Like how there were some human soldiers who were heavily injured or killed because of the stones thrown by the demons, the demons that tried to climb the wall also suffered greatly because of the hot oil poured by the human army from the top of the wall.

Sound of stones hitting the soldiers, the sound of arrows being released and a strange smell of blood mixed with oil filled the battlefield. The demons’ sharp roars attacked the human ears just like how humans’ battle cry attacked the demons’ ears.

The long-range battle between the humans and the demons continued until dawn.

After the catapult became unusable because of the demons’ attack, Eickstedt brought the seemingly useless out-of-control magic kettles and ordered the soldiers to fill them with oil. The oil inside of the kettles was heated up until it reached several hundred degrees of temperature because magic kettles didn’t have any temperature limiting function. The hot oil was then poured on the demons that tried to climb the walls. Unexpectedly, the demons received quite a bit of damage after being poured by the hot oil.

Welner shouted, “Don’t falter! Our side isn’t the only one that is having a hard time!”

The soldiers responded with a cheer to the Welner’s shout. Even though it was a duty of a noble to fight on the battlefield, Welner, the supreme commander of this army, was a young man in his teens. Seeing the young man shout bravely in the face of enemies’ attack made the soldiers feel they must preserve. They couldn’t lose to such a young man, right?

As for Welner, he was currently extremely busy. This might be a record-breaking degree of busyness for Welner. Sometimes Welner moved the wounded soldiers to a safe place, other times Welner was throwing stones at the demons. Welner also kept scanning the battlefield and once he found an area lacking in supplies, he would order his men to replenish them. Welner was so busy that he didn’t even have time to feel tired despite constantly shouting.

“Damn! Do demons have limitless stamina!?” (Welner)

“They are demons, after all.” (Neurath)

Welner made a bitter expression mixed with helplessness at Neurath’s reply.

Welner felt that Gezarius’s wound on his shoulder was perhaps a blessing for his army. If Gezarius wasn’t wounded and was throwing logs to the gate like earlier, Welner doubted that his army would have held out this long. It seemed like even the demon general couldn’t throw those big logs with one hand… or perhaps the demon general thought his plan would be disturbed if the logs he threw hit Welner and killed him.

Still, even without the logs, the stones thrown by the demon general alone were already quite dangerous. A direct hit would definitely kill a human. Even the stones thrown by normal demons could cause quite extensive damage. As time passed, the soldiers got more and more tired. Just when Welner thought that this was the soldiers’ limit, Schunzel pointed at the enemy’s back. There was a flashing light in the direction that Schunzel pointed.

Because of the overwhelming battlefield, Welner failed to understand Schunzel’s meaning, but it only took a while before Welner came to his senses and gave a signal that he understood Schunzel.

“Give a signal to the south side, too. Let’s start.”

“Yes, sir.”

Schunzel reflected a light toward the flashing light. After that, he also used the light reflected by the metal sheet to signal the guards at the south gate.

Not long after that…

The demons felt another presence, so they turned back. There, they saw rows of humans, who wore metal armor that reflected the early morning light, rushing toward them. It was the arrival of the Kingdom Knights.


Gezarius yelled in disbelief.

The army from the capital brought as little supply as possible so that they could reach Anheim town as quickly as possible.

The knights, who were prepared to be sent to every corner of the Bain Kingdom, set out the day they received a messenger from Anheim. The reason they could respond so quickly was that they had predicted that there was going to be a big battle in Anheim. As such, the emergency expedition was carried as planned.

The person in charge of the army supply was Count Vogler. The reason why the Count was chosen was not only because he was familiar with the geography of Anheim since his territory was right next to the former Marquisate Knap, but also because he had once successfully led 5000 refugees from the former Marquisate Knap to the capital without letting the refugees starve to death.

He knew where he had to place supply point and how to transport the supply to that point in order to let the army made of the kingdom knights, the noble army, the mercenaries, and the adventurers to go on an expedition toward Anheim town safely even though the kingdom army didn’t bring any supplies from the capital.

The kingdom army went on an expedition with no supplies. The supplies they needed had already been transported in advance to Baron Zabel’s territory near Anheim, so they only needed to receive that.

The morale of the kingdom army was really high. After all, they would essentially fight to protect their country. In addition, they had seen the state of Triot’s refugees with their own eyes, so the knights were filled with fury at the demon army.

Not to mention, the terrain was a flat plain so the kingdom army would be able to show their ability to the fullest.

When Welner saw the carroballista brought by the kingdom knights, Welner was surprised. He always thought that it would be impossible to use carroballista while moving. Welner, who used to live in modern Japan, still didn’t have a clear grasp of the power of Skills in this world.

The chariot where the carroballista was placed would not shake even if the chariot was running throughout the battlefield thanks to the [Driver] skill of the chariot’s driver. The carroballista would also be able to shoot precisely despite moving if the archer had a [Marksman] skill.

Furthermore, the kingdom’s engineers had created a miniature semi-automatic crane quill using the magic stone. When an arrow was shot from the carroballista, the crane quill would automatically unfurl the string so the shooter would only need to replace the arrow. This was the Crown Prince, Hubertus’s idea. It was also him that was leading the Kingdom army.

Since a big organization like the kingdom poured a lot of resources in the development of the carroballista, the carroballista became a literal medieval era style tank.

The kingdom army’s lances and swords pierced the demons. The carroballista was repeatedly shot, taking one demon down after another. The group of running horses broke apart the demon’s line.

No matter how strong the demons were, it would be impossible for them to counterattack when they were constantly hit by multiple maces and warhammers. The supreme commander, Marquis Schramm, ordered the two flanks of the Knights to spread. Then, the battle veterans mercenaries rushed in. With the mercenary troop in the front, the Kingdom army killed the demons one by one. The demon army fell into chaos.

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