Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 77: What are you doing here when you’re not working

Chapter 77


"Xiao Hui!"


Li Man rushed forward, but was pushed away by Wang Jun Feng.

"Get out of here!" Wang Jun Feng glared with bloodshot eyes and shouted at Li Man, "It's all because of you. If it weren't for you, Xiao Hui wouldn't be like this. If we lose the child, I won't let you off."

Li Man stood frozen in place.

Wang Jun Feng cradled Chen Xiao Hui in his arms and hurriedly left the hospital room. "Doctor, doctor, please save my child."

"Mom... Auntie, what's wrong with my mom?" An Xin anxiously asked as she lay in bed, unable to see clearly what had happened.

"It's alright, An Xin. You stay in bed and the nurse will come to give you a shot later. Auntie will go out and see how your mom is doing," Li Man turned back and said to An Xin.

"Okay, Auntie, please go quickly," An Xin obediently replied.

Li Man nodded and quickly followed.

With the guidance of a nurse, Wang Jun Feng carried Chen Xiao Hui to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

When Li Man arrived, Chen Xiao Hui had already entered the operating room.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" Wang Jun Feng saw Li Man and erupted in anger, shouting at her, "Your husband is having an affair, so you can't stand to see your friends doing better than you, right?"

"You wicked woman! Women like you deserve to be abandoned by their husbands. You're destined to be lonely for the rest of your life, without family, love, or friendship!"

"You envy Xiao Hui for having a better life than you, so you want to break us up. You're shameless, despicable, and you deserve to die!"

With bloodshot eyes, Wang Jun Feng used the most malicious language to curse Li Man.

The hospital was already crowded, and Wang Jun Feng's harsh words immediately attracted those who enjoyed watching a spectacle. Everyone craned their necks, eagerly waiting to see what would happen.

Wang Jun Feng saw people looking over and loudly pointed at Li Man, saying, "Her husband is cheating, so she can't stand to see others doing well. She came here to provoke a fight between us and caused my wife to have a miscarriage. Now she's lying in the operating room."

"Oh my God, how can there be such a wicked person!"

"People are like this, unable to stand others doing better than themselves."

"Why would you want such a friend?"

"Such a malicious woman deserves her husband to cheat."

"What a wicked woman!"

"So terrible, she actually provoked a fight between a couple."

The people around started pointing and whispering about Li Man.

Li Man clenched her fists tightly at her side. Wang Jun Feng was slandering her, but she couldn't retaliate, especially because An Xin was still young. If this kind of thing got out, it would be detrimental to her reputation.

Seeing Li Man not defending herself, the onlookers assumed she was guilty and became even more enthusiastic with their insults.

Wang Jun Feng saw that Li Man dared not argue back and became even more vehement in his verbal abuse, using more and more offensive language.

"A man using such malicious words to attack a woman, even if she is truly that bad, you are no better."

At that moment, a voice full of magnetism suddenly sounded from the crowd.

The surrounding chatter and insults abruptly ceased as everyone turned to the source of the sound, only to see a distinguished man stepping out from the crowd.

"Mr. Huo!" Li Man couldn't believe she would encounter him here.

"And who are you?" Wang Jun Feng glanced at the man, his tone unfriendly.

"You have no right to know who I am," Huo Jiansheng replied, not even sparing him a glance, and walked straight up to Li Man. "Why aren't you at work? What are you doing here?"

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