Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 244 - Getting The Beast Carapace Fragment Back?

Lin Wu's new ears were of course there due to the effect of the Hard Eared Limber Mice King bloodline that he had assimilated. The normal ones had smaller ears, but the kings had ears that were oversized just like the ones that the cosplayers wore.

They looked a bit silly on his head, which was rather large, but he guessed that no one should mind it as he was literally a beast. He also doubted anyone would know what a cosplayer was in this world and if they did, it meant that they were also from another world like his.

This was another doubt that Lin Wu had. He wondered if he was the only human that was reincarnated into this world, or if there were more.

"If I go by the law of probability, there is bound to be more than just me that has been sent here. Though… speaking of worlds there are many worlds in this specific universe so maybe if they are not in the Ming Dao world they are in some other world." Lin Wu hypothesized.

Lin Wu wondered if he would ever get to meet someone else from his world or even a world like his in this universe. 

"No, wait… I'm missing the most important thing… what if my world is also located in this universe?" Lin Wu questioned himself.

Lin Wu had no way of answering this question and just thought that it would be better if he shelved this matter for now, lest he ends up giving himself a headache or worse triggers some kind of a 'heavenly law' that punishes one for knowing too much.

Since this was a cultivation world and had something like heavenly tribulation, he couldn't be too careless.

Just like this, Lin Wu spent some time in his thoughts and the banquet ended. The people returned to their respective places while Shirong went some place else with the Clan Head. Lin Wu returned his mind to the avatar after sensing that Shirong had started moving.

"Oh, where are they going?" Lin Wu wondered.

After watching for a bit, he realized that they were going underground through a set of stairs.

"Could they be going to the underground vault?" Lin Wu questioned.

He received his answer in a couple of minutes as they really did end up reaching the vault. 

"Let me open this, Young master. Just a few seconds," Clan Head Lu stated.

He created a few hand seals and then slammed his palm in the center of the door of the vault.


  A humming sound could be heard, after which multiple runes appeared on the surface of the vault's door. 


The sounds of gears moving could be heard as the runes on the surface of the vault door faded away. Clan Head Lu pushed the heavy door and opened the entrance to the vault. This was the first item Lin Wu was getting to see the vault from a first person's perspective.

"Boy! They really have a lot of stuff, don't they?" Lin Wu muttered, seeing all the things.

Even though the system had already given him a report of all the items that were in the vault, it was still quite different seeing it with his own two eyes. He watched on as clan Head Lu took Shirong further in.

They passed a few shelves before reaching the center of the vault where a table was kept. On top of this table, a glass cabinet was kept in which contained the beast carapace fragment.

Clan head Lu made a few more hand seals and lifted the protective formation that was placed on the glass cabinet.

"You can take it now, young master Shirong." Clan head Lu stated.

"Hmm," Shirong hummed in response before picking it up.

He looked at the fragment carefully and had a few thoughts appear in his mind.

'What exactly is it that it can contain that unknown energy before?' Shirong wondered.

The unknown energy was able to consume the heavenly tribulation lightning which was no small feat, and as such Shirong was curious. There was no doubt if he found out more about it, it would only be beneficial to him in the future.

He then stored it back in his spatial storage ring where Lin Wu had already begun his analysis on the beast carapace fragment. Unlike Shirong, he knew exactly where this fragment had come from, but he was wondering what exactly was this unknown energy that could be triggered to appear by it.

"We should return now, our work is done." Shirong said before he and clan head Lu left the vault.

While leaving clan Head Lu casually flicked his hand and the vault door automatically locked itself behind him. 

The fragment was the last thing he needed before leaving the city and heading for the capital. Shirong went to his assigned courtyard, which had actually been transferred over to his name now.

This was done by clan Head Lu to show his assurance that he will always have a place to stay in the Deer Wood City. 

Shirong sat down in his bedroom and cultivated until the morning. He also had a few matters to ponder on and thus deemed it to be a good time to do that.

While he was doing this, Lin Wu had decided to leave the ring once more. But this time his reason for it was rather different. 

"I should find some cookbooks before I leave the city. At least my main body will get to enjoy some good food in the meantime." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He sneaked out of the ring and directly went to the book shops in the city. He reckoned that he may as well gather all the information from the common book shops as well, since he was going to leave anyway.

Lin Wu even sneaked into some of the restaurants to steal the chef's personal recipes. They were of course not written down, and Lin Wu had to record them manually into a jade slip that he made himself. 

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