The blast blew away the pirates and made a hole in the wall behind them.

The pirates screamed as they fell into the water, but Aldred just chuckled.

He pulled out his sword and slashed at the pirates, cutting them up into pieces.

“You are all going to be my experience points!” His sword became black like it was soaked in lava and it was burning hot. He slashed, splashing out the burning liquid at them.

All the pirates were burned alive. Their screams echoed. Some of the pirates jumped to the sea, in the hope that the water would kill the fire. But they were still burning in flames despite diving down into the sea. Aldred’s flame would never die even underwater because it constantly consumed his unlimited mana. As long as Aldred did not deactivate the spell, the pirates would keep on burning.

Aldred walked past the floating corpses and stepped onto the deck of the ship.

The pirate captain was looking at him with terror in his eyes. His eyes showed fear, but Aldred could see he had a smug expression. It was obvious that the captain knew Aldred was far stronger than him. But he still dared to look at him with respect in his eyes.

“Do you think I’m afraid of your tricks?” Aldred snorted.

The captain gulped and shook his head. “We have no more tricks.”

The captain trembled in fright even with the protection of his men. He had heard of this man from his subordinates a few weeks ago. They said that he was like the devil himself. Everywhere he passed, blood would splash. And there was nothing they could do about it.

Aldred was a monster. They thought that he was a demon sent by the gods to destroy them. They believed that the gods themselves were punishing them for their sins.

Aldred walked toward the captain, and he could feel the fear of the captain.

The pirates couldn’t help but take a few steps back, but the captain stood still.

“I figure the captain would be at least a Platinum Rank.”

“It’s easier to replace ships than a powerful combatant,” the pirate captain replied.


“It took decades for someone to reach Platinum Rank, but with enough resources, you can build a mothership in a few weeks. But that doesn’t mean we think the cost is cheap.”

In modern times, pilots were considered more valuable than the aircraft they rode. That was why they weren’t punished at all should they crash a jet plane. Even though each jet could cost millions of dollars.

“So that means you are replaceable?” Aldred smiled.

“We are pirates. We value wealth more than the lives of our subordinates. And this is especially true for those above us.”

Aldred frowned. “Judging by how you can be so calm, are you trying to betray them and join me?”

The captain nodded. “We are tired of the pirate life. Most of us come from the island of Subiabiterbo, so attacking our own hometown doesn’t feel right. At first, it’s impossible for us to return as honest workers, but you already killed all of the pirates that sided with the Red Skull.”

“No wonder you’re so daring to meet me after all the damage I did. Alright, I will tell the Duke to pardon you, and even reward you and your crew handsomely after this. Turn your ship and attack the pirates. From now on, all of you are no longer pirates, but proud sailors under the Destroyer’s Fleet!”

The pirates cheered.

“Tell me your name and the name of this mothership, Captain.”

“My name is Tilford, and this mothership is called The Disgraced Grail.”

“Welcome to the Destroyer’s Fleet. Now, let’s plunder those pirates.”


Burchard frowned when he saw the lead pirate mothership turn around and attacked its own allies.

That was when Aldred’s voice came. “Burchard, one of the pirate captains has joined me. Gather your forces and push through.”

Everyone in the command center room was shocked. Burchard activated his command crystal and announced: “Attention to all captains! One of the pirate motherships has joined us. Do not attack it.”

Kenway, Wickham, Claxton, Ewert, and Briggs were shocked.

How could a pirate mothership surrender to a disadvantageous fleet? The battle was three against one, but now it had turned around to two against two.

Everyone was wondering how Aldred convinced a pirate captain to join him.

But Burchard and the captains of the Destroyer’s fleet didn’t have time to think about it, because the two pirate’s motherships were at the range.

“Commodore Burchard,” Aldred called.

“Yes, My Lord?”

Aldred stood on the bow of the mothership he just acquired. He grabbed a magical spyglass and put it over his right eye.

Through the spyglass, he saw two pirate motherships slowly sailing towards them.

With a deep breath, Aldred commanded: “Commodore, show them the true might of our fleet.”

“Yes, My Lord.”

Soon after the Mother of Destruction shone with a terrifying aura that spread out in every direction. The people on Subiabiterbo Island all watched this happen, and even the pirates felt chill in the back of their heads.

Commodore Burchard stared at the projection depicting the enemy fleet.

“Attention to all captains.”

All the captains stood straight in their designated warships.


The Destroyer’s Fleet roared as their cannons rained shells at the pirates.

Aldred teleported to one of the pirate’s motherships.

He had set this teleportation point during the first battle.

When he teleported on their deck, he opened up a portal for his golem army to enter.

The fighter golems raised their rare quality weapons and slaughtered the pirates. Gunner golems swarmed the place with fire bullets and spat out flames, burning the area.

Aldred’s eyes turned deep black and shadows appeared around him. They all formed into his undeads and scattered within the ships, pouncing on the pirates, and biting them off limb by limb.

Suddenly, Xer Xai burst out of the water and landed on the mothership.

“Kill it!” the pirate shouted.

They aimed the cannon, but Xer Xai quickly swiped them away with her large claws.

Her one attack caused dozens of men and cannons to be destroyed.

But even with that, a cannon managed to fire its shell and it blasted Xer Xai’s head.

“We got it! This creature is damned!”

The pirates cheered for their small victory, but Xer Xai’s head regenerated as quick as their ejaculation in bed.

They looked at the gigantic creature, approaching them with its vicious maw. The pirates were shock stricken with mouth wide agape.

“Mercy mama.”

Xer Xai roared and slammed down, smashing the pirates.

The other pirates screamed and ran for their life.

“RUN! We cannot kill that thing!”

Aldred wreaked havoc on the pirate’s mothership as both fleets fired at each other.

The atmosphere was loud and dangerous with shells flying everywhere creating destruction and explosions. Screams of men filled with misery and regretting their life decision to become a pirate despite their mom telling them not to.

The two fleets clashed with full force. Smaller warships on both sides started to sink because of the damage, and dozens of pirates were being eaten by sea monsters as they desperately swam to nearby ships.

But even so, the battle didn’t seem about to end. The pirate’s mothership that Aldred intruded on was still functional because their cannon room was locked without a hole he could slip through, and it was protected with a magic field, preventing him to teleport inside using Blood Teleportation.

He had told Burchard and Tilford to focus on the mothership because he wanted to disable this one. But it seemed the pirates were smarter than they look.

“How do I enter their cannon room? Wait, I have an idea.”

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