Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 684 Liegan’s Battle I

Government House


Republic of Wolfen

June 15th

Year 1053

"Tomond has fallen, you say?"

"Yes, Mr Governor. The scouts reported sightings of Imperial flags in Firecrest."


The Governor of the nearest state to Tomond, Governor Doulton of Liegan, frowned deeply when he heard the words of Major General Aldric, the commander of the city's Military.

It hadn't even been a few hours after he had been roused from his sleep by the news of the GEE's invasion and the next thing, he was hearing was that Fremond and Xuudrora had fallen.

The nightmare only got worse when he heard that Zaalgow and Flirstead followed not long after, and now even Tomond's Firecrest Camp and its Brigade of Elites could not stop the charge of the Imperials.

Spread in front of him was a map of Wolfen, with the GEE to the North and their Capital Agla in the central area of the country.

If the GEE wanted to get to Agla, then they had to conquer all the states on its path, something they had already started doing.

"I guess that they are subjugating everything both horizontally and Vertically, most likely to avoid being pincered when they go deeper in."

General Aldric spoke as he traced an optimal path to Agla, and on that optimal path was their state of Liegan.

Among the five states that fell, they were the closest to Tomond, and arguably the most prosperous.

This made them the perfect next target for the GEE.

"Have you sent word to the Zhupus and the Capital?"

"I have. I was told we'd be getting reinforcements from both of them, but…"

"You have no idea when those reinforcements would arrive, huh?"


General Aldric's silence was basically an affirmation and seeing this, Governor Doulton sighed in light exasperation.

"We also have no idea when the Imperial soldiers would come knocking on our doors as well."

Governor Doulton looked at the map spread out in front of him, pointing at the Northern Military Garrison of Liegan and questioned.

"What is the state of your troops?"

"Training and discipline are good, but morale is low. Especially since the news of Zaalgow came around."

"That's not good to hear at all."

Regardless of how strong the soldiers were, if Morale was low, that strength could not be fully utilized. But then again, hearing five states had fallen in a matter of hours was enough to kill any country's morale.

Governor Doulton was sure that other Countries would still be doubting the validity of this as it was simply too absurd.

The GEE needed to send at the very least, a division of 10,000 – 16,000 soldiers to defeat one of those states, so taking out five in such a short time meant they had deployed over 50,000 soldiers in one go.

"If we do have Imperial soldiers knocking on our doors, how are we going to receive them?"

"In the plains."

"You wish to turn the fallowing farmlands into a battlefield?"

When Governor Doulton asked this with a raised brow, Aldric pointed at the position of the Northern Military Garrison that laid on the border of Liegan and spoke.

"When the GEE comes, they'd definitely attack the North first, since the south has a shallow river that'd make things difficult. But after doing so, they'd eventually go for the South. I propose that we bring the South's forces up north and meet them outside the state.

It's either we turn these fallowing farmlands into a battlefield, or we fight inside the Garrison.

But here's the issue; the soldiers who are fighting are Master Level and Inferior Grandmaster Level existences."

Putting it like that, Governor Doulton quickly realised why they could not let the battles happen in any part of the state.

Just two Master Level existences fighting could turn city blocks to rubble with the collateral damage, much less when there were thousands of them.

"Civilians would drop like flies; we can't have that."

"Exactly, so we have no choice but to meet them outside the city and fight them there. Hopefully, this happens after we've at least gotten reinforcements from our neighbours in Zhupus."

General Aldric hoped the reinforcements from the neighbouring state of Zhupus would arrive on time, but those hopes were dashed in the next second.

A soldier barged into the Governor's office; an action that would have gotten him sanctioned if it wasn't for the news he brought.

"SIR!! The scouts have detected an incoming force of Imperial Soldiers!!"

Both Governor Doulton and General Aldric frowned when they heard this, wondering if fate was mocking them for having hopes of reinforcements.

"How many?"

"Visual Estimate puts them at over 15,000."

It sounded small, especially considering they were going to fight an entire state's military, but the GEE was a Major World Power. Their army was sure to be full of Elite soldiers.

'Even so…15,000 is a bit too small. Are they underestimating us? Or perhaps…!'

General Aldric had a frightening thought, and he looked up at the soldier who was biting his lips before asking the most important question.

"What flags do they fly?"


"Answer me, Warrant Officer."

"…The Flag of the Sarxina Duchy. It's a Division of the Seventh Imperial Army."

"…fuck. To think that they've already deployed 'them' this early into the war."

Aldric could not hold back the curse that escaped his lips. Now he understood why they dared to march to Liegan with just 15,000 soldiers.

One of the famed 'Seven Star Generals' was leading them.

◇ ◇ ◇

The sun was high in the afternoon sky, casting long shadows across the vast plains outside Liegan's borders.

Ever since Emperor Wilson's speech had been broadcast, rumours had swirled through the state of an impending invasion, but now, as the enemy forces loomed on the horizon, the reality of war set in.

Despite the words of his commissioners, Governor Doulton stood atop the walls, his gaze fixed on the horizon where the Imperial Forces approached.

Beside him, Major General Aldric barked out his orders to the Colonels, organizing the defence of the border.

The Liegan troops, numbering around 20,000 strong, stood in formation on the open plains, their armour gleaming in the sunlight. They formed a defensive line, with infantry units interspersed with cavalry and archers.

Among them were seasoned veterans who watched the incoming banners with grim faces and raw recruits who quaked in their boots. Both categories were united by a common cause, to defend their homeland from falling into the GEE's clutches.

As the Imperial army drew nearer, the tension in the air grew palpable. Mages from both sides stood at the forefront of their respective armies, their hands crackling with magic power as they prepared to unleash tactical spells upon their enemies.

Supports cast 'War Magic', army-class spells that targeted thousands and applied them with basic buffs, and elemental enchantments.

The sun illuminated the vast expanse of land as the Imperial forces came into full view. Clad in armour and flying the banners of the Empire, they marched in disciplined formation, their ranks stretching as far as the eye could see.

The Liegan troops braced themselves with sharpened swords and shields raised. Battle cries rang out across the battlefield and the air hummed with anticipation as the two armies prepared to clash.

Eventually, the march of the Imperial Soldiers came to a stop and they stood ready to charge, weapons drawn and staves raised.

It was then that General Aldric sensed something in the sky and gazed up. In the next few moments, his subordinate Colonels all noticed it as well and turned their eyes skyward.


Floating in the air and looking down at the Liegan Army with his hands crossed at his back was a brown-eyed and black-haired man who wore the Uniform of the Imperial Army.

Four stars surrounded the Imperial Army badge on his chest pocket, and that was all the people of Wolfen needed to know who they were looking at.

"Seventh Star General…"

"Good afternoon to you too, Major General Aldric."

Beluar offered his greetings to the Major General who took up a defensive stance. Mages pointed their staves at him and glanced towards their Platoon commanders who then glanced at the Major General for orders.

"You know me?"

"Only a fool would go to war without knowing their enemy General."


The brown-eyed man wondered why Aldric would even ask such a question, but when he noticed the ritual magic circle being conjured on the ground, he figured the man was just trying to buy time.

"That would not be necessary. I'm only here to speak."

"Speak? With an Army behind you?"

"I'd like to think of them as my 'persuasive power'."

Aldric snorted when he heard the man's words, not believing him even the slightest and Beluar sighed when he saw this.

"This is the fourth time I'd say this today, but oh well."

Looking right at Governor Doulton and General Aldric, Beluar lowered his altitude, not caring if the Wolfen soldiers launched their ritual magic at him.

'Is he that confident…?'

Aldric was an Intermediate Grandmaster like Beluar and he had noticed that there was some sort of barrier surrounding the man, though he could not perceive how durable it was.

Despite noticing Aldric's scrutinizing gaze, Beluar ignored it and began his words.

"The GEE intends to Annex the Republic of Wolfen for reasons that you all are already aware of; your government didn't give us much of a choice.

Anyway, we are not here to Kill, Still and Pillage as some of you may be thinking.

We have zero desire to harm the civilians, and even after we eventually annex your Republic, they'd continue going about their lives as normal.

The only change would be that of the government, but that's not important now."

Beluar spoke as if the GEE's victory was a given, something that put frowns on the faces of the soldiers but they remained silent after seeing Aldric's calm expression.

"Even as a vassal nation, the Civilians would still require the protection of the military and no one would be a better fit to protect Wolfen citizens than Wolfen Soldiers like you.

Long story short, Surrender."

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