The second batch of supplies that were sent to me was pretty large. 40% of the supplies were wood, 20% were preserved foods, 20% were scrap metals, and there were also all sorts of other things. These supplies would take quite a bit of space to store. I would instruct Sir Holzdeppe and the officials, who were confirming the arrived goods with the list, regarding where to store them.

Foods and weapons were obviously important for a siege battle, but unexpectedly, woods and scrap metals were also important. When the town’s gate gets almost breached in a siege, the gate must be reinforced using woods and nails from the inside. Metal scrap was also used to repair weapons, armors, and saddles. Metal scrap would also be used to create arrowheads, while wood would be used to repair spear handles, for cooking, melting iron, and of course, for creating bonfires at night.

As I was thinking like that, Sir Holzdeppe approached me.

“Although the supplies have arrived safely, I am still wondering why we need these small-sized catapults, which are usually used as siege weapons?”

“Well, for many things.”

For example, shooting stones. For humans, being rained down by stones would be pretty troublesome. Well, our opponents weren’t human, but I already had a different idea for using these catapults. After all, it would be impossible for me to fight with the demon army that had a demon general to boot with just my human soldiers so sooner or later I would have to use the support troop to use these small projectile weapons.

However, unlike swords and bows, it was rare for small projectile weapons like this to be used in a war, so there were only a few people who were skilled in using them. I had only seen these kinds of small projectile weapons on television. Maybe I would also try to use it myself in a real battle later.

“More woods will be delivered here in the future, so make sure to also prepare a storage for them.”

“Understood. And where should I put that thing?”

“Put it in the basement. I’ll come to see it later.”

“Yes, sir.”

After I had given all the necessary instructions, I didn’t return to the office but went to the lord’s mansion. After this, I had to talk with the guild leaders of the Carpenter Guild and the Metalsmith Guild. Ah, I would say I want to build a fortress for observing the border. Technically, that wasn’t a lie. Since I had a bit of complicated specifications for my order, it would be more appropriate for me to be the one who went to meet the two guild leaders, but if I did that, Sir Behnke would scold me with ‘you are being too humble!’ Ah, why did a simple meeting have to be that complicated?

While I was thinking, without realizing it, I had already arrived at the lord’s mansion. This lord’s mansion was my private residence. Personal guests and secret guests would meet with the governor here. Even though the one who would be living here was a governor, for some reason, it was called a lord’s mansion. Well, I just had to accept that it was a custom in this world.

Normally, the governor would live in this lord’s mansion with their entire family, so the mansion was big. But in my case, I came here alone, not with family, so there were a lot of vacant rooms. Thankfully, a part of the vacant rooms in this mansion had already been occupied by Neurath, Schunzel, other people I had brought from the capital, and the servants I had hired. After all, I didn’t feel comfortable if I had to live in this mansion by myself.

As I entered the mansion, I saw a group of familiar faces sitting leisurely while drinking tea. They were five members of the Iron Hammer party. I was glad to see they were doing well.

“It’s been a while!”

“Ah, Viscount-sama. Congratulations on your appointment as a governor.”

“You being polite like that makes my skin crawl, so stop it!”

We then laughed. Ah… I liked this kind of light-hearted conversation. This reminded me of Mazell. I wondered if he was doing fine.

“But your reputation in the capital is pretty bad. Some called you a wasteful Viscount while others called you a debt-ridden governor.

“What they are saying is true, though.”

Or, to be more specific, I hoped they really thought that they were right, or I would be in trouble. I wouldn’t tell the Iron Hammer that, though.

As people have said, no smoke without fire. By going into debtto hire Gekke-san, I had lit a fire, so what I needed to do now was to let that fire become bigger on its own.

Although His Highness and the Grand Duke promised they were going to support me from the shadows, a rumor of their favoritism would spread if they sent me supplies too frequently.

But that sort of thing wouldn’t happen if the supplies were bought using the money I had borrowed. The only downside of this tactic was that my reputation would take a hit. I would rather have a bad reputation than die in the war with the demons because of a lack of supplies.

Still, I would feel ashamed if people called my parents ‘not being able to raise your son right, he became a wasteful person!’ I had to apologize to my parents about this later.

“I was entrusted with many things to give to you. First are these.”

He then gave me a magic bag and a letter. The letter was from Father.

“What’s in the bag?”

“I was told that it has some necessary documents.”

Ah, I see. Although the letter’s sender was written to be Father, it was actually a letter from the Grand Duke. That was why the letter was sent along with this expensive magic bag. While thinking like that, I opened the letter and started to read it. Oh? What a surprise.

“Mazel has returned to the capital?”

“Yes, that’s what I heard, but we have not met him directly.”

According to the letter, after defeating the first of the Four Heavenly Kings, Mazell returned to the capital and went to the Zeavert Mansion. He returned just a day after my departure to Anheim. What a pity. Well, I was glad that Mazell got to meet his family for the first time in a while.

Hmm? It seemed that old man Uwe joined the hero party just like in the game, but he wanted to meet me? Why? Did I do something? I couldn’t remember.

As I was reading the letter, I couldn’t help but chuckle when someone from the Iron Hammer party mentioned they wanted to meet the hero-sama, and another person replied ‘you’re saying that NOW!?’ That guy, Mazell, was as popular as always.

“The Count has also asked me to pass you two other things. First, this is a letter from Mazell-san… and also this and that.”

He proceeded to hand me another letter and a bag. Inside the bag were about 5 to 6 Skywalks. Although I didn’t need them now, I was sure they were going to be useful later. If the Skywalks wouldn’t just teleport me outside of a town, they would have become much more useful, but I guess I couldn’t hope for the impossible.

His Highness had also given me several Skywalks. I was told to use them to send a messenger to the capital in case of an emergency.

It would be troublesome if the existence and the ability of Skywalks were carelessly made well known. Some people might say things like, ‘the commander will save only his own skin using the Skywalk!’ or ‘they will escape just with their family!’ I had no intention of doing that, but many wouldn’t believe that. I guess I had to consult someone on how to handle Skywalks in the future.

Putting that thought aside, I turned my attention to the thing that was leaning against the wall. It was a brand-new spear which looked to be a pretty high-quality one. If it was a spear that was acquired after defeating the first Heavenly King, maybe it was the Spear of Fighter. I didn’t know if that was true though, since the illustration of Spear of Fighter didn’t exist in the game.

Ah, right. In the game, this was the time when the hero party needed to buy new equipment. Although I was grateful for the new spear, I hoped they just focused on buying their own equipment.

“I’ll check that later. By the way, can you stay in this town for a while?”

“Are you going to give us another troublesome commission?”

“That’s for later. For now, can I ask you to tour the town as adventurers while investigating my reputation in town?”

“That much will be fine.”

As for my usual troublesome commission, let’s put it on the Adventurer Guild later. For now, I would write an introduction letter to the inn for the Iron Hammer. I would also read Mazell’s letter later.

I doubted the letter contained something important, since Mazell had a strange habit of telling important things only through a verbal message, not a letter.

I was glad that Mazell and his party had returned safely to the capital after defeating the first Heavenly King. It would be better if I could at least see their faces, but well there was nothing I could do about that.

Rather, since Mazell and his party seemed to be doing well, I should keep moving forward.

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