"You… You… What do you mean?!" The fury that was always in the girl's voice had now changed to fear.

"I will be extremely stupid if I return with you now, won't I? I also know that it will be a death sentence if your father knows what I've done to you," the man said.

"No… No… Let me live. I won't tell my father! Do what you want with my body, just don't kill me."

"Hehehe, aren't you obedient now? I have been dreaming of getting back at you since one year ago. I can't believe I run into you in this dimension. Of all the people, it has to be you. It must be fate. The Gods themselves have seen that it is my right to do this. That's why they let me stumble into you here. This dimension is the best place for me to get my revenge, no one knows what happens inside here. If you don't come back, people will just assume you are killed by the spirit beasts."

"No… Please spare me!" The girl's voice was close to hysterical now.

"Don't worry, I will let you live… for three more days. If I enjoy it, I will probably let you live a few more days longer, hahaha!"

Amon watched the entire scene from above. These two were the young generations of the White Cloud sect that had gone into this secret dimension with him. He remembered the faces of these two when they lined up in the hall with the portal that brought them here.

He was just about to leave. It's not of his concern what these two people do. They could kill each other for all he cared. But he suddenly thought of something. He looked in a direction. He turned back and looked at the boy who was still humping the girl excitedly.

Amon made a decision. He took a pill out of his Space Ring. It was the Poison Repelling Pill. He then popped it into his mouth.

Under the ground, the girl tried to fight desperately. Before, it was just about her dignity getting squashed. Now, it was about fighting for her life. She had to do all she could to fight off the boy behind her. But the boy was too strong. No matter how she struggled, she couldn't tear away from the man's grip.

"Hahaha. Keep struggling! It makes me feel great. Ah… I'm about to cum. Haha, let's fill you up with my love before you leave this world, eh? Hahaha."

"No…! Let me go! Let me go!" The girl continued to try to break free.

"Haha. Yes! Struggle more! Yes! I'm close! Yes! I'm… Eergghh…!!!"

The girl felt the boy stop moving. His grips, however, were getting stronger. His hands were clenching her wrists and her head very strongly. It was as if he was trying to crush her, but then it turned loose.

She then felt something slumped beside her. She turned and saw the face of the boy who had been raping her. His eyes were bulging while his mouth was wide open. There was a big gaping hole behind his opened mouth, the woman could see the grass behind the man through that hole. Blood was gushing out through there.

"Aaahhh…!" She screamed at the horrid scene. She scrambled away. Still shocked, it took her a few seconds to register another boy was standing behind where the dead one on the ground used to be. There was a dagger in one of his hands, the dagger was dripping with blood.

"Who… Who are you?!" She shouted, afraid that her predicament was not over yet.

The standing man was Amon, who was secretly glad that the girl didn't recognize him. She didn't watch the White Cloud Tournament then. Amon was currently faking an innocent face. "Miss, are you all right? I heard your voice and came here. I saw that you are being held against your will, so I save you."

​ "You… You did…?" The girl said. He scrutinized the boy in front of her. The boy didn't seem older than her. In fact, he seemed younger despite his tall body.

She didn't remember this boy. He was not of the White Cloud sect. That meant he was from the lowly clans outside the sect. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't deem to communicate with such a lowly being. But since he had just saved her, she thought she could show some courtesy.

"What you have done is very good. When we return to the sect, I will make sure you are rewarded," the girl said.

"Don't worry, miss. I only want to help. I don't need any reward," Amon said, trying his best to sound sincere. "Do you have other clothes, miss? This one is ruined."

The girl just realized that she was still naked. "Turn around!" She commanded.

"Of… Of course," Amon said and complied.

Amon let her alone for a minute. He heard the sound of fabric shuffling. She must have kept spare clothes inside her space ring.

"Okay, you can turn back now," He heard the girl say.

Amon turned and saw the girl in a luxurious dress. 'She came here bringing this kind of clothes? What does she think she came here for? A holiday trip?' Amon thought.

"What can I call you, miss?" Amon asked.

"Call me Pai Ning," she said. She was looking at Amon with her chin up. Contempt could be seen in her stare. It was hard to imagine this girl was just begging for her life a few minutes ago. Even more incredible was the fact that she hadn't thanked her savior after getting saved from certain death.

"Eew! What's wrong with your hand?" Pai Ning asked. Amon's hand had mostly grown back but the hand not yet had the fingers.

"Defect since birth," Amon lied.

Pai Ning didn't like looking at Amon's deformed hand, she turned her gaze away and spoke, "I need to tell you something. What happened here, I forbid you to tell anyone else. Is this understood?"

'About you being raped by a low-tiered member of your sect? Don't worry,' Amon thought. To the girl, he said, "I won't tell anyone, miss."

Pai Ning nodded. She then asked, "Now tell me. What are you doing here?" Her tone was as if a mistress talking to a slave.

"I'm on my way to the South of here," Amon said while pointing in a direction. "I found a parchment informing me that a structure was there that housed untold treasures."

"Treasures?" Pai Ning's ears perked up hearing Amon's explanation. "Show me that parchment!" She commanded.

"It crumbled once I was done reading it. I think it had been engraved with some kind of enchantment that allowed it to only be read once."

Pai Ning eyed Amon with a hard stare. She then turned to the South. "You said it was in that direction?"


"All right, let's go together then."

"That will be best. To be honest, I'm kind of scared to travel alone."

Pai Ning gave Amon a contemptuous gaze. "Scared? What is your cultivation level?"

"I've just entered the Strength stage not long ago," Amon lied again.

"Beginning Strength stage? Newly breakthrough? How did you even become a finalist in the tournament? The tournament has truly lowered in quality. Or are all the young generations of the lower clans turned lousy? Maybe all you low blood can do is just backstab your opponent."

Amon simply faked a wry smile, as if her insult was justified.

Seeing Amon's expression, Pai Ning's contempt became even more apparent. "Just show me the place mentioned in the parchment. If you go by yourself, you will surely perish if you encounter a spirit beast."

"Certainly, now that I have Miss with me. I feel a lot safer… But what about him?" Amon asked while pointing at the dead boy on the ground.

"What about him? Let him rot here for what he had done to me," Pai Ning uttered.

"No, I mean his space ring. Perhaps I should take it?"

Pai Ning who heard that hurriedly came and shoved Amon aside. "That is White Sect clan's property! Low blood people should not touch it!"

"Of course, of course," Amon said obediently as Pai Ning bent down and relieved the space ring from the dead boy's finger. She then stored it inside her own space ring.

"Let's move!" She said.

"Of course! This way, miss," Amon said and started walking.

During their walk, Amon talked about the place they were heading to. He told Pai Ning that the parchment indicated that from where they currently were, it should be another two days' walk to arrive there. The place was a pyramid-like monument. The entrance was at the top of this pyramid.

Amon mentioned that the parchment informed a secret way to enter the pyramid. Which was to place one's hands upon the carvings of the serpents' mouths on the floor, and then transfer one's aether into the carvings.

The riddle had mentioned offering one's soul, but Amon had deciphered that it was one's aether that one should offer. Amon couldn't hope this girl to be smart enough to figure out the riddle, so he just gave her the answer from the start.

"What else is written in that parchment?" Pai Ning asked.

"Nothing else. That's all there is," Amon said.

"I see… Now, which direction again to that pyramid?"

"It's that way," Amon said as he pointed in a direction. He then felt five strong fingers grip the back of his neck. The fingers sunk deep into his skin. He felt something seeping in.

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