Amon let the others enter first. It was not like entering first would give one an advantage. It was simply a few minutes of a head start. Not to mention, they would enter random locations. There was a chance that they won't even meet each other for the whole three months inside, so it didn't matter who enter first.

Some youths, after seeing Lei San entering the gateway, were competing to be the second one to enter. Especially those from the White Cloud youths. They felt humiliated for letting Lei San take the initiative.

Amon scoffed at these children. It was their indecision that caused Lei San to offer himself for entering first. Yet, they got angry at him for their own faults.

Pai Kuan had to scold them to get them back in line. Everyone then entered under his stern gaze.

Amon waited until everyone entered before he himself walked to the secret dimension's gateway.

"Good luck," Pai Kuan said when Amon came before the gateway.

Amon simply nodded for a reply. He then stepped into the light.

When he entered. He felt his body suddenly become weightless and got sucked by a very strong force. He felt himself become one with the light. When he looked down, he couldn't even see his body anymore. Perhaps he indeed became one with the light.

Suddenly, the light part. He found himself falling from very high up. He passed by many clouds as he fell. He could see the land below. It was very big. From what he saw up here, he felt like he was seeing half of an entire planet.

'The secret dimension is this big?' Amon thought in astonishment. This was practically another world. No wonder White Cloud people said they had not yet scoured all the places within this dimension even after so long.

'But… Isn't falling from such a height dangerous?' Amon thought. Even if his current cultivation made his body much stronger than the one in his previous world, falling from such a height would still guarantee instant death.

The speed at which he was falling escalated. He could feel the wind pressing against him.

Amon didn't think that the gateway would send them here to die. Unless, of course, there was a mistake. Perhaps there was a glitch when he entered. Instead of sending him to a location on the land, the gateway teleported him high into the sky instead.

There was no time to think if this was bad luck or not. The ground was enclosing fast. Amon activated Hardened Bronze Body. He didn't think this art would do any good with his current momentum, but he had to do something. He positioned his body with his legs below to absorb the impact while he covered his head with his arms.

Just before he hit the ground, he again felt his body become weightless and getting zoomed somewhere else, very fast. His vision became black this time.

Amon was not sure if he had lost consciousness. When he regained control of his body and could see again, he found himself on the ground. His mind was still hazy, it was as if he had just woken up from a very deep sleep. He closed his eyes again and forced his consciousness to clear. When he reopened his eyes, his mind was sharp again.

'This looks familiar,' he thought.

He looked around another time.

He was certain now. This was the throne room where he had died in his previous life.

'What is this? Did I get transported back to the previous world?' He looked down at his body. It was still the young demon body of his second life. He tried to regulate the aether in his body, he could feel the energy circulating. He punched out. The energy from his Bone Shattering Shadow Fist shot out and caused a dent in the wall.

'The laws are still following the ones from the new world,' Amon thought.

Was this simply a similar throne room then? Amon looked around one more time before heading to the large double doors. He opened the doors and walked out. He was outside.

He knew then he was not back into his old world. The throne room he was in was not connected directly to the outside. There were some hallways before the exterior. Now, he was already standing at the exterior of the castle after exiting the throne room. The exterior did look the same as the one in his previous world, though. He saw the army camps that his soldiers had built around this ancient castle.

Yet, there was no one at all.

The sky above was nighttime with a full moon. He came down the stairs and walked amongst the camps. There were weapons and supplies scattered about. He picked up one of the rifles that were lying on the ground. He opened the magazine which showed that it had full ammunition. He reattached the magazine back, took an aim, and pressed the trigger.

Nothing happened.

He gave the rifle another look before throwing it away. He started walking again. There were also a tank and two anti-aircraft guns further out from the camps. Their positions were as he last saw them.

Amon continued walking, following the road. It brought him to a small woods, which was not as he remembered. There were no woods outside that ancient castle where he took a temporary residence. Nevertheless, he proceeded into the woods. There was nothing but ghosts back there.

As he walked amongst the woods, he heard a voice. A woman's voice. He headed towards it.

He came into a clearing with a small pond filled with clear water. The full moon was reflected on its surface. Besides this pond, a woman sat on a small rock with his back to Amon. She was wearing a loose dress that showed her bare back.

The voice Amon heard was her singing. Her singing was very melodious and Amon felt like it brought great peace to his soul. Which was disturbing, because peace was what Amon detested the most.

Amon did not feel any danger from this woman. Yet he chose not to come over to her, because he sensed absolutely nothing from her. The whole situation was bizarre. He chose to be prudent and watched the woman from afar.

Her singing finally stopped. She then turned around and looked directly at Amon. Her face was the most beautiful Amon had ever seen. It was perfect. Which immediately sent an alert sign within Amon, because he knew for a fact that nothing was perfect.

The woman smiled at him. The smile on her sensual lips could melt any man, as with her enchanting eyes. She stood up. Her body was even more perfect. Her loose dress was half transparent, showing the alluring curves of her body. Her two firm and round breasts bounced erotically as she started walking towards Amon.

Amon stayed his ground, but he was ready with all his senses on alert. Lesser men might have their minds clouded by such a seductive sight, but not him.

When the woman was around five meters away from him, Swan dagger came out in his right hand while his left gripped a throwing knife.

"Come any closer and I will attack," Amon uttered.

The woman stopped. A surprised glint was in her eyes. She kept on smiling, though. "You are different from the others," the woman said.

"Others? Someone came here as well?" Amon asked. Perhaps those that had stepped through the portal before him?

"Yes. They came, every once in a while. I kept them happy here, so they stayed. I can make you happy as well."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"I can give you great pleasure," she said while taking a step forward.

Amon lifted his hand that was holding the swan dagger. "I'm warning you."

The woman took a step back. "What gives you pleasure?" She asked.

"Great battle and becoming stronger," Amon replied.

"That's… uncommon."

"Let me out of here. We will go our separate ways."

"What makes you think you are being held here?"

"This place is unreal. I think it is some kind of a pocket dimension. Since you live here, you should know of the way out."

"Why? There is nothing but suffering out there. Stay here with me. You can enjoy being happy here your entire life."

"Not interested," Amon said.

The woman seemed lost due to Amon's rejection. She continued staring at Amon. When she saw Amon's determined look, she knew she couldn't sway him.

"All right, come with me. I will show you the way out," the woman said. She then turned around and walked into the woods.

Amon followed behind her, keeping a safe distance while having his weapons ready.

Her body moved gracefully as she walked. The half-transparent dress she wore didn't hide her naked body inside. Her moving ass seemed to invite Amon to pounce at her. While walking, she turned back a few times and giggled. As if asking why he hadn't come at her and forced her down yet.

After a long walk, they came to a small wooden hut. The woman entered the hut and invited Amon in. Amon stayed before the door and looked in.

"Just come in. Don't worry, I won't bite," the woman said as she walked to a bed opposite the entrance.

She removed her dress and fully revealed her naked body. She lay down on the bed in a sexually provocative position and said, "why don't you come here and let me make you very comfortable?"

Amon frowned. "So, you didn't want to show me the way out? Fine, I will make you tell me," Amon said.

He threw his flying knife. The knife flew straight at the woman's shoulder. Amon wanted to hurt the woman without killing him to force her to tell him about this dimension's exit.

But when his knife struck the woman, she turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.


Curious, Amon walked into the hut to check the bed the woman was on just now. But when he stepped inside, the whole hut transformed.

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