
Asher turned to Nero after the other two left.

“My Lord.” He faced Asher, his eyes sharp.

“Prepare 200 paladins. We will go on an expedition to Mount Seir and forge an alliance with the descendants of the giants.”

Asher rose up.

His intention was the warp stone. Actually, it was a unique metal ore and not a stone and apart from the little stock the Edomites gave to him, there was nowhere else to find it except Mount Seir.

He couldn’t believe those half-giants sat on top of a mountain that had such a miraculous treasure!

Luckily, no form of force could power the warp stone, only mana and he had abundance of it.

His king’s blood also allowed him to transfer a tiny bit of this trait to his men but to access such honour, he wanted soldiers who were devoted to his cause.

So much that nothing, absolutely nothing could change their loyalty toward him.

Men like Alex!

“When, my lord?”

“Tomorrow. Before first light.”

The remaining two weeks before winter was a time to prepare, consolidate his forces and build the angels of death.

For now, there were only 10 angels. There were 290 men ready to be injected with his blood but the number of survivors will be unknown.

“Announcing the arrival of Baron Claude Flameheart, Your Lordship!”

A paladin bellowed.

“Let him in.”

The door was pushed open and Baron Claude walked in with large strides. At the centre of the hall, where a large circle with the emblem of House Ashbourne was carved into the marble and coated in gold, he went on one knee.

Slightly lowering his head.

“Greetings from Goshen, My Lord. Seeing paradise in person makes the fables of my butler ugly. Like the shadows that hide from the ray of the sun.”

Asher smiled. “Rise, Baron Claude. I hope House Flameheart is well. I see no increase in your size, does Goshen trouble you?”

Baron Claude chuckled. “How could I add more flesh when the city grows daily.”

He rose from his knee.

“I come bearing news from the eastern alliance.”

Asher raised an eyebrow.

“What is it?”

“30,000 slaves have been shipped from Everad to Mormont and are on their way to the great wall as we speak. We plan on making settlements for them as the cities are already crowded.”

“The idea of settlements is allowed. Let them know that they’re freemen and their home shall be on the azure river. I plan to build a city for them there.”

“O… on the river?”


Claude was baffled but refused to pry since even he didn’t think a land could float yet here he was, standing on one.

“As you wish, My lord. Duke Mormont says more are coming since you required 200,000 of the lowest slaves. Even those without limbs and physically deformed were your own words.”

Asher raised an eyebrow. He didn’t remember going that far. Did Lord Mormont and Adamos misinterpret him when he opted for the unwanted slaves.

With the system he could upgrade their bodies thus gaining their loyalty without much work.

“And this would take how long.”

“Over a year.”

This month made it exactly two years since he came to Tenaria. Another year didn’t seem much for such a large population.

“We’ve mined a good portion of the gold mine and I suddenly came to the thought of our own currency. We export evergreen olives, we have the best food and farm products, some surrounding nobles purchase several carriages worth of wheat from us and we also sell armor and weapons. Though we haven’t found our footing in this trade, the olive oil alone is enough to consolidate a great revenue for the Dukedom.”

“In all these words, your idea is to disconnect from the empire.”

Baron Flameheart smiled a bit. “He just sent his envoys to take taxes from Goshen and Tiberias. These cities are the biggest and bring in a large portion of the dominion’s revenues.”

“He did what?!”

Asher leaned forward, his expression turned solemn.

“The envoys came to record all that Goshen has earned for the last nine months in order to cut their share.”

Asher’s face grew cold.

‘So it’s true. He is making moves to unite the empire.’

“We are indeed his vassals, My Lord.” Baron Claude stated.

“Indeed. Comply with his demands but do it wisely. An all out confrontation will be detrimental to us for now.”

Baron Claude bowed. “As you wish. We shall start building the settlements once I return.”

“Go in peace. May I Am be with thee.”

Baron Claude was shocked. Did Asher just make mention of a god?!

He looked at Asher and saw the little smile on his lips.

Unbeknownst to Claude, Asher had several interactions with this unseen being, from transporting the living into the world of the dead, to the torture of Naomi.

The torture itself made Asher understand that this being, as benovelent as he seemed was more ruthless than he.

He respected such balance and since for unknown reasons I Am chose him as the next bearer of Kryos, he also decided to be beside him.

After all, what backing was greater than that of God?!

Although his understanding was lacking. I Am remained a mystery as much as his system.

While walking away, Claude remembered the name and suddenly recalled the story of the burning woman.

The hair on his body rose.

He looked at the closing doors and gulped.

Fear of the unknown took over him.

It was said Naomi was punished because of her betrayal. Does this mean every lord in House Ashbourne would face such punishment now Asher had accepted this same being!

He entered his carriage and they rode straight to a crowded place. Looking out his window, he saw the sculpture of a screaming woman, her hand raised toward the sky with worms protruding out of her burning flesh.

It was Naomi!

Even after death, she was left as a sculpture. A reminder to all!

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