Chapter 277: A Pirate Attack 1

Aldred’s fleet sailed on the south sea. Currently, his view of the world was limited only to a single continent, so the sea here was basically near the main continent. On the sea, there were only small islands and most of them were inhabitable.

Aldred relaxingly sat on a reclined chair together with his women by his side. A small table to his left held a glass of wine and a bowl of berries. He was enjoying the view of a sea creature attacking one of his ships before it was killed by a single blast of a 700 mm shell. The sight was quite astounding, and 15 speedboats immediately brought the carcass of the Platinum Rank sea creature aboard his cargo ship.

His fleet had killed a few hundred sea creatures in the last few days. Most of them were Gold Rank, and at times, a Platinum Rank creature usually come to visit.

At first, he was terrified to notice that a Platinum Rank beast could die so easily, but it didn’t take long for him to accept such a fact.

As the fleet made its way, Aldred pondered on his expansive network of skills. He had too many skills and even though all of them were useful, he had a headache on which skill to prioritize. The elemental spell was important for different situations, but most of the time, his blade would slash any problem he faced.

Although mastering the other elements would make him more versatile and harder to defeat, he didn’t have enough time to learn them all.

Not to mention he was currently learning the art of blacksmithing.

Blacksmithing was crucial if he wanted to strengthen his fleet even further. Combined with the magical construct spell, he could modify his own ship however he liked.

But it would take time before he was qualified to modify a Diamond Rank-made ship.

‘At least there’s a chance that I can modify and strengthen the ship even if I’m at Gold Rank.’

Currently, the fleet was still heading to the east, but Burchard had planned to make a stop on a small island because Aldred wanted to purchase some materials and hire blacksmiths and shipwrights so he could repair or modify his ship on the go.

They would not be able to make any significant modifications though.

“What are you thinking about?” Mary asked as she popped a berry inside his mouth.

Aldred chewed and gulped the berry down his throat. “Just thinking about things that might be necessary.”

“We’re going to that small island?” Mary pointed at the distance.

Aldred activated his godly eyes and zoomed in miles away. In his sight, there was a port city on that island and it was filled with people. Numerous ships docked at its port and goods were being lifted with magic.

“Seems like so. I think we can buy anything on that island. It’s a bustling port city.”

“What would you want to buy?”

“Still unsure. Some materials for the ship, hiring shipwrights and a blacksmith maybe. I will have Burchard take care of it.”

Aldred had a little chat with his women while Bartrem and his soldiers were having a barbeque on the lower floor. There was a swimming pool on that deck, and some of them decided to go for a good swim.

Life as a soldier was good for them. A year ago, they wouldn’t have even imagined being in this position. Now they had a bed partner, tasty food always at the ready, and fun companions. Let alone they enjoyed traveling around the world and meeting new people such as Maverick who were currently drinking and chatting with them.

He wasn’t drinking alcohol, but blood. However, he said it had a special chemical that worked the same way as alcohol. So his cheeks were currently blushing as he slowly got drunk.

As the soldiers were having time of their life, one of them noticed a ship in the distance waving a red-skull flag.


“Another one? They’re just going to run away like before.”

“No, this time is different. Look, they are attacking the ships that are coming to the island.”

“Those are small fleets. The pirates wouldn’t dare to attack a mothership.”

That was what they believed, but then they saw it.

Out of thin air, an enormous ship appeared. It was as large as Aldred’s mothership but looked much more menacing with its black steel hull, and the head of a hideous dragon at the front.

A loud whistle reverberated from all the ships. It was a signal for an attack.

The Mother of Destruction pushed three gigantic pillars that blasted out particles to the allied ships, enveloping them.

Then, the attack came. The pirate’s mothership fired its numerous cannon at The Destroyer’s fleet.

The impact shook the world and Aldred widened his eyes when he saw the shells exploding on the barrier.

This was the power of a mothership… if not for the barrier, he wouldn’t even be alive right now.

Aldred took out a small orb and held it near his mouth. It was a communication orb. “Commodore, how is the situation?”

“The situation is still under control, my Lord. Our mana crystals are still at 99% capacity.”

“Good. Make sure you destroy them. I cannot bear my first debut at sea by losing.”

“I will take care of it, my Lord.”

Burchard narrowed his eyes as he activated the status orb. The projection appeared in front of his face, showing his fleet as a whole, and also the pirate’s fleet.

The pirates only had 38 ships consisting of cruisers and destroyers. There were no submarines.

Burchard did not underestimate his enemies. Although this was his first time controlling an entire fleet, he had his fair contribution in naval battle before and was aware of what to do in this situation.

He sent in 5 submarines forward and told them to launch the torpedoes as a test.

Soon after, 4 destroyers got their hulls exploded. One of them got a broken stern and was unable to change its course.

“No counterattack against the submarines? Are these pirates stupid?”

Burchard was still suspicious, and his suspicion paid off. In the distance, there was another fleet accompanied by a mothership.

This means that the enemy had two motherships!

Burchard frowned. “All ships head to the northeast at full speed. Don’t turn your rear to the enemies! I repeat don’t turn your rear to the enemies!”

For now, all he could do was stall and prayed for reinforcement.

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