"I love you."


Evan casually hummed in reply when he heard her words, but after a moment, his eyes widened in shock as what she just said finally sank in.


Eliza's assertive side seemed to be on full power today, as she once again abruptly initiated a kiss, pulling Evan close with an urgency that sparked a wildfire of emotions.

It was fairly obvious from her blushing cheeks that she felt embarrassed after what she had just said, but her method of covering up said embarrassment was a bit questionable.

Evan's initial surprise gave way to a swift response as their lips intertwined in a deep longing embrace. Time seemed to stretch as the intensity of the kiss deepened, with their heartbeats syncing in a harmonious rhythm.

The world around them faded into a distant echo as they surrendered to the magnetic pull of desire.

A full minute passed, filled with the exchange of unspoken emotions, and they finally pulled away, gasping for air while their eyes remained locked in a haze of post-kiss euphoria.

"O-one more time."

Eliza hugged Evan's neck and spoke in a stupor as if she was drunk, and Evan did not dissuade her. He grasped her waist and kissed her on the lips, beginning another exchange of unspoken emotions that lasted even longer than before.

In the distance, a party of some sort illuminated the night with a display of dazzling fireworks. The colourful bursts painted the sky, serving as a reminder that pulled them out of the enchanting trance they had woven in this moment.

Though Eliza intended to continue, Evan's lips moved far out of her reach as the boy laid her body on his lap.


She stared at him with a bit of resentment in her sapphire eyes, mixed with thirst, as if she was begging for it. Seeing this, Evan smiled and caressed her cheek as he said.

"Let's continue later, okay?"

He then kissed her on her forehead, afterwards, and her hands immediately moved up to the spot his lips just touched.

"…why does this feel more embarrassing than the previous two?"

"I think your sense of shame has been skewed to the wrong angles."

Evan chuckled a reply while Eliza silently pouted and crossed her arms before looking away from him.


"Yes, My Lady?"

"Pfft…What's with that?"

Him addressing her in such a manner felt very strange, but she couldn't help but notice a part of her seemed to like it.

"I demand a date."

"Your wish is my command, My Lady.

I have prepared a list of places in mind, ready for you to make your pick."

At first, she thought Evan was just joking, but when she felt him slide a small piece of paper into her hands, she realised he was serious.

"When did you…?"

"After the discussion with Sir Rathal and King Kolvar."


'So, it wasn't something he prepared long ago…'

Eliza quickly figured that Evan had noticed her still dour mood and had already been planning how he was going to lift her spirits.

Though the little gesture made her a bit happy, she didn't show it as she looked through the paper in her hands.

"So, let's see what we have here…a picnic?"

"It was the first thing I thought of when I saw this park earlier in the day."

Evan only shrugged lightly as he spoke, twirling the girl's braids around in his fingers. When he had been overlooking Goras earlier in the day, he had noticed this park, and this was part of the reason why he had come here in the first place.

Eliza just so happened to be following him.

Delving into the details of the date plan, he proposed they test out some of the Elven delicacies that were popular in Goras recently, making Eliza realise she hadn't tried out any of the local foods in the past two weeks.

Normally, her inner foodie would have screamed at her for this, but since she was too busy being worried about Evan, said inner foodie didn't dare show itself.

She poked him in the stomach when she thought of this, before moving her gaze to the next thing on the list; one that could be accomplished right now if they so wished.

It was basically a plan for a starry night stroll, passing by a small observatory in a nearby city district where they could indulge in stargazing if they so wished.

She saw a few scribbles on the side about hiring a local artist to create a sidewalk chalk mural depicting whatever star patterns she favoured as well.

However, she had zero intentions of using this 'Date plan' now, as she preferred having this little moment along with Evan.

The next on the list was one that intrigued her a bit—the idea of exploring their artistic sides. It was about a visit to a studio that offered pottery classes, with both of them moulding clay together to create a few 'masterpieces'.

'Maybe we can exchange what we create as little mementoes?'

The thought passed her mind when Evan hinted at secretly planning a surprise to this plan. Curious as ever, she moved on to the next thing on the list and saw it was basically what she had done when they were in Kasteblum.

Evan proposed a culinary journey where they would explore the other's favourite dishes, and seeing this, Eliza prepared herself for an influx of strawberry-flavoured desserts.

The plan involved visiting various restaurants, alternating between the cuisines of every race they could find, and to make it more exciting, Evan suggested a little fun twist; they would rate each dish and create a personalized recipe combining elements from their highest-rated meals.

All the plans had Eliza hooked, but she didn't deny that the one that caught her attention the most was—

"This Culinary journey…"

"As expected of my favourite foodie, that's the one that caught your ey-ouch!"

Eliza pinched him in the side to make him stop talking before pointing at the other two and continuing her words.

"Let's do these two first and save that one for last."

"Best for last, huh?

Very well, My lady. It shall be done as you command."

The two of them had spent quite a while discussing their plans for their next date, so when they were done, it was already around midnight. They decided to return to the Barthmont Palace, where they had a late dinner before retiring to their assigned rooms.

Well, it was Evan's assigned room they returned to, and the moment they entered, the boy silently locked the door behind him before activating a little extra soundproofing artifact.

He then walked up to Eliza who had just taken off her earrings and hugged her from behind, sliding his arms around her waist while resting his chin on her shoulders.

"Now then, I did say we were going to 'continue' later, didn't I?"

Evan's hands slipped under Eliza's shirt as he spoke, and it was then that the full meaning of his statement dawned on her.

With slightly flushed cheeks, she moved her hands over his and grabbed onto it, before moving his palm from over her belly, upwards towards her chest.

The events that happened next need not be stated and would be left entirely up to your imagination.

Just have it in mind that they helped Evan to confirm the efficiency of his Soundproofing artifact.

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