Rise Of The Demon God

Chapter 1559 1559: Double Deal

Chapter 1559 Chapter 1559: Double Deal

"What plan?" The Demonic Ancestor asked, curious about the young man's plan.

"Take over the body and make sure I don't die," Long Chen told the Demonic Ancestor.

Before the Demonic Ancestor could even answer, Long Chen handed over the control to the Demonic Ancestor's spirit.

If there was anyone who could last a long time without dying, it was the Demonic Ancestor. Even without the perfect synchronization with the body and lack of his past strength, the Demonic Ancestor still had his knowledge that surpassed even the Heavenly Emperor or the Ancestral Beast.

He knew that although the Demonic Ancestor said that it was hard to defeat them all, he didn't say that it was completely impossible. But Long Chen didn't want to risk it.

Instead of asking the Demonic Ancestor to help him win the battle, he only asked him to survive.

After the Demonic Ancestor took over the body, Long Chen's aura strengthened, as the Demonic Ancestor's immense power surged through his veins.

His senses sharpened, making him more attuned to the world around him. With every breath, the ground trembled beneath his feet as if he was one with the universal laws.

The Demonic Ancestor only carried a slight frown on his face as he heard the real plan of Long Chen. He felt like slapping his forehead.

'That's your plan? Do you not realize that it's impossible? It's just-'

He tried warning Long Chen, but the young man simply shut him off, insisting him to go with the plan.

"I know it was supposed to happen after I fulfilled our deal, but we have no choice now." Long Chen told the Demonic Ancestor.

"I believe that despite our differences, we can find a way to coexist peacefully. You are in a spirit form, but I can create a body for you. I can give you a much better body than your current host can ever provide you. So why risk your second life for a man you barely know? Come to my side and hand him to me, and we'll all be happy."

Tian Shen paused, waiting for a response from the Demonic Ancestor.

Hearing the young man's offer, the Heavenly Emperor and the Ancient Beasts couldn't help but frown. For them, the Demonic Ancestor was just as big an enemy as Long Chen. However, they didn't interfere.

They knew that Tian Shen wasn't going to be foolish enough. It was all a trick to bring the Ancestral Demon out of Long Chen's body, after which he couldn't do anything but be at their mercy.

"Don't you have to convince your friends before offering me a deal like that?" The Demonic Ancestor asked.

More than the deal, he was interested in wasting time. The more time he could buy for Long Chen, the better it was. Moreover, at the same time, he also looked for their weakness and an opportunity to leave this place where he was weaker.

"I don't have to ask anyone for what I want to do. My words are my promise. So, will you take this offer?" Tian Shen inquired, keeping his voice steady and confident.

He knew that convincing the Demonic Ancestor would prove to be a challenge, but he was also someone who didn't want to take any risk. If there was a battle and something happened to Long Chen, he was going to lose everything.

He needed Long Chen to be alive to devour him and finish the inheritance of the Ancestral God, most of which was a part of Long Chen's bloodline.

"Is that so? In that case, I will accept the offer. However, I don't care about finding a new body. I don't even care about living anymore. I only have one desire. So I'll give you the same deal I gave Long Chen for my cooperation!" The Demonic Ancestor exclaimed, a devilish smirk spreading across his lips.

"I want the destruction of Heaven. I don't care if Long Chen fulfills my wish or you. As long as you can fulfill it, I'll not only hand over this boy's body to you, but also all my knowledge."

The Demonic Ancestor had never thought of an opportunity like his. If he could turn this alliance against each other, then nothing could be better than this.

Following the Demonic Ancestor's offer, the Heavenly Emperor looked at Tian Shen, seeds of distrust starting to rise in the alliance.

Even the Ancestral Beasts felt uncomfortable and suspicious of Tian Shen. It was true that the man had no enmity with the Demonic Ancestor. He only wanted the body of the boy. And with this offer, he could get everything he wanted and even more.

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