Within the Dao Shell of the Aquadream Sea Lotus Lin Wu could see a small blue pearl. The pearl was very small compared to the Dao shell, being about the size of a pea. But it was this very pearl that was letting out the blinding blue light.

But that was not all, as Lin Wu could feel a strong presence from it. He turned on his radiation perception to see things, since the light was too bright and saw an entirely different scene.

The entire Dao Shell looked like an opaque glass container, and within it, an empty spot could be seen. This empty spot was nothing but the blue pearl that was giving out the bright blinding light.

"Why is it transparent? It's almost similar to… THE TRIBULATION LIGHTNING!" Lin Wu recognized.

"The blue pearl should be the Dao Embryo of the Aquadream Sea Lotus and thus is a representative of its 'Dao'. And if this Dao appears transparent in the Radiation perception then… the transparent part I see in the Tribulation part must be fragments of Dao as well!" Lin Wu felt enlightened.

Having learned this, Lin Wu finally understood why he had a hard time controlling tribulation lightning when the concentration of the transparent part increased. The problem he was having was basically in controlling a Dao he had no insight in.


A strange humming sound was let out by the blue pearl as its light dimmed down. Lin Wu felt a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He had not stopped flying back, but he still felt that he was not fast enough.

And then it happened…



A Torrent was released by the Blue pearl, which was the Dao embryo. The amount of water created by it was simply massive, instantly drowning out all the mountains in the area along with all the life.

The sea that had been created in mere moments completely changed the look of the area. Turning it from a forested mountainous area into a literal sea. The water kept on spreading at a great speed and was already near Lin Wu before he could react.

"WHAT THE HELL!!! THIS IS WAY TOO OVERPOWERED!" Lin Wu couldn't help but complain.

Now that the area had been completely changed, the Aquadream Sea Lotus was free to move as it pleased. It now rushed at Lin Wu with a speed greater than him, while launching jets of water.




The jets of water that missed him eventually fell into the sea, cleaving apart the water all the way to the ground at the bottom. 

"Argh!" Lin Wu grunted in pain as one of the water jets managed to hit his body.

A spiderweb like crack could be seen on the surface of his skin where the jet had hit. This was possibly the strongest attack Lin Wu had taken till now, if he excluded the heavenly tribulation.

At least in the case of the heavenly tribulation, Lin Wu could use radiation manipulation to weaken it by splitting it apart. But in the case of the Aquadream Sea Lotus's attacks, there was nothing he could do.

Even flying higher up was not an option as the jets of water easily reached over a kilometer up into the sky.

"DAMMIT! This won't work!" Lin Wu cursed, as his mind ran at great speed to think of a solution.

The distance between him and the Aquadream Sea Lotus was getting closer and closer despite the fact that the Aquadream Sea Lotus was moving in water while Lin Wu was in the air.

"It has the advantage of home ground… then I'll do the same!" Lin Wu decided.

But just as he was about to find a place to dig into, he was interrupted


"Ah, I forgot about you." Lin Wu said upon seeing the Copper Hide Weasel shriek.

He thought about just eating him and finishing it all, but then decided against it. Why? He didn't know either. 

"Can't dig with him on my back, he'll probably do something to fuck me up again." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

But soon an idea presented to him. He picked up the Copper Hide Weasel with his tail and brought it to the front of his face.

"You are pretty durable, right?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Durable?" The Beast questioned, feeling confused.

"I'll take that as yes." Lin Wu spoke before pulling his tail back.


The Copper Hide Weasel let out another shriek, this time due to shaking too hard. Lin Wu's tail glowed green as wind attribute spirit Qi wrapped around it. More spirit Qi poured into it as Lin Wu used Qi amplification to the maximum.

"NOW YOU FLY!" Lin Wu yelled as he threw the Copper Hide Weasel with all his strength.


The power of the throw was enough to break the sound barrier and causing a sonic boom. The copper Hide Weasel was sent flying to the south at a speed even greater than that of the Aquadream Sea Lotus.

"That takes care of one part. Now to get away myself." Lin Wu said to himself, trying to look for an empty spot.

But that was not easy as the sea only kept on expanding. Looking at the Aquadream Sea Lotus one could see that the Dao embryo was still producing more and more water.

"What the heck, there should be some limit to this right?" Lin Wu wondered.

He looked at the spirit Qi but it was hard to tell how it was moving. There was simply such chaos in the environmental spirit Qi, it was hard to get a sense of things.

"System, look for all possible modes of escape!" Lin Wu ordered urgently.



TASK ADDED: Escape route analysis

ANALYZING: Checking new parameters

ANALYSIS COMPLETER: Two possible routes of escape found, updating on map.


Lin Wu immediately opened the map and saw the routes that had been charted on it. The first route was the most ridiculous, as it told him to fly straight up. And not only that but it had a success rate of 5% as he would likely be killed by the water jets.

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