Reverend Ecstasy

Chapter 246 Vengeance of the Beast Clans

Chapter 246 Vengeance of the Beast Clans

Also known as the Final Solution of the Fox Monarch, the Wrath of the Beast Emperor was such a taboo song that, despite Bai Zhi heavenly doting upon his prodigious daughter, he'd never share the lyrics and notes with her.

What a pity that Daji was the reincarnation of the ten-tailed White Fox, and therefore didn't need Bai Zhi's instructions to learn all the tricks of the Fox clan. In fact, beyond the White Foxes, Daji could also learn all the abilities of the other clans such as the Fire Foxes and Dark Foxes.

Her lips parted, singing a tune that mixed epic and melancholic vibes, in one breath quieting the listeners, and in the next, setting their hearts ablaze. Xiao Hu's pipa backed up Daji, her emotions and desires pouring into the instrument as she executed the notes learned from her sworn sister, the notes took rosy runic shapes, merging with Daji's throat as silent vibration waves unfurled from the fox princess' lips.

These vibrations spread out, crossing the immensity of the Eastern Continent to reach every single Mysterious Beast, known or unknown. Tiny packs that stayed burrowed and scavenged for survival, ancient monsters that hid in secret lairs to avoid the persecution of top experts, bold beasts that occupied a territory knowing full that, sooner than later, hunts would bring them down—they all heard Daji's song. Tears dripped from their face, and their eyes turned red.

Revenge is a terrible thirst, most often bred from the conviction of wrongs that justice doesn't or refuses to punish. Once released in earnest, once equipped with free will, nothing can stop revenge from taking on the heart's foulest aspects and rampage with a chaotic frenzy.

From the extremities of the Eastern Continent to the crossroad where all powers intersected: Imperial Wind City, Daji's song kindled the thirst for revenge in all mysterious beasts, doing away with their fear of men and spirits alike to stir and galvanize their innate savagery.

'Damn you! Damn you! On the pretext of ridding the world of evil, the Hegemon of Yaozhou hunted down my family, parents, brothers and sisters, turning them into meat to nurture his children's constitution and cultivation base. Kill! I want to kill them all!'

Regardless of ranks, all mysterious beasts saw their latent grievances resurface, fueling the blood-rage that seethed in their veins. With mighty soul defenses, a few ancients managed to resist the song, but even those had to confront their past and consider their allegiances.

Some had committed as much, if not more evil than the grievances they suffered. But as Daji's song stirred them, they couldn't remember this point. All cast their eyes towards Daji's mountain range, eager to assemble at their sovereign's feet.

But first, they had to answer the urge, to give free rein to their rage and stomp through the heartland of the Eastern Spirit Empire!

In the Dongli state's iconic beacon of wealth and inequality, the notorious Xihai's Chrysanthemum City, one wealthy merchant of early Foundation Building cultivation base kissed his daughter goodnight, then entered his study, perusing the ledger recording his last transactions.

The influx of the two drugs Paradise and Ignition had destroyed many lives but made others profit massively. If not for the opportunities offered by these drugs, this little merchant would have never managed to accumulate this much wealth in five lifetimes.

A part of him resented his willingness to exploit his fellow men's dreams and weaknesses for profit. Another part recognized that, no matter how civilized humanity got, the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, would always hold sway, only changing shape to match the morals of the times. This second part of the merchant's psyche won every single time, suppressing the humanity in him long enough to make big bucks.

"It's getting harder and will only get harder from here on. Xihai's affluent neighborhoods have never looked more luxurious, but too many gangs have risen in the slums, some even hiding in the affluent parts of this city, spreading their influence to all aspects of our society. These drugs are creating a new status quo, one with no care for background, dominated by wealth and military force.

The royal family has failed to use the White Immortal Sect's destruction to take over and centralize the state. Worse, due to the illusion of wealth, growth and endless pleasure that Chrysanthemum City now projects, Purple Wind City and other major cities are seeing their citizens depart to seek opportunities in Xihai.

Whoever controls Xihai controls Dongli. Where should I position myself? What faction should I align with to profit...or at least guarantee that my family will survive the coming storm? Aiyah...things used to be simpler," the wealthy merchant sighed and palmed his face, considering his options. Little did he know that, while he studied his ledger, a pack of tiny, flashing red eyes stared at him from the shadows of his study. Loud clacking sounds echoed, making the wealthy merchant furrow his brows.

"At this time of night? What is..." Barely had the merchant taken notice of the sound that, 20 red-eyed rats appeared at his left, followed by 20 at his right. Twenty more came from underneath, but only one appeared above. That one landed on the merchant's scalp, smiling with fiendish glee.

"Argh...argh...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" The merchant didn't have the time to ask himself where these rats had come from. By the time he took note of the red-eyed rats, 60 had sunken their teeth in his flesh, tearing through his clothes as they munched him to death.

"Bastard, all my children ever wanted was the scraps that you humans discarded. But you refused to give us even that. You refused to tolerate our existence, and at the first sighting, would muster all your resources to poison, starve, or outright exterminate us!

If all the land under the heavens can only be occupied by those that you humans tolerate, are the other species supposed to just lay down and die?!

If you cannot see our tears or comprehend our language, are we not individuals?

Hahahaha! Most of my children are dead, but it's fine, it's fine! Now the emperor has empowered us, and Xihai will face the wrath...of my Burrowing Rat clan!" Following this statement, the Burrowing Rats exterminated the merchant's family.

It wasn't just the mysterious beasts. All across the Eastern Continent, even mortal pets and beasts underwent mystical transformations, siphoning the Qi of Heaven and Earth to be reborn as Mysterious Beasts.

These beasts turned against their owners, answering the call of their emperor and mauling their way...throughout the east.

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