Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 638 Throne Of The Omnipotent

"This is my Bounded Filed; The 'Throne of the Omnipotent'."

Hearing that name, Evan had only one line of thought.

'As expected of the Demon of Pride.'

Even though he wasn't really good at spatial manipulation, he could see tell the difference between his Frozen Domain and this Chamber.

Starting from the fact that the place they were in was only about 60 by 30 metres, and yet this Chamber was many times larger than that.

'Spatial Expansion…'

His gaze then turned towards the stone statues that each looked to be as tall as a certain blue-green statue holding up a torch.

'Pride is a very practical person. Knowing her, there's no way that she would expend so much energy to create these armoured knights just for decoration, right?'

Right at that moment, a massive shadow spread out in front of him, making the boy sigh as he spoke.

"Thought so."


Evan rolled out of the way just in time to avoid the giant mace that slammed down on the ground where he stood a second ago.

He quickly got to his feet and looked at the scene of impact, only for his brow to twitch when he gauged the power contained in that strike.

Before he could even say anything about it, the Sword, Spear, Lance and Battle Axe Wielding Statues came alive and took a step forward, swinging and thrusting the weapons they held.

'Mesarthim: Orange: Self Immolation!'

Evan's body was instantly engulfed in orange flames, and he raised his left hand up while pushing his right hand out and activating a skill.

'Elemental Shield!'


With an Earthshaking impact, clouds of dust and dirt billowed towards the ceiling of the Chamber, however, with splinters of earth being sent flying in all directions.

Pride waved her hand and a gust of wind blew away the dust, revealing Evan whose left hand was blocking the swings of the Sword and Battle axe, while his right hand stopped the thrusts from the spear and the lance.

"I see…so you can deploy multiple instances of your Elemental Shield now, huh?"

She calmly remarked as she saw the two semi-spherical barriers of light. The one generated from his left hand had a concave outline while the one generated by his right hand had a convex outline.

"Woman! Are you trying to kill me?!"

Evan's loud voice echoed across the chamber as he used his strength to force the two polearms backwards, before doing the same to the bladed weapons above his head.

"Kill you? That was just a basic physical attack with zero energy."

When Pride replied to his words, Evan took a moment to study the knights and noted that their attacks were indeed purely physical.

"If I was trying to kill you…"

A thick layer of black light surrounded the weapons of the knights, with four more stepping forward and holding their weapons up.

"…I'd at least do this."

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm The next moment, the knights charged towards Evan at breakneck speed, each sending projected slashes flying at him.

Evan reacted quickly, releasing energy blasts to counter the slashes before activating Elemental Weapon Projection and creating giant shields to block their melee attacks.

Seeing this, Pride raised a brow as she noticed the distinct lack of skill activation, despite the fact that he was using a skill.

'His predecessor did use skills without their activations being sensed…I guess he's unlocked that ability as well.

In that case…it's fair to up the difficulty a bit.'

If only Evan who was busy wielding a giant sword of ice to clash against the giant sword-wielding knight, while standing on the back of the mace wilder who just missed its attack heard her current line of thought.

Unfortunately, he didn't, and this was why he didn't expect what happened next.

Pride waved her hand to the left, and immediately, Evan's whole worldview changed.

The force of gravity which was supposed to be pulling him down to the ground, began pulling him to the side, in the direction of the halberd-wielding knight who then slashed at him with the weapon's blade.

He quickly adapted and balanced himself, creating a void step which he used as a boost to jump out of the slash's trajectory, but before he could even think about countering, the gravity changed once more.

Evan found himself falling diagonally towards the ground, in a position perfect for impaling himself upon the Lance Wielder's weapon.lightsnovel

He spun around and used his giant sword to parry the spear thrust, only to find himself back in the trajectory of the halberd wielder's slash; only that this time, it was his back facing the blade.


In a split second, he used wind magic to generate currents, allowing him to spin his body around and hold the sword in place to block the halberd's slash.


The force behind the slash sent his body hurtling through the air, in the direction of the shielder who came active and raised its shield.

It took a stance and then the instant Evan entered its range, it bashed the boy's body with its shield, sending him flying towards the Staff Wielder's location.

The Staff Wielder continued the combo, swinging its weapon down on Evan and smacking him down to the ground with enough force to crater it.

When the dust cleared up, Evan's form holding up the giant staff with his two hands was revealed, and the boy's expression showed his current annoyance.

Golden chains burst out from the ground around him, wrapping around both the Armoured knight's hands and the staff. He then grabbed onto the chains and pulled on them with strength unbefitting of his body size, pulling the armoured knight face down onto the ground.

He flicked his fingers and generated a giant sword of fire above its head, gesturing downwards and dropping the blade right onto the knight's head.

At the last moment, however, the sword that would have turned the knight's head into a pile of molten metal abruptly transformed into a swarm of harmless butterflies.

"Really?! Butterflies?!"

Evan questioned Pride who was responsible for this, ignoring the giant Flail-wielding knight that was rushing towards him from behind.

The knight swung its weapon down towards him, intending to squash the boy to meat paste.

At the last moment, however, Evan's body was engulfed in bright prismatic flames which then condensed around his fist. He then spun around and threw out a punch, hitting the striking head of the flail and blasting the entire thing to bits.

Glops of molten metal spattered all around, pouring on the feet of another knight nearby.

With a snap of Evan's fingers, these glops of molten metal exploded violently, destroying the legs of the knight and causing its massive frame to fall, right into the path of the sword that was heading for Evan and taking the hit for the boy.

His body still immolated with Mesarthim's orange flames, Evan turned towards Pride with a deadpan look and the woman returned his gaze silently.

She raised her hand and was about to give another command, but something happened before she could do that.



Both of them turned to the side after sensing something strange, with Pride's surprised voice ringing out as they saw that one of the gigantic armoured knights suddenly had cracks all over its body.

Golden energy surged out of the cracks and the knight shattered to pieces, revealing a massive fissure in the wall of the chamber—or rather—the Boundary Wall of the Bounded Field.

Emerging from this fissure, was a girl who looked to be in her early teens, with straight black hair tied up in a long braid that reached just below her knees.

She was dressed in a short-sleeved dress shirt and a pair of white shorts, fitted out with grey sneakers.

Her golden eyes looked around the massive chamber, ignoring everything until they landed on Evan.


With lightning speed, she zapped towards Evan and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly while the young hero stared on dumbfoundedly.

'Did she just break into Pride's Bounded Field?'

Bounded Field barriers were very resistant both on the outside and on the inside, to prevent the entrapped opponent from escaping, and to prevent any potential reinforcements from getting in.

There was no way someone like Pride would neglect hers, and Evan was sure that it was far stronger than normal ones.

Yet, Kayla casually broke into it and even destroyed one of the constructs within it in a single strike.

It'd be stranger if Evan and Pride weren't dumbfounded.

The boy looked down and silently patted the hair of the spirit who was nuzzling her cheeks in his chest while muttering something about having missed him a lot.

"Where on Aidos were you all this while?"

This was the first time Evan had seen Kayla and spoken with Kayla since he came out of the cocoon, as the spirit had vanished somewhere shortly before he woke up.

[I was talking with Big Sis.]


[Mmn, Big Sis Artemisia. She said that…]

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