Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 631 David’s Thoughts

David Thancreed walked out of one of the meeting rooms of the Barthmont Palace, closing the door behind him and heaving a light sigh as he leaned back on it.

He wore a simple brown shirt that matched his eye colours, black jeans and leather boots to match. On both his arms, he had artifact bracelets that shone with the brilliance of high-quality magic power.

Running a hand through his hair, he began making his way down the corridor, with numerous thoughts on his mind.

The moment he reached an intersection, the two ears reminiscent of a lion's that sat atop his head twitched slightly.

"Who is it?"

He turned his head slightly to glance at the corridor on his right, silently circulating his aura throughout his body as he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

However, when he saw who it was that emerged from behind the pillar in the middle of the hallway, he lowered his guard and gave a light smile before speaking.

"So, it was you, elder sister."

"Hmm…you've gotten better. Normally, you would not have been able to sense me with this level of stealth."

David only shrugged lightly in response, his eyes not leaving the brown-haired older woman who closed the distance between them in a single 'step'.

She was Beast King Kolvar's second child, the Second Princess of the Beast Kingdom, Kara Thancreed. Though she wasn't to the level of a Living Legend yet, the woman was just as close as Kasteblum's Chief Court Mage Gavin was.

"I heard what happened in Lacertilia."

"Oh…that. What about it?"

David resumed walking down the hallway towards his initial destination as he replied, and Kara matched his pace while answering him.

"That was a very dangerous situation. That beast was a whole existence level above you. You could have died."

She was referring to the White High Dragon Faldo whom he and Evan had fought two weeks ago. Though her estimation of his existence level was higher than it actually was, it wasn't too strange for her to assume such given the dragon's power.

"If I fought it on my own, maybe. But I had allies, as such, there was a lesser danger to my life."

Running a hand through his hair, David sighed softly for a moment before continuing.

"I understand you, Second to Fourth sisters' desire for my safety, but you have to understand my own desire to get stronger as fast as possible."

"And what is the reason for this desire of yours?"

Kara's question made David's footsteps stop. He turned towards her with his lips curling up into a grin that showed his sharp canine teeth.

In his eyes, a golden inscription flashed for a brief moment, however, the look of surprise on his sister's face showed she saw the inscription completely.

"Why don't you take a guess?"

Leaving that, he turned away and returned to his own quarters in the palace, shutting the door behind him before moving over to his desk and plopping down on the chair in front of it.

He opened up his status and looked through it, from his Level that sat at 450 to his skill tabs. He then pulled up the description of his Mystic Eyes and stared at it in silence for a few moments.

|Mystic Eye of Anti-Magic;

Type: Unique Skill (Mystic Series)


Allows one to tap into the essence of negation, granting them the ability to negate/nullify, neutralize and even consume magical energies within their field of vision.

Stage 1

Enhanced Visual Prowess.

Ability to see the flow of energy.

Ability to Negate a portion of External Magic Emissions. (Tier Dependent).

Stage 2

Further Enhanced Visual Prowess.

25% Resistance to all Elemental Magic Damage.

Ability to increase the Energy cost required for Targets to use Magic Spells by 12.5%.

Ability to reduce the Effectiveness of Magic Enchantments and Artifact Magic Effects by 25%.

Ability to Completely Negate External Magic Emissions for Selected Targets (1).

Stage 3

50% Resistance to all Magic Elemental Damage.

50% Resistance to all non-elemental Magic Effects.

Increased maximum level of External Magic Emission Negation. (Tier Dependent)

Ability to Interchange/Shuffle Magic Elemental Resistances.

Ability to increase the Energy cost required for Targets to use Magic Spells by 25%.


Prolonged usage can strain their eyes and drain their energy, necessitating periods of rest and recovery. Additionally, while the eyes possess potent anti-magic abilities, the user themself may remain susceptible to physical attacks, requiring them to rely on other means of defence or support.

External Magic Emission Negation is heavily dependent on the User's Maximum Elemental Tier Affinity.

The higher the level of the Target using magic, the higher the energy cost required to Negate their Magic.

The More powerful the Enchantment and Artifact Magic Effect, the higher the energy cost required to negate their effectiveness.

More Complex Magic Spells Require higher energy costs to negate.

Some of the Mystic eyes' abilities are sealed and would only be unlocked when the Mystic eyes have reached the appropriate stage. |

With David's eyes, he was truly the bane of all mages.

On Default, he had a base 50% resistance to magic spells and effects, and he could even make targets within his field of view expend more magic power to cast spells.

With his Tier 3, came the ability to shuffle his resistances.

This was what saved him when Faldo had used a point-blank range Fire Nova on him, and the reason why he was able to walk out with barely any damage.

David had a base extra 50% resistance to all elements.

His mystic eyes allowed him to shuffle these resistances, taking the 50% of an element and stacking it atop another element.

In that instant he had sensed Faldo using a fire spell, he took away his base 50% Water elemental resistance and stacked it on top of his base 50% Fire resistance.

This made him more vulnerable to water magic than usual, but in turn, his vulnerability to fire magic had reduced to almost nothing.

Hence, the reason why it appeared that he had tanked Faldo's spell without a scratch.

But if someone were to use water magic on him at that point in time, then the damage he would have received would have been greater than normal.

It was a sufficient drawback, but unless you knew the specifics of his skill and this ability in particular, then it wasn't one that could be taken advantage of.

You'd just have to be very lucky to hit him with the right element at the right time.

"And this power of mine would be pretty useful in Tarse, huh?"

He muttered to himself as he closed the skill description and remembered all the things that Evan had said during the earlier meeting.

In fact, Evan was still discussing with his father and Rathal, it's just that he didn't really need to be present so he excused himself for a bit.

From the younger boy's words, David discovered that the Demonic Hand's plans were a lot larger in scale than he imagined.

He originally desired to get stronger because of the knowledge that the Dimensional Rift on the Dark Continent was going to eventually break, but it seems that the power he believed was great for his age, wasn't enough anymore.

"To think they actually want to kill the Master of Dragondune…"

David had met the leader of the Dragons on the Alpha Continent before because of his father, and when he compared the strength that he remembered them to possess with what he felt from Vaeri two weeks ago, he couldn't help but realise that Dragondune's Master lost out.

What's more, according to Evan, the 'Second Finger' was even more powerful than Vaeri was. And said person was who the Demonic Hand wanted to send after the Master of Dragondune.

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