Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 682 The Alpha Continent’s National Leaders II

Isaac gave the President who spoke a look that said; 'Do you think I don't know that?' before he replied.

"But in the end, they would have no choice but to adapt. I've made ample preparations for this war, and everything will go as I intend it to. Even if any of you decides to interfere unnecessarily."

[This is War, Isaac. There's no telling how it'd end.]

This time, the person who spoke was another one of the Leaders of the Major World Power countries of the Alpha Continent; Lloris Álurtr Austin, the 'Desert Emperor of Tarse'.

He had a commanding figure, with a burly build that exuded strength and authority. His black hair was neatly styled, accompanied by meticulously trimmed sideburns that add to his imposing appearance.

He was dressed in a sharply tailored tuxedo, coloured as black as his eyes, which further emphasized his regal demeanour.

"Of course, you can lecture me about that.

You've got a lot of hands-on experience with your Country's Inter-tribal conflicts. Speaking of Tribal Conflicts, I heard they managed to piss off some dragons."

[I have no desire to lecture you, Isaac.

What I wanted to confirm was your claim about the Heroes. That they are in support of you.]

"Indeed, that is the case."

[As of now, there are only three known Heroes. Laurene Hayes, Evan Eris and David Thancreed.

Their locations are all public knowledge and knowing you, I doubt you'd finalize a conversation about supporting a war over a Projection Call.

It got me doubting the validity of your claim.]

Isaac could understand why Lloris thought like this, as he would have not settled such an important issue over a Projection call.

However, the Desert Emperor forgot the simple fact that he could just send one of his trusted Generals to handle the talks, and that was precisely what he had done by sending Kieran to Evan.

"It's certainly not a lie.

I do have 'a Hero' on my side."

Turning towards Rudeus, he continued.

"Your daughter did say he was their 'Leader', didn't she?"

When Rudeus heard the man's words, his bad premonition was basically confirmed. He pressed his fingers to his temple and heaved a deep sigh, one which got him questioning looks from the others.

Lloris was also confused at first, but then he remembered Warlord Isobel's report to him last year and he connected the dots.

"…Evan Eris?"

'But Evan Eris is supposed to be in the Beast Kingdom…'

As if he had planned it with the sole intention of making Lloris swallow his thoughts, the door to the room opened and the hero in question waltzed right in.

"Oh, you've already started."


For the first time today, Isaac actually lost his composure.

'How did he get here?!'

The location of the Continental Room was not public. 80% of the nobles who worked in the Imperial Castle didn't even know where this room was, and yet, Evan, a foreigner from another nation found his way here without being invited.

It'd be stranger if the man wasn't shocked!

"Good morning, Emperor Isaac."

Evan greeted Isaac in a familiar tone, and Isaac could swear that even if he said this was the first time that he was meeting Evan physically, no one would believe him.

As for how Evan was here; he knew this meeting happened because it was stated in the game. He also had a map of the GEE's Imperial Castle because of the War Arc in the game, and he had the convenient concealment skill that was Lethe.

With those factors, it wasn't too hard to surmise how he had ended up here without any of the guards detecting him.

"Good morning to you all."

[Evan. Why is it that every time I see you, you're either about to, or you've just finished killing someone?]

"Huh? Why would you say that?"

Evan was genuinely confused about why Rudeus suddenly asked that, but the Emperor just sighed and pointed to his cheek.

[You still have blood on you.]

"Oh! To think I missed that when I changed my shirt."

The boy cleaned his face with a towel from his inventory, then incinerated the towel while muttering something about that being the last bit of the 'General's Blood'.

They didn't have time to pay attention to this mutter, as most of them were still wondering how Evan had managed to slip under their radars and end up in Askal.

All their spies and informants stated that the boy was still in Goras, but here he was, right next to the GEE's Emperor.

[Is this the GWE's stance on this as well?]

Before Rudeus could even reply, Evan spoke up while crossing his arms.


Although I am a High Noble of the GWE, I would be participating in this war in my capacity as the 'Hero Evan', NOT the 'Count Bourne'.

The Hero responsible for saving Lacertilia last month."

This was something that Evan needed to make very clear to these World Leaders, so they would not involve the GWE and make things messy for him to deal with.

He was sure that some of them had already begun calculating their schemes and were in the middle of doing so.

'This was why I called for Backup before coming here.'

Since his backup was going to take some time, he decided to buy that time till it arrived.

[What's in it for you, Evan?]

Gavin questioned the boy whom he knew definitely had an ulterior motive for siding with the GEE and Evan only shrugged.

"What's in it for me is that the World gets to know about the possibility of an Impending threat.

None of you here is obliviousabout the fact that the Seal on the Dark Continent is going to break one day. We need to make the World aware of this impending threat so when it does happen, the responses of the masses would be swift since they'd be aware of it beforehand."

[It's going to cause International Panic.]

"That Panic would be a lot worse if we just suddenly say, 'The Dimensional Rift is Broken, we've got Demons Invading' when the people don't even have any sense of danger or prior knowledge of such a possibility.

I can already see people screaming 'It's the end of the World' and jumping off rooftops to commit suicide.

With Emperor Isaac's speech today, the people are now cognizant of the fact that the possibility of being invaded is very real.

This is very necessary as the people of Aidos have so much confidence in the seal on the Dark Continent that it baffles me."

Evan shook his head with a sigh as he spoke, before pulling out a chair from his inventory and taking a seat.

"By getting this information out there on time, it improves our fighting chances."

[How so?]

"Simple, President Antonio.

Some are going to reason something along the lines of:

An Alien Invasion means a war like a thousand years ago, a war where hundreds of millions perished.

Some of them, would go on to think: If I get stronger, would it not increase my chances of Survival if a war does occur?

And we'd see people gaining motivation to risk their lives in a bid to become stronger."

Although Levelling up to become strong sounded easy, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.

To Level up, one needed to kill other existences, and these existences were not going to sit down and let themselves be killed. They would fight back, and that resistance discouraged some people from ever levelling up.

If you went at something with the intent to kill, you had to have the resolve to be killed as well. Once you died, that was it; no coming back.

That resolve was something a lot of people did not have, hence the reason why they remained at the Bronze and Silver levels till the end of their lifespans.

"Some may want to get stronger to protect Family and Loved ones. That can be their motivation and from what I know, people can achieve a lot when they have 'something to protect'.

Of course, I'm being very optimistic and the amount of people who would actually end up with those trains of thought would be a lot lower than expected, but they'd still be there.

No matter how small, we need them. We need every able-

bodied man or woman we can get."

[Then would a war not reduce the number of able-bodied combatants?]

In response to Lloris' question, Evan nodded in agreement.

"It would. But I still support it for various reasons.

Besides, this war would go down in History as the War with the least casualties ever—that is my aim.

Let me give you a spoiler for tomorrow's newspaper headlines:

The State of Tomond was captured with only 1 Casualty which was the Wolfen General who refused to call for surrender and wanted his men to fight a losing battle which would have resulted in over 3500 unnecessary deaths."

When Evan said this, his mutter from earlier when he cleaned the blood off his cheek resounded in their heads.

The little talk Evan had given had bought enough time for the message he sent before coming here to reach the required party.

One of the magic projectors on standby suddenly powered up, signifying the person on the other end had finally decided to join the conversation.

But when the World Leaders saw who it was, they had mixed reactions. Some were surprised, while others only sighed and stated that this was expected.

The projector released a ray of light and constructed the 3D hologram image of a burly lion beastman with deep brown hair.

The Ruler of the Strongest Nation on the Alpha Continent and one of the planet's five Transcendents; 'Beast King' Kolvar.

"Good morning, Sir Kolvar."

[Good morning, to you all.]

The National Leaders all offered their greetings to Kolvar and the man acknowledged them with a nod before turning to Evan and asking him why he was there.

"Some people seem to be doubting Emperor Isaac's claim of having the support of the Heroes so I'm here to back him up."

[If that is the case then this is not something which requires my attention. I'd send you over to David.]

Kolvar could not be bothered to deal with this right now as he had to begin comprehending the law of wind. Mostly so he could rub it in the face of the Elven Emperor when next they met on Altrishia's Island.

The Beast King's projection disappeared and there was a 30-

second downtime before his son's image was projected in his place.

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