Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 67: Subjugation Festival (3)

Knock- Knock- Knock-


At the villa in the early afternoon.

Encia heard a cheerful knock on the front door.

Since there were only a few people who would come to the villa when the young master and the young lady were not around, she descended to the first floor without a hint of caution and flung the door open.

“Hello, pretty maid sister.”

“Oh my!”

Encia covered her mouth with both hands. As expected, Siriel Prient was standing there.

She liked the little girl who looked nothing like Hugo.

“What brings you to the villa?”

At Siriel’s casual use of the word “pretty,” Encia relaxed a bit, bending her knees slightly.

The white-clad Siriel grinned and replied.

“I came to see Shiron oppa… and Lucia!”


Encia offered a tepid smile.

“The young master and the young lady are not in the mansion right now.”


“They’ve gone on a somewhat distant journey.”

“To where?”

“Hmm… I’m not quite sure, but I heard they’ve gone to a place quite far away.”

It took a moment for Siriel to comprehend, and Encia smirked at her.

“The young master said he wouldn’t be able to play for several weeks… Oh!”

Realizing something, Encia swiftly entered the house.

A moment later.

Encia, holding a red parcel and breathing a bit heavily, reappeared.

“The young master told me to give this to Miss Siriel.”


“Yes. Eat one a day and… whew, wait for him. huff, hahaha”

Unable to hold back her laughter, Encia started laughing, clutching her belly.

Siriel, not understanding the joke, silently looked inside the parcel.

‘There’s a lot of candy.’

Siriel popped a yellow candy into her mouth. With so much candy, it seemed she would have to wait quite a while for her brother.

At the central station of the Empire, the knights and everyone else had finished their procedures.

The sight of armored giants boarding the train one after the other became a spectacle for the citizens using the station.

The train that Shiron and his group were boarding was the second car of the Arwen Express.

The interior of the train was as luxurious as Hugo’s mansion. Not only was it filled with lavish furnishings, but the floors and ceilings were covered with plush red velvet.


Sitting on a red sofa that matched her hair color, Lucia murmured absentmindedly. However, she wasn’t commenting on the train’s interior.

The black iron sword.

From the forge to the train, she hadn’t let go of the sword.

The blade, which had been in its sheath throughout their journey, was now exposed. Even after she had used it earlier, the blade was without a single scratch. While part of that was due to Lucia’s impeccable handling, it was also because the blade was of exceptional quality.

Lucia took out the camellia oil and velvet cloth she had gotten from the forge.

A subtle fragrance spread throughout the compartment when she opened the glass bottle.

‘It’s hard to maintain, right?’


Lucia dipped the velvet cloth into the oil and began dabbing it onto the blade.

Swish swish-

Throughout the journey, Lucia paid no attention to the scenery outside, focusing solely on maintaining her weapon.


Shiron unintentionally dozed off. He awoke, rubbing the corners of his mouth with his sleeve, and blinked slowly.

‘What’s going on? Is she still doing that?’

Suddenly, Shiron’s eyes widened. Opposite him sat Lucia, who still hadn’t let go of her sword.

Shiron glanced at the wall clock. 4:30. They boarded the train at 1:20, and Lucia had been tirelessly tending to her blade for over three hours without any distractions.

Resting his chin on his hand, Shiron intently observed Lucia.

Lucia, whose face turned a shade of red while still engrossed in her sword, seemed to have a faint, mischievous smile. And if you listened closely, she was even humming.


Shiron moistened his dry lips. Seeing her so gleeful, almost like a child with a new toy, left him with mixed feelings.

‘I should have bought it with my money.’

There was preparation for the subjugation festival, and Shiron had suggested they visit the blacksmith to boost Lucia’s favor.

However, when Lucia demonstrated her skill with the sword without even using any sword skills, Johan, like a doting grandfather witnessing his granddaughter’s talent, willingly opened his wallet and gifted her the blade.

Things had taken an unexpected turn. Shiron, with a bittersweet feeling, slyly said to Lucia,

“You really like that, don’t you?”


Lucia jolted slightly, as if taken by surprise.

“What, what is?”

“You’ve been fussing over that sword non-stop. It must be quite special to you.”


Lucia paused and lowered her head. An unexplained feeling of embarrassment washed over her, even though she hadn’t done anything wrong.

Watching her, Shiron chuckled and extended his hand.

“Hey. Can I try it for a sec?”


Lucia leaned back a bit, looking at Shiron. She appeared like a child wary of someone trying to snatch away her toy.

“You have many fine swords.”


“There’s the dagger that the lord gifted you, and that weirdly sharp one too…”


“Okay, okay. Stop glaring.”

Reluctantly, Lucia handed over the sword. Shiron quickly grasped the hilt of the black iron sword.


It was dark, large, and heavy. In summary, it felt sturdy. It seemed about five times heavier than a regular sword. Compared to the divine sword he had stored, this one seemed more satisfying to swing.

“It feels solid, right?”


Lucia beamed as if she had received a compliment.

Two days later, they arrived at the Arwen Plateau.


Shiron stretched as he stepped off the train. This was his first time traveling on a train for such a lengthy duration. Although the train was equipped with showers and overall convenience, watching the endless agricultural landscape was quite monotonous.

‘The carriage ride last time was better.’

On the journey from Dawn Castle to Rien, he had seen massive monsters roaming about, and the aftermath of battles Hugo had waged - a somewhat fantastical sight.

However, the sight before him now overshadowed the tedium of the journey. The highland’s unique cool breeze brushed his face, and the vast meadows danced like waves before him.

So far, so good.

If not for the hulking figures scattered everywhere.

There wasn’t the usual hubbub of a bustling place. Most of the individuals Shiron saw since disembarking were men. While not as bad as Johan, most had scars on their faces.

‘Ew, it’s a total sausage fest.’

Shiron suppressed a gagging feeling. There were muscular brutes everywhere he looked, making him feel like he was engulfed in a heavy, masculine aura.

“Did we come here for no reason?”

Shiron started resenting the emperor who invited him here.

Lucia felt similarly awkward. The place Shiron had described as a festival looked more like a war front, albeit without peasants or citizens being endlessly dragged into battlefields filled with flames and cold weapons.

Turning her gaze from the flaunting men, Lucia stared at Shiron.

“Shiron, what kind of festival is this? Is it even a festival? Why bring me to such a place?”

“I don’t know, damn it. I was fooled, too.”

In the game, Shiron recalled, it wasn’t such a male-dominated event. There were beautiful women scattered around the fields.

Like the whale character Siriel. Or the swordswoman Lucia. And even Yoru, the warrior of Silleya.

‘Come to think of it, that was 10 years later.’

Shiron cringed while Lucia, surveying the surroundings, seemed flustered.

“…Is it some festival with only men? Where are the women? Am I the only female here?”

“Haha, there are women over there, aren’t there?”

Johan pointed towards a group fully clad in armor, laughing heartily.

“How are you so sure those are women, Sir Johan?”

“It’s the smell.”

Johan, narrowing his eyes, folded his arms and appraised them. Lucia took a deep breath to sense the smell, but all she detected was the foul sweat of the men.

Shiron’s eyes widened.

“You mean by the smell?”

“Yes. The strong scent of a well-trained man isn’t present with them.”


Lucia looked at Johan, utterly bewildered. Only Johan seemed as happy as a fish in water, unable to comprehend what was so fascinating about the situation.

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