Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 625 Zero Damage Units, Hundred Pain Units[Bonus]

The feeling of beating the living daylights out of a powerful Superior grandmaster-level monster, was certainly not something he would consider 'meh'.

Getting up from the ground, he zoomed in with Farsight to see where the monster had fallen, an easy task since the trail of destruction was very clear.

He kicked off the ground and dashed towards the monster, moving so fast that the world around him blurred out.


Evan instinctively unfurled his newly acquired wings and let them serve as a pseudo-parachute, reducing his speed enough that he could control and stop himself at will.

"Damn…it's going to be a while before I get used to this."

Evan's power control was out of sync due to his body's power up, so he needed to retrain himself to regain control over it.

"I should use the Tower of Trials for that."

He muttered as he dusted his body, ignoring the prying gazes of the monsters and adventurers nearby as he held out his hand and summoned his weapon.


The jet-black sword appeared in his hands, trembling a bit as his power flowed into it. He then proceeded to test another one of his Stage 3 abilities.

Enveloping the sword with his golden aura, he swung it forward five times, before sheathing it and looking at the wounded bear in front of him.

At first, nothing seemed to have happened.

However, a second later, twenty-five fist-sized holes suddenly burst open on the monster's body, creating new outlets for more of its blood to spill out.

Then, five massive gashes appeared on its body, in the same position where the holes had burst out a second earlier.

Its skull was cracked and it had serious concussions and brain damage from Evan's collapse, and now the boy had in a way it could not detect, stacked more damage on it.

"Good, I can use both categories."

Evan nodded in satisfaction as he unsheathed the unforged once more, looking right at the wounded grizzly while a single notification bar that explained what he had just done floated in his field of vision.

|Ability to Combine/Mix Mimicked Skills. |

He had just combined his 'Blade Cannon' skill with his 'Concealment', resulting in invisible fist sized aura bullets and slashes.

However, just as people above certain levels could see through Evan's concealment when he applied it on himself, so could they see through the attacks when he applied it to skills.

Evan theorized many ways to put this skill combination ability to use, while got into a stance, pulling his sword back as he began gathering energy, wrapping it in a spiral current around his sword.

He calmly looked right into the bloodied right eye of the bear monster, thrusting out his sword with one word leaving his lips.


The spiral-shaped mass of energy surged forward, and then the world was covered in blood.

Blood, organs and bone fragments rained down soundlessly as Evan stood within his elemental shield and sheathed the unforged.

It was only after he had taken this action, that the sound of his Vortex violently shredding apart the Giant Grizzly's body and scattering its parts in all directions rang out.

The shockwaves that reverberated through the forest reached the spectators from afar, knocking back all the non-grandmasters and sending them flying like dirty rags.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

"Right…this can still happen."

Evan's current power was definitely the highest among all the planet's grandmasters, but this was largely due to his stat boosts from the Reincarnated Hero System and BoD.

|Boosts, Bonuses and Title Effects;

37.5% Stat Boost.

Boosted Life Force.

130% Stat Effectiveness.

400% Levelling Efficiency.

15% Increase in Skill Effectiveness.

27.5% Mimicked Skill Effectiveness/Damage Bonus.

25% Increase in Energy Manipulation Speed.

15% Increase in Sword Attack Strength/Damage.

30% Increase in Destructive Skill Strength/Damage.

30% Increase in Destructive Magic Strength/Damage.

300% Overall Power Boost. (1st Activation State Only).

25% Damage Bonus against 'Invaders' and 'Enemies of Aidos'.

15% Increase in Energy-Based Sword Attack Strength/Damage and Speed.

15% Increase in Destructive Energy Based Attack Strength/

Damage and Speed. |

So many boosts and damage increases everywhere, and most importantly, they were all percentage boosts.

With his base stats all being at least S+, it was only natural that the extra power he gained was quite substantial.

There were people who had higher base Stat levels than he did, but they didn't have the boosts Evan did.

Even so, this did not mean that Evan had the power of a being on the next Existence level, the Epic Level.

Leaving aside the fact that the gap between the Grandmaster and Epic Levels wasn't so easily breached, there was a much higher limit to the maximum amount of power a Grandmaster could hold—far higher than that of a Master

The bottom line, Evan wasn't going to be seeing 'Undefined' on his level tab unless he did something pretty crazy.

"I still wouldn't be helpless against an Epic Level now, though.

If I met Craitid now, with the Survival Enhancement Mode, I'd be able to put up an actual fight and not get my ass beat like last time."

Evan yawned lightly before turning around and glancing in the direction where adventurers were watching him from.

He raised an eyebrow in light surprise, before turning up his intimidation skill to the max and unleashing the full brunt on them.

The skill had also gone through a bit of a makeover, due to melding with the 'Dragon Fear' absorbed from Faldo, so its power had gone up a notch.

Enough to scare away even S rankers.

However, Evan's actions here today helped solidify some rumours he didn't know about.

The ones that said he had gained the power of a dragon by devouring Faldo's heart.

Some said it was bullshit, and he'd most certainly die for consuming another being's energy core. But these adventurers just saw him now, with white dragon wings and scales on his arms.

He then proceeded to scare them off with his 'Dragon Fear' (Intimidation); that was all the proof they needed to know our resident Hero had gone Drago Mode.

Left in the silent bloodstained forest, Evan retracted his wings and turned off Imperial scales, as he touched his hair that had grown to reach his chin and muttered.

"I think I'd need you to trim this down for me like you did before…"

He heard the sounds of tree branches breaking, along with a familiar presence that stopped no more than 5 metres away from him.

"…right, Liz?"

Silence pervaded the area as Evan slowly turned around, catching sight of the shadow of a tree stump wriggling as it returned to normal size.

With that, the question of how Eliza was suddenly here was answered.

'That's right…the limitations on Kayla, Kuro and Pride have been released…'

His thoughts were cut short when he noticed Eliza coming closer. At first, he wanted to hug her, but then he noticed that her right fist was clenched and immediately, Danger Sense sent him a different kind of warning.

"Wait, Li—!"


Eliza was physically weak…for a grandmaster-level existence, that is.

The girl was still very much capable of crumbling buildings with her bare fists, and one of said bare fists had just sucker-

punched Evan in the gut.

The boy's body drew a clean parabolic arc in the air before crash-landing on a block of green ice that was perfectly placed for him.


Despite his exclamation of pain, Evan felt zero damage being dealt to him.

That was expected, as though Eliza had clearly used her fist to attack him, it just so happened to be coated in life energy. This made it so her attack dealt zero damage, despite the force it carried and the pain it caused.

Just before Evan could get off the cold ice, Eliza blitzed in with her right fist pulled back, while her left grabbed Evan's shirt and pulled him closer.

The boy braced himself for the sensation of pain from her Zero- Damage punch, but instead of pain, a different sensation greeted him—an abrupt and deeply passionate kiss.

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