83 Thank You

To Nevaeh, time seemed to slow down as Victor pulled the rifle trigger.

While Nevaeh was unable to see the shots that had just been fired, she knew that it was coming very soon. And it only took a few seconds, the bullets penetrated her body.

Nevaeh’s body shook violently, she lowered her head gently, staring at her left chest that had just been shot. Nevaeh’s mouth opened slightly, and she slowly trailed her hand across the area where blood was oozing out of.


A second after the shot in the chest, another bullet was fired and this time around it was aimed at Nevaeh’s forehead. Nevaeh was incapable of keeping a balance and as she received the shot in the head, she stumbled to the ground immediately.

Despite having taken her down, Victor didn’t seem satisfied with it, he took a step forward and immediately appeared in front of Nevaeh.

With another set of dual pistols in his hand, Victor aimed both guns at her body and was about to kill the trigger once again, when he was held in his hand. Victor raised his head, staring at the person who had just appeared, and his lips curved into a bone-chilling smile.

“That’s enough, Victor, you have proved your point, and you have won this fight.” The person who appeared was a short, petite woman with purple eyes and brown hair.

Victor shook the woman’s hand off his hand and shifted his gaze back to Nevaeh. Victor’s hand was on the trigger, all that was needed was a little push and the shot will be fired.


However, before Victor could apply that force, the petite woman immediately slapped the gun away from his hand.

“What is wrong with you?!” She yelled, “I said you’ve done enough. She is dead already!!!” The woman exclaimed.

Victor suddenly sneered after the woman spoke, “And so? I just want to see her body covered in bullets. When she had impaled Enzo with those rods, you weren’t here, but now that I want to do the same, you come here acting all shitty.”

“Get the hell out of my sight, before I do something I’d regret,” Victor exclaimed.

The woman, however, shook her head, “Enzo isn’t dead. And even if she had killed him, there is no way the academy would let him be. He is after all the embodiment of evil.”

“We simply need to put him inside the lazarus pit and none of these will matter anymore.” The woman said.

The expression on Victor’s face gave the assumption that he was aware of the lazarus pit capability and the Enzo’s status. And when Victor spoke, it became certain that he was indeed aware of it.

“He changes anytime he comes back from the lazarus pit,” Victor mumbled.

The petite woman also seemed to be aware of this, she wanted to speak, but the words weren’t just coming. She stared at Victor and then took a deep breath.

“Okay. Now that the norms division has been defeated, I expect the academy to involve the rule 135 on us, right?” Victor inquired.

And in response, the petite woman nodded her head, “Yes, the stock market and any other available item owned by the norms division will now belong to the bandit’s division.” There was a smile on the woman’s face as she spoke.

When Victor and the remaining bandit’s division students heard the woman, their faces lit up immediately, and they began to hug one another for the success they had just achieved.

While the norms division can be termed the weakest among the seven divisions, they were perhaps the most hard-working among them all. And the resources they had managed to accumulate weren’t to be underestimated.

Victor walked over to Enzo, he gently carried him, and then said, “Let’s go.” Victor mumbled and as the woman nodded her head, they moved.


“Wheew... I feel really bad for them,” Aiden spoke a second after Victor and the woman left the surrounding.

“They worked really hard for everything, and in the blink of an eye, they lost everything, including their lives. So pitiful.” Aiden shook his head with a tinge of unhappiness on his face.

However, when Camille saw that look on his face, she smirked and shook her head. “No one is buying that from you.”

“What really hurts you is the fact that the bandit’s division would be getting all the items and resources owned by the norms division, not the elite division,” Camille stated.

Aiden’s eyebrows furrowed when he heard Camille, “You make it seem like I’m some vile person.” Aiden paused, “But, yes, you’re right. It should be the elite division getting those assert”

Aiden suddenly turned towards Raphael, who had turned around once the fight was over. “Raphael, what do you think of the fight? The norms division working so hard for everything and at the end, they lost it all.”

“It isn’t just about working hard, it’s about working smart,” Raphael responded.

A smile immediately appeared on Camille’s face after Raphael spoke. There was a certain confidence, nobility, and pride present in Raphael’s voice that when Camille heard him, it put a smile on her face.

“Damn! This is insane.” Bane abruptly stood from his seat. “How can she do all that?” Bane asked with his eyes fixed on Raphael.

Raphael chuckled and then shrugged his shoulders. “But, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, I can have her tell you more if you’d like,” Raphael said.

The instant Bane heard Raphael, he immediately shook his head multiple times. Bane was about to speak when the door was pushed open, and two figures stepped into the room.

It was Yvonne and Serena. And when Bane made contact with Yvonne, he gulped and quickly lowered his head.

“So, Raphael, it’s all fine now. All dangers have been averted, and the academy has promised to have more people around your home now.” Serena said.

For some reason, the expression on Raphael’s face changed when he heard Serena. Raphael stared at her with his eyebrows lowered.

Serena could see the expression on Raphael’s face, but she, however, chose to ignore it. “There’s also something else I need to inform you about,” Serena said.

“A new mission has emerged,” As Serena spoke, she handed the papers in her hand to Bane, Aiden, and Camille. “The others have also been informed about their missions, I wish you good luck and don’t bring shame to the division.”

“You will be considered weak, and it’s only a matter of time, and one of the divisions will come knocking at your door,” Serena said.

Bane, Aiden, and Camille glanced at one another with shock evident on their faces. They weren’t shocked because of the mission given to them, but it was because Serena was saying all these in front of Yvonne.

But, knowing Serena was a member of the student council, they knew she wouldn’t bring harm to the academy, and it was what made them relaxed.

Serena suddenly raised an eyebrow, “What are you still waiting for!” She exclaimed, “Go!”

Bane, Aiden, and Camille flashed a rough smile at Serena before the three of them hurried out of the room.

And a few seconds after they left the room, Serena turned towards Raphael with her hands folded across her chest. “The academy has decided to let you spend some time with your mother, so your team will be working without you.”

“Serena,” Raphael said.

“Sigh...” Serena shook her head, “I know you don’t want the academy to be this involved in your family, but I was the one who insisted on it. This was the right move to make here, Raphael, you have to trust me on this.”

While Raphael didn’t say a word after Serena spoke, the expression that he had on his face, however, asserted that he wasn’t pleased with her action.

“I also asked for protection from the agency you use.” Serena paused, “Instead of S-ranks, they will be offering SS-Ranks around your house.”

A second after Serena spoke, and Raphael appeared in front of her. Raphael stared at her, before stretching his hands out, and hugging her tightly.

“Thank you,” Raphael said.

Serena’s lips curved into a smile, she wrapped her hands around Raphael’s body and placed her head gently on his chest. “It’s okay, Raphael,” Serena mumbled.


Raphael and Serena immediately after separated when they heard that voice. Raphael took a few steps backward, and Serena turned towards Yvonne.

Yvonne stared at Raphael and Serena before shaking her head. She then sat on the bed with a smile on her face, “The both of you are something else.” Yvonne muttered.

“Raphael, come give me a massage, it really isn’t the same with you not around.” Yvonne jested.

Gus, who had been on Raphael’s shoulder the entire time suddenly, flew towards Yvonne. “I have missed you too, Gus,” Yvonne said as she rubbed her hand across Gus gently.

Raphael also moved toward Yvonne and began to perform the massage she asked for. He kept a poker face as he massaged his mother’s leg.

“Come over here, Serena,” Yvonne said.

With a smile on Serena’s face, she pulled the other chair in the room towards the bed and sat close to Yvonne.


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