The Greasy Horned Weasel now stared at Amon as it approached slowly. Although he could sense that Amon's aura was weaker than it, its cautious nature did not allow it to charge forward blindly.

Amon stared back at the beast. Although he knew the spirit beast in front of him was stronger, there was no fear in his eyes. He took out two of the throwing knives strapped on his back. The one in his left hand was the normal one, while the one in his right was the one that had been imbued with the Black Slaughter Poison.

He threw the normal one at the Greasy Horned Weasel, the knife created a ray of light that made it travel faster than normal. And yet, it didn't hit its mark. After seeing Amon make the throw, the weasel scurried with an impossible speed to the side. It instantly disappeared behind the row of stalagmites.

'So fast!' Amon exclaimed. He would not be able to hit it accurately with that kind of speed.

The weasel now crept slowly, trying to circle to Amon's back while hiding. Such an attempt was pointless, as Amon could determine its position from its killing intent. However, the weasel's speed was a serious problem. Amon was not confident that he could dodge it if it attacked with that kind of speed. The weasel's cautious nature had instead allowed Amon some breathing moments to think of a plan.

After a brief thought, he dashed to the cavern wall without hesitation. On a battlefield, there was no time to think of an elaborate fancy plan. You would end up getting blown to smithereens if you were thinking too long. So, he acted on the first idea that came to his mind. He could sense the weasel noticed his sudden movement and was now giving chase.

On the cavern wall, there were many holes. Amon was heading to the closest one. He didn't know where it led. It didn't matter. He just needed the narrow hole. He dashed inside before the weasel could reach him, and crawled further in.

Once he heard the weasel was on his tail, he looked back and saw the weasel coming up on him with a scary speed. He was in a narrow tunnel with a predator which was used to burrowing inside the tunnel. Such a situation was clearly a disadvantage to him. But there was one thing he was aiming for by going into this cave tunnel, it was to make it impossible for the weasel to dodge. Inside this narrow tunnel, they could only go forward or back, no other movement was possible.

And so Amon threw the poison knife between his legs. Not one, but two consecutively. Amon did not forget about the weasel's bladed horn. When the first knife almost hit, the weasel tilted its head and the knife was smacked. However, it could only hit one knife at a time, the second one went forward as the first one was being hit. This second knife stabbed deep into the weasel's side.

It felt pain but it still going forward, such a small wound was not enough to keep it down. Or so it thought. For a mid inferior spirit beast such as it, the Black Slaughter Poison was too deadly. The engraved poison within the knife seeped into its bloodstream almost in an instant.

It was only a few meters away from Amon when it suddenly stopped. It spasmed violently and coughed out blood from its mouth. Trails of black blood soon also leaked from its eyes, ears, and other bodily holes. It was only a few seconds before its convulsions came to a halt and it stopped moving completely.

Amon breathed a relieved sigh. It was intense, his heartbeat had picked up a bit, but not because of fear and worry, but excitement. It brought him back to the time when he was still young in his past life when he first hunted a tiger in a rainforest with nothing but a dagger.

He waited a while. After making sure that the beast was indeed dead, he crawled back and kicked the carcass out of the tunnel, before crawling out himself. He paid attention to his dark surroundings to make sure that there were no more hidden dangers.

He went around collecting the weapons he had dropped. All his throwing knives and his Swan Dagger. He did not forget to check on the three Lin kids' Space Ring. Disappointingly, they were empty aside from some provisions. Guess they would not come to a dangerous mission bringing valuables. He left their rings, even their crossbows and other weapons where they had fallen. If he was caught with their belongings, he would be in trouble.

He then used his Swan Dagger to cut through the snout of the Greasy Horned Weasel, separating the bladed horn from its carcass. Firstly, because that was supposed to be the objective of the mission. Secondly, he needed it to reinforce his story.

He used the bladed horn and stabbed the three Lin kids where he had wounded them, masking their wounds to make it look as if it was done by the spirit beast. He could have used his poison knives to easily defeat the three, but if any of them were killed by poison, it would be a harder story to sell.

Once he was done, he left all the Lin corpses and the weasel's carcass where they were. He only took the bladed horn and stored it in his Space Ring. He then went to the hole opening that Lin Sora had been trying to get to during his retreat. He assumed that would be the one that brought him to the exit of this cave.

His hunch was right. After following the tunnel for a while, he saw light at the other end. He finally came out to the open air.

"Lin Mo?" A questioning voice was heard from behind. Amon turned back to see Lin Giru and Lin Guo stood not far away. Lin Giru's expression was especially bewildered. Amon deduced that the guy did not expect to see him alive again after he went down the hole.

Amon came over to them. Although Lin Guo had also persuaded him to go down the lair, he did not believe the guy dared to defy Madam Lin's order openly.

"Where are the others?" Lin Giru asked after getting ahold of himself.

"Dead," Amon said flatly.

"Dead?!" Lin Giru screeched. "How… How can it be…? You are lying!"

"You are welcomed to go down there and check," Amon replied.

"It's impossible…! You… you kill them!"

"They were killed by the Greasy Horned Weasel," Amon said.

"No way! There is no more Greasy Horned Weasel in the lair," Lin Giru yelled loudly.

Amon frowned. 'So, that's why… Apparently, the mission was a fake one. They had checked this place beforehand and assumed the lair was empty. In other words, that one weasel was an unexpected existence.'

Lin Guo also frowned. Madam Lin had instructed him to keep Amon safe. Although he was not too fond of the kid, he was loyal to the Madam. Lin Giru had told him prior that the lair only had a few young Greasy Horned Weasel, and his three subordinates would keep the kid safe. There was no need to worry about sending Amon down into the lair without their supervision. Lin Giru had even given him a few valuables saying that they were to express his admiration for him and he wished that they could become good friends. Lin Guo had a good feeling about the guy and trusted him. But why did he now say that there was no Greasy Horned Weasel in the lair? Wasn't this mission all about that spirit beast?

Lin Giru had probably realized he had lost his wits and blurted out unnecessary words. He calmed himself before saying, "What I'm trying to say is, that it's impossible if the Greasy Horned Weasel attacked you all. The three of them died while you survived. You must have made it up!"

"So, are you saying it makes more sense for me to murder three Strength stage cultivators with my cultivation?" Amon asked.

Lin Giru was about to say more things but Amon's comment made him choke. It was indeed the same impossible situation.

He then said, "You… you must have used dirty tricks!"

"Why do you insist that it is me that has caused their deaths. Why you can't believe the Greasy Horned Weasel could have killed them? The beast was stronger than me. If you say I can kill those three, then the beast has more capability to do it," Amon stated.

"It's… It's because…"

"Are you going to say again that there is no more Greasy Horned Weasel in this lair?" Amon asked while Lin Giru was stammering. Amon then took out the bladed horn from the weasel he had killed.

"This is the proof that there are Greasy Horned Weasel down there," He said.

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