Lin Wu who had also been listening to Yu Guowei's words, felt it all to be quite eerie. It reminded him of those B class trashy horror movies of his past life that were cringy yet felt good to watch while drunk.

Expect in this case it was all real, which meant he would have to deal with all of the happenings. It made Lin Wu feel both anxious and excited.

"Wonder how those ghosts actually look like and act?" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

While Lin Wu was entertaining himself with his thoughts, Shirong on the other hand, was not entertained at all. Unlike Yu Guowei, he could understand the reasons behind all these incidents and had a few guesses.

"Didn't Uncle say that you guys had found some organization in the Dread Coil Marsh? What about them? Are they suspects?" Shirong questioned.

"That sect? Yes, we did encounter their members but they all escaped. They're more slippery than eels and know the marsh like the back of their hand. We couldn't keep up once they started running.

And not only that, they have some unique skills that help them in the marsh. They are quite expert in blending in with the area and can hide their presence as well. 

Among everyone in our team, only Master Quan and a couple of others could actually sense them. The rest of us were depending on spirit tools that are used for sensing by even they got lost along with the other members." Yu Guowei answered.

Shirong felt like all of this was much worse than he had thought. He was thankful that he had chosen to break through to the Nascent Soul realm beforehand or it would have become difficult for him when he got to the Marsh.

One had to know his uncle Ji Quan was at the Peak of the Nascent soul realm and was even at the Dao Shell realm once upon a time. His cultivation had regressed due to him becoming injured a long time ago but he still had a lot of his skills and was not an easy person to defeat.

With Shirong being at the Nascent Soul realm, he would at least be able to sense these sect members.

"Do you have any more information? Anything, even the smallest smidgen of it will help." Shirong asked.

Yu Guowei shook his head, but then suddenly thought of something.

"Wait, young master, there is something. But I don't know if it's related to the Dread Coil Marsh." Yu Guowei said.

"Oh, tell me." Shirong ordered.

"The presence of a Nascent soul realm cultivator was felt recently. It came from the east and went to the west. It didn't pass over the city, but about ten kilometers away. Though no one actually saw the cultivator in person, so we think it may actually be a cultivator traveling." Yu Guowei replied.

"Aren't there a few Nascent Soul realms in the city already for the Tournament? How recent are you talking about?" Shirong questioned.

"It wasn't someone from the tournament." Yu Guowei shook his head, "it happened over a month ago. Some of the city's Nascent soul realm cultivators even went to check it out, but found nothing." He added.

"Hmm… it could be nothing… but I'll keep it in mind." Shirong replied.

There were far too many variables in this for Shirong to make a proper guess. Even that Nascent Soul realm cultivator could have just been a random person that was passing by. Lin Wu couldn't think of much either and just kept on listening.

"Ah, I almost forgot. System did you update the map with the new information of the city?" Lin Wu questioned.



NOTIFICATION: Map has been updated, since the arrival of the host in the city. The markers are currently set to the default filter thus cannot be seen. If the host want's he can switch it to see the different things on the map.


"Ah, no wonder I didn't see anything there." Lin Wu spoke.

He switched the filter to cultivators and saw the thousands of markers popping up all over the map. Lin Wu increased the restriction to cultivators that were at the Nascent soul realm and above before checking the results.

"Oh? Quite a few Nascent soul realm cultivators were along with a couple of Dao Shell realm ones as well." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He checked their location and found them to be all over the city with the two Dao Shell realm cultivators in the location where the Palace was located. He reckoned that the Dao Shell realm cultivators should be part of the Royal clan or something like that.

As for the Nascent soul realm cultivators, there were over ten of them in the city and they were concentrated in a few pockets. Having seen this, Lin Wu switched the filter again to places of interest where he could scan more information like the libraries and found there to be five of those.

"Hmm… I guess I got tonight's task cut out." Lin Wu said.

Lin Wu had been intending to collect as much information he could to upgrade the system's data banks and this new kingdom was the perfect target. 

"Alright, system scan and prepare the best routes to those markers." Lin Wu ordered.



SCANNER ACTIVATED: Parameters selected


PLOTTING COMPLETE: Optimum Route has been charted and the navigation can be activated upon the host's discretion.


"Perfect." Lin Wu praised.

Shirong talked with Yu Guowei about a few more things before deciding to leave. Lin Wu learned that Yu Guowei was actually one of the external members of the Ji clan and had been assigned to the Capital city of the Ivory Heron Dynasty.

He had become one of the administrators here and was quite influential. Even the responsibility of holding the yearly tournament between the Ivory Heron Dynasty and Ebony Duck Dynasty fell on his shoulders.

Though Shirong did not care for any of these things and just wanted information on his mission.

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