Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 628 Sudden Revelation

"Oh, Uncle Kolvar.



"…Wait, what?"

All gazes turned towards the girl, with even Pride's normally calm expression turning into one of surprise at her casual greeting.

What's more, was Kolvar's reply.

"Oh, Eliza. Long-time no see.

How's Matt?"

"I haven't spoken with him in a few years now but I'm sure he's fine."

The Beastman thought about Eliza's father's attitude towards his daughter when he heard her reply, before sighing as he concluded the man was definitely 'Not Fine'.

Just like with Luisa when they were in Zest Station City, Eliza's familiarity with some of the most powerful existences on the planet amazed Evan in more ways than one.

'Her father's name is 'Matt'…

If I'm not mistaken, then that's a short for Matthias…Matthias Laneford.'

Once again, the question of how Eliza even existed bugged Evan's mind since he knew Matthias Laneford's wife was supposed to be dead, but the boy wasn't gonna be getting that answer now so he pushed it to the back of his mind.

Besides, he didn't have much time to dwell on that because of the second person who had appeared with Kolvar.

The purple-haired man took a 'step' forward, appearing in front of Evan faster than anyone's senses could catch as he rubbed his chin and spoke.

"You've grown a lot since the last time I saw you, boy.

It hasn't even been two years since I saw you in that small city. What was it called again? Getty?"


"Ah, yes. Geto.

You were just an inferior master then, and now you're a superior grandmaster.

Heroes, really are built differently, huh?"

Rathal shook his head with a sigh as even he did not ascend the levels so fast. However, before he could continue speaking, David's voice rang out across the room.

"Please don't group all Heroes in the same category with that Anomaly."

The 'Strongest Human' burst into laughter when he heard David's words that sounded a little bit envious, while Kolvar remained silent as he stared at his son with a complicated gaze.

"How many titles and skills that boost your stats do you have? I'm genuinely curious."

Rathal could easily see through all Evan's stat boosts and bonuses, accurately gauging exactly how much base power the boy had.

To him, that was what mattered the most, as one could never know when these Stat Boosts would not be available. He and Kolvar did just come out of a dungeon that negated all bonuses from one's 'Class', after all.

Evan got up from his seat and held his hand out for a handshake, which Rathal accepted a second later.

"Nice to meet you, 'Strongest Human' Rathal."

"Nice to meet you two 'Irregular' boy."

Rathal swung his arm around the boy's shoulder and patted his back as they exchanged 'official greetings'.

"You're really living up to your Irregular title."

"Oh please, it's nothing much when compared to you."

"Of course, it's Me we're talking about here, you know?"

It was quite a surprise for those present who hadn't met Rathal beforehand. All the impressions of him they had imagined flew out of their minds, as the person in front of them just appeared to be that random next-door older brother'.

David and Malaya had met him before so they were already used to the man's personality, but it could be quite surprising for others.

Most people would usually expect members of 'The Five' to be domineering, gazing upon everything with immense arrogance.

They were the strongest existences on the planet, after all.

Evan glanced at the man playfully slapping his back and activated full appraisal, but he heaved a sigh afterwards and shook his head.

Despite his 'FULL' appraisal, the level difference between the two parties was just so great that he was only permitted to see a few lines.

|Name- Rathal Cox

Race- Ancient Breed Human

Gender- Male

Age- 50

Level- 920

Existence Level- Transcendent (Inferior)

Titles- Strongest Human, Member of 'The Five', Irregular, Vampire Slayer. |

The man was just half a century old and he had already gained power greater than some existences who had lived for five times his entire lifetime.

People in his generation like the GWE's 'First Sword' Finley, or the GEE's 'First Star' Bourne were still skirting around the intermediate stage of the Epic Realm.

'But they're just normal humans…this guy's an Ancient Breed.'

Race breeds were pretty important factors that aided how fast an individual grew, and how powerful they became.

Their Stat and Experience Multipliers were a lot higher when compared to lower-ranked breeds.

They also had things like higher energy quality and energy reserves 'on default'. Whatever Racial Traits normal people in their races possessed, the higher breeds had it, but even better.

In Rathal's case, the man was like a 'Primed' version of Human.

Zaos wasn't normal as well, but a High Elf; neither was Altrishia just a normal dragon nor Vulwin a normal dwarf.

The blood was a bit diluted in Altrishia's case as she didn't turn out to be an Ancient Breed like Gorm. As for Rathal, it was as If a dormant gene in his blood had awakened and boosted his Racial Factors when he was conceived in his mother's womb.

However, be they normal, High, Greater, Arch, Elder, or Ancient breeds, that wasn't Evan's main focus right now.

He wriggled himself out of Rathal's hold and walked up to Kolvar, admiring the man's height that would have made him fit perfectly in a team of basketball players.

"Your Majesty."


Evan greeted him with a light bow while Kolvar acknowledged him with a nod, after which, the boy began speaking about the main reason why he wanted to be in Goras.

"Can we move to a more suitable place? I wanted to have a talk with you, and I'd appreciate it if Sir Rathal joined the mix too."

Hearing his name come up, Rathal turned his attention from the Deadly Sin Demons and towards Evan with a questioning gaze, while Kolvar voiced the question both Transcendents had.

"A talk? About what?"

With a wry smile, Evan created a light projection of a certain organization's symbol as he replied.

"The Demonic Hand's next target."



Eliza's mood instantly turned sour, and Evan could pretty much guess the reason why. It hadn't even been an hour since he woke up and he was already thinking about complicated things like this.

However, Pride held out her hand and pulled Eliza back, shaking her head silently when Eliza looked at her.

Evan had informed Pride of some of his plans concerning the next disaster he wanted to tackle, and the High Demon understood that this 'talk' was something that needed to be done as early as possible.

As for Evan, the boy's plans had been changed greatly, especially because of the warning that "Aidos" gave him, about preventing disasters from happening in the first place.

Kolvar gave a side glance at Pride and Greed, though the two demons ignored his gaze and focused on other things.

Seeing as it was something important, a meeting room in the palace was quickly arranged for their use.

After all the related parties had taken their seats around the table, Evan began the conversation with some very concerning words.

"So…the Strongest Sovereign Level Existence in Tarse, the 'Master of Dragondune'…is gonna DIE."

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