall closed at the last moment, preventing the flames from coming towards them.


"That was close… that formation array is far too terrifying." One of the Nascent Soul realm cultivators that were Jing Luo's subordinate spoke.

Jing Luo couldn't help but look back at the door as he was reminded of the hundreds that had died back there.

"This was definitely not worth it… we should have never come here!" Jiao Fan uttered with regret.

He had lost not only a lot of his subordinates, but friends as well. Some among them were also his clan members and he did not like the regret that he was feeling now. 

'It would have been better if I just let them take it all. They might not have even survived the formation array and one of the problems would have been directly solved.' Jing Luo thought as he looked at Old Man Tiandi.

But no matter how much Jiao Fan regretted this, the dead would not come back. Just as there was no medicine for regret, Yama would not return the souls of the dead just because someone was sad.

Lin Wu observed this all and nodded his head. He was a bit impressed by the method that Jiao Fan had used and even the system had notified him that its data banks had been updated. The system had evidently learned a new method to 'hack' formation arrays.

"Though them dying means I get less spirit Qi later… ~Sigh~ I can get more later anyways…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

"Let's get what we came for," old Man Tiandi said while wiping the blood from his face.

Evidently, all of them had been affected by the backlash and felt weak right now. Even using spirit Qi was painful as their meridians shouted out in agony. They knew this was something that was bound to happen, but now they could not do anything.

"You're fine with all this!? Jiao Fan yelled at Tiandi.

"What? They died, and that's all. Do you just want to give up on this opportunity and waste their sacrifice?" Old Man Tiandi Counteracted.

"That's right, we should get what we came here for or we would just be wasting it all." The Nascent Soul realm cultivator, who was on the side of Old Man Tiandi spoke.

The subordinate of Jiao Fan did not know what to speak and just stayed silent. He was pained by their loss too and regretted that he did not stop the mayor beforehand. Perhaps if they did not have the greed, they would have been able to prevent all of this death.

Jiao Fan's eyes were bloodshot and anger spread across his face. But then he gritted his teeth and forcefully suppressed it all. He knew that it would do him no good to act out now and the better option would be to take advantage of this situation.

'I won't let your sacrifices be in vain!' Jiao Fan Swore to himself.

"Let's go then!" Jiao Fan said in a hoarse voice.

Old Man Tiandi Did not speak another world and simply followed alongside the man. 




But just after stepping a meter ahead, the torches that were hung along the walls started to light up. The four men got startled and gathered up, back to back.

"Dammit! Is this another formation array!?" Jiao Fan cursed.

But even after five seconds, they did not feel any danger. They then looked at the torches and realized that they were only burning there without moving.


"At least it's not another formation array." Old Man Tiandi took a breath of relief.

"Look! W-what's that!" The Nascent Soul realm cultivator that was on old Man Tiandi's side exclaimed.

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