Chapter 621 Aidos III


Every single person meant to die would die, and the country you are trying to save, would FALL.]

Aidos spoke as if 'she' already knew my next Destination and just the mere thought of the 'Fall of the Desert Country' happening without me being able to do anything about it could give me nightmares.

After all, that was the greatest disaster of the Alpha Continent.

A Disaster where I needed the help of a member of 'The Five' to solve.

Or if the 'Wolf of the End' became a Nexus Event, then everything else I've been doing for the past few years would be for nought.

That was the Disaster the 'Second Finger' was in charge of, after all.

"That damned Wolf…"

[Ah, yes. The Beast of the 'END'. I can't have you doing anything that would make that thing act as it's meant to.

It'd make the 'Dullahan Attack' seem like child's play.]

I agreed with her, after all, it was a very simple, yet deadly disaster.

[The Wolf of the 'END' is a creature meant to bring the 'END'. A creature with power over the law of 'Extinction'.

A Law on par with Annihilation and Destruction.]

Aidos placed a hand on 'her' chin and thought for a few moments before asking.

[You're from an Earth, aren't you?]

'An Earth? Well, we are Earth-V so it makes sense there's an I, II, III, and IV.'

[In your world's myths, there is a beast called 'Fenrir'.]

"Yep. The one who wants to bite Odin's head off during Ragnarok. Loki's pup with the giantess Angrboda."

[Yes, that Fenrir. The 'Wolf of the END', is the 'Fenrir' of this Galaxy.

It's just very, very, young.

And unfortunately, as a Prime World just so happens to be suitable for such a creature's birth and growth, I ended up with that little monster on my hands.]

'She' sighed with light exasperation, and I could tell that this was something 'she' detested even more so than Irregulars like myself.

[So, next time you plan for a Disaster. Don't attempt to stop it from happening entirely, so that you can save your chances of Completely stopping a disaster for things like the 'Wolf of the End'.

As for Tarse…I don't know what plans you have for there, but if they are going to cause issues, then I'd find a way to let you know.

Just don't 'COMPLETELY' stop it from happening. You can mess up parts, but don't mess up 'everything' otherwise you'd have a 'Forced Event' on your hands.]

"I didn't know Planets played games as well."

[Oh please, I've grown far more advanced than the Replica you come from, I know a lot more about games than you ever would.]

Leaving aside 'her' calling Earth-V a replica, for now, I had a new question to ask 'her'.

"Are you aware of everything that happens on your surface?"

[Yes. Not just my surface, but everything that happens in my gravitational field.

I know the past and present, and if I tried, I could find out bits of the future.]

Seeming to take further interest in the reason I asked the question, Aidos leaned forward and spoke.

[What do you want to know?

Little things like the result of the game you wanted to bet on after leaving Lacertilia?

Or should we take it up to 'Middle' level things like the location of the 'First Finger'? Or the Universal law that Rathal and the Kolvar got recently?]

An impish grin appeared on 'her' face as 'she' lowered 'her' voice and spoke in a near whisper.

[What about more 'Classified' information, like Eliza's three sizes?]


Now, that's something I was certainly very curious about, especially the first of the three. Having felt them before in my hands, I could pretty much make a guess but there'd be a fair margin for error.

Even though 'she' clearly noticed my interest, Aidos only chuckled and continued with 'her' words.

[Let's take things a bit deeper, into things you don't have the clearance to know.

Like the identity of the ETOD.]

All thoughts about Eliza's hip measurements vanished from my mind the moment 'she' spoke. My curiosity had been piqued for reasons on the other side of the spectrum.

Holding 'her' hands over 'her' mouth like 'she' was trying to tell a secret, Aidos decided to finish it off with something that debunked some of the theories I had come up with over the years.

[What about the real reason why Gozon's god wants me destroyed—the reason why Artemisia sent you here?

The highest and most classified piece of information, the true crème de la crème.

Should I tell you, goddess Artemisia's 'Greatest Secret'.]

The fact that 'she' put all those in one sentence told me something.

The reason why the demons wanted Aidos destroyed, the reason Artemisia sent me to save Aidos from certain doom, and Artemisia's secret.

'They're all the same thing.'

"Didn't Artemisia send me here to save you because you're her home world?"

I now knew it wasn't the case, but I still asked just to be sure.

[Pfft…Home World?

Artemisia Delgasso is a more selfish woman than you think she is. The goddess does hold some affection towards me because I am where she was born but that's about it.

If not for 'that reason' she wouldn't make this much effort—involving the ETOD—just for her home world.

Too bad I can't tell you due to your low Causality Index.

Even if I told you, all you'd hear is just A??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????t???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????m?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????s???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????à?????????????????????????????????????'???????????????s???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????S?????????????????????????????????e????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????c???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????t?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ]

"My ears, please!"

The grating sound of the censoring that sounded exactly like what came out of my mouth whenever I tried to speak about the events of a thousand years ago couldn't be compared to the noise that racked both my body and soul.

It was like an ant to an elephant.

If I wasn't careful, that thing could give me soul damage just by hearing it.

[Causality doesn't like people knowing things they're not meant to.]

Aidos spoke with a smile as if my reaction delighted 'her'. I glared at 'her' with half-lidded eyes, and the 'woman' shrugged nonchalantly before speaking.

[A certain Eternal called it the 'Son of a Bitch Law' in his younger years and I couldn't agree more with him.]

While 'she' spoke, I noticed that the scenes being displayed around me were changing once again, and when I looked up at them, I could feel my expression turn stiff.

"…what is this supposed to be?"

In response to my question, Aidos only tilted 'her' head to the side and replied in a manner that made it seem as if 'she' truly did not understand why I asked that.

[Wouldn't you wanna know what happened after that Demon took the Demonic Hand executive away?]


'Her' words were the best description for the scene that was now playing out. 'She' did say that 'she' could see everything that went on within 'her' gravitational field, so it made sense that 'she' saw this.

◇ ◇ ◇

Vaeri Valren emerged from a sea of trees and onto a sandy beach, with the afternoon sun shining down and casting long shadows on the white sand.

Trailing behind her with his head facing to the ground and his body shivering lightly was the Mid Rank Demon Thagol, contractor of the Demonic Hand's Seventh Finger.

The man who was calm in front of the much stronger Zestari Herrel and even when faced with the Strongest Demon on the planet, was now shaking with fear.

It was his body's instinctive reaction.

He didn't dare to raise his gaze upward, keeping his eyes trained on the ground and not even daring to make even the smallest of sounds.

On Aidos, the Five Strongest Existences were unmistakably the Transcendents.

Altrishia, Zaos, Kolvar, Rathal and Vulwin.

Kolvar and Rathal were evenly matched, and of 'The Five', Vulwin could be said to be the weakest. This wasn't too surprising as the Dwarf was more of a craftsman than a fighter.

However, if the question of who was the next strongest after the 'Five' was posed, then most people would argue it was one of the Sovereigns they knew.

Those with more knowledge of the World like Luke Bowthe, would say it was the Ouroboros Hydran, or his sister Ashe.

But they were not the ones who occupied that position.

The person who held the next Highest Level after 'the Five', and was an existence that the Transcendents were wary of.

Someone who was the reason 'The Five' had not been able to take major action against the Demonic Hand since they became an Executive.

That was the person who was standing not less than five metres from Thagol.

They were doing 'something' to the space in front of them, and after a few seconds, a pulse of energy was released in all directions, born from a distortion in the fabric of space.

Laurene had once said that the Fabric of space of a High-Level world was not something so easy to break, much less Aidos which had been revealed to be a Prime World.

And the scene that played out next confirmed those words.

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