Mazell was really standing in front of me, but how?

“Why are you here?” (Welner)

“Well… That will take a while to explain, so first…” (Mazell)

Mazell turned his attention back to Gezarius. The fact that he could remain that calm in front of a demon general was amazing.

“…Let’s take care of that.” (Mazell)

“Right.” (Welner)

As soon as I said that and stood up, a curtain of light covered me, Neurath, and Schunzel. I turned around and saw another familiar person. Why was she also here?

“Your Highness.” (Welner)

“You can just call me Laura.” (Laura)

The saintess-sama said that with a bright smile on her face. Ah, I think my brain just short circuited. I mean, why would the hero party be here.

In any case, was the spell Laura casted earlier a healing magic? Maybe that was the Full Recovery spell, but I had never seen a Full Recovery spell in this world so I wasn’t sure. Although my fatigue didn’t disappear, I could feel my body become lighter. Moreover, although I couldn’t check it now, I felt like all my wounds had healed.

Next to Laura stood a dignified but somewhat eccentric-looking old man.

“You must be Welner.” (Uwe)

“Greetings.” (Welner)

So this person was Uwe Almsick, the elderly mage of the hero party. I never met him before in this world but I knew him from the game. I wonder why he looked upset.

“Just call me Uwe. I have a lot of questions for you, but that can wait for later.” (Uwe)

“Take this!”

I was startled by that voice and turned to its source. There, Luguentz was slashing Gezarius. Although Luguentz didn’t cut off Gezarius’s hand with one blow like Mazell did, his strike still seemed strong. As Luguentz’s weapon hit Gezarius, fresh blood sprouted from Gezarius’s body and poured down to the ground.

Damn. Luguentz’s attacks were on a different level than mine. Even though Luguentz used a big sword, he was so fast that Gezarius couldn’t avoid his attack.

Enrich and Feli followed Luguentz to attack Gezarius. Wow. Who knew if the current me could defeat Feli. I mean, he was playing around with Gezarius using his speed.

As for Elrich… right, he was a monk, so it was no wonder he fought with his bare hands. I knew he was strong but seeing him blow away Gezarius with his bare hands was still astonishing.

“Welner-sama!” (Neurath)

“You are safe!” (Schunzel)

“Neurath, Schunzel, don’t worry about me! You two, lead the soldiers to block the gate! Hurry!”

As the gate was still wide open, the demons might come inside the town in an attempt to escape from the kingdom army. Therefore, Welner needed the soldiers to seal off the gate.

Neurath and Schunzel nodded and called the soldiers to go toward the gate. Wait, wasn’t that the Iron Hammer party?

“Ah, so all of you came here using the Skywalk with the Iron Hammer party.” (Welner)

“That’s right.” (Uwe)

Since the kingdom army was currently fighting the demon army in front of the north gate, while Gezarius was inside of Anheim, the outskirts of Anheim were empty. So the hero party used Skywalk with the Iron Hammer party, who had been here before, and arrived on the outskirts of Anheim.

Just as I was thinking that, old man Uwe made a huge fireball appear. Even though I was near him, I didn’t feel hot, but when that fireball hit Gezarius, the demon general was burned. Magic was mysterious.

“What a stubborn bastard.” (Uwe)

It seemed like the old man muttered something, but I couldn’t hear it because Mazell, who attacked the burned Gezarius, came close to me and said, “Welner, how about fighting together? Since it’s been a while.”


We fought together side-by-side a few times when we were still in the academy. It really felt like it was a long time ago.

To be honest, I thought that the hero party would do fine even without my help, but since it was Mazell’s invitation, I would gladly accept. This was also a rare chance for me to experience fighting together with the hero party. I repositioned my spear and stood beside Mazell, then Mazell smiled happily.

Really, even though the person in front of you was a demon general, albeit a wounded one, how could you be that relaxed, Mazell?

“So, what’s your plan?” (Mazell)

“I’ll match you guys’ movements, so just do what you guys usually do.” (Welner)

“Okay!” (Mazell)

After saying that, Mazell rushed to Gezarius and attacked him. Feli seemed to have noticed the fact that one of Gezarius’s eyes was blind, so he moved to Gezarius’s blindspot. As for Elrich, it seemed like he was planning to break Gezarius’s balance with his attack. Then I should…

“Here!” (Welner)

I purposely rushed to Gezarius’s feet at the side where his eye was still working. Gezarius dodged it, then swung his arm to attack me. Whoah, that was a dangerous swing but… all according to the plan.

“You’re full of openings!”

Luguentz got between me and Gezarius and injured him. Gezarius let out an angry roar. While Luguentz distracted Gezarius, Feli came in and attacked the wound that Gezarius got from the ballista, worsening that wound.

To prevent Gezarius from attacking Feli, I attacked Gezarius, aiming for his eye. Gezarius had no other choice but to retreat, and that was when Elrich moved.

Elrich attacked Gezarius’s side, stopping his movements for a moment, and Mazell took that chance to attack Gezarius. The sound of flesh being cut echoed throughout the place.

After that, Laura immediately used her debuff magic on Gezarius. Chains of light appeared and bound Gezarius’s movement.

Fighting together with reliable comrades was fun. Although it was inappropriate, I couldn’t help but smile.

The battle after that didn’t take long. The person who inflicted the last attack was once again, Mazell. Mazell’s attack was sharp and fast but it was also precise. When Mazell inflicted the fatal blow to Gezarius, Gezarius disappeared into nothingness alongside his frustrated scream.

The only thing that could be called a ‘remain’ of Gezarius was a ragged body of a man. I would check that body later, first…

“Search for the black gem. That thing is dangerous.” (Welner)

“Leave that to us. You still have things you need to do, right?” (Uwe)

The elder Uwe was right. I first instructed Neurath and Schunzel to remain cautious, then climbed the stairs to the top of the enclosure wall. On the top, the soldiers under Eickstedt greeted me.

“Your Excellency, you have succeeded.”

“It’s not over yet. Raise your voice! Tell everyone that the demon general has died!”

The soldiers seemed to have understood my plan, so they all shouted in unison.



From the top of the wall, the voices spread throughout the town. The soldiers and the knights of the kingdom army cheered in response and soon, loud cheers filled the entire town. The demons began to flee. Unfortunately, we would not let any of you escape.

After I confirmed the sound of fighting moving away from the town, I finally could relax. The battle was finally over. There was still the post-war processing, but I didn’t want to think about that now. I was tired. I will eat and sleep to my heart’s content after this…

…that was my plan

“Well, then. I have several things that I wish to ask you Sir.”

Right after I returned to the governor’s mansion, I was pulled to a one-on-one meeting with elder Uwe. Just what did he want to ask me to the point he asked for everyone else to leave?

“To be honest, I still have work left… but please, ask away.”

“Although there are several things I would like to ask, first there is one thing I hope to confirm. Sir, is it true that you showed Mazell, Laura, and the rest of the party the map of the continent?”

“Yes, well, that is true.”

Come to think of it, I think I did? In any case, did this old man just called Laura just by her name? Well, I guess that was what Laura wanted, though.

While I was thinking like that, the old man glared at me sharply. I think if looks could kill, I would already be dead.

“Detailed maps are the military secrets of every country. Most people didn’t even know that detailed map of their own countries existed. Even in the Bain Kingdom, there are only a few people other than the royal family who know this country’s detailed map. Yet, you have a detailed map that depicts not only this country but the entire continent. You, who are you?”

…Ah, damn.

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