Aldred activated his godly eyes.

[Orb of Scorch]

He raised an eyebrow. “Orb of Scorch? Sounds like a fire orb.”

Suddenly, the orb shone bright and flew into his Phantom Doomblade, entering it.

A powerful force spread out from the blade. Aldred widened his eyes as his hand felt the scorching heat, but he couldn’t let go of the blade.

He screamed and gritted his teeth as the force got even more violent.

After a few moments, the force and the pain disappeared.

A wave of information entered his mind. Then as if his body moved by itself, he spun and slashed the air.

A powerful beam of light came out of the tip of the blade, sending it straight in a circle as Aldred spun. The beam scorched the wall of the tunnels, creating deep, sizzling hole.

“This is nice.”

A voice came from nowhere. “Aldred, get out of there. I detect a lot of people coming towards your location,” Stella said.

“Let them come. I want to test my new power.”

Soon after, dozens of Gold Rank soldiers swarmed from the tunnel.

“You! Surrender yourself or die!”

Aldred sneered and raised his Phantom Doomblade. A dark-red force blasted towards the enemy, making them tremble in fear.

“What is that weapon…” one man widened his eyes with trembling legs.

“I have never seen something so scary before.”

The leader of this group was also shocked, but he shook his head and glared at Aldred. “Surrender yourself and that weapon! We might spare your life if you comply.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Are you perhaps blind? You are surrounded by my men. Now drop your weapon and kneel!”

Aldred laughed. “My knee is too stiff to kneel.”

The leader was enraged. “Kill him!”

Aldred smiled when he saw the enemies charging towards him. He raised his weapon, spun it, and then pointed it at them. “Scorch!”

A bright beam of light shot towards them, it burned, then pierced through their bodies. Their armor melted. Skin, flesh, muscles, and bones charred by the light before they were evaporated into dust.

“Ahhh! Ru—”

The leader couldn’t believe what he saw. Dozens of his men died in less than a second from that light. Everyone was running with a terrified scream as their comrades turned to dust one by one.

The leader’s leg shook, and liquid drenched his pants. That was when he saw Aldred approaching him with a pair of deep dark eyes. He immediately fell to his butt.

Aldred looked down at him.

“Please spare me,” the leader said with a trembling voice.

Aldred smiled. “No.”


Aldred glanced at the retreating enemies. “Should I chase them?”

“You don’t have to,” Saphira’s voice came. “You can return now.”

“Have you mapped the natural tunnel? It seems to be filled with resources.”

“We have, and my men are investigating it further.”

Aldred nodded and Stella teleported him back to Saphira’s office.

“Thank you for your help, Aldred.” Saphira looked at him with adoring eyes.

“You don’t need to thank me. It should be me who is thanking you for the Advance Golem Creation skill book. It will help me tremendously.”

Saphira blushed. “No need to thank me. Anyway, my men have set up defensive perimeters in the tunnels.”

“That’s good. Do you need anything from me?”

Saphira looked down, hesitating with a blush on her cheeks. “I was thinking of spending some time with you.”

“I am training the students right now, would you like to come?”

Saphira’s eyes sparkled. “Sure.”

The Diamond Ranks and the girls looked at this with a smile.

Aldred and the girls left the office, leaving the Diamond Ranks.

They looked at each other. “Should we tell Bravar about this?”

“I am sure he already knows. And that boy is a genius no one has ever seen before.”

“A golem master, a necromancer, a swordsman, a magician… even the strongest hero of Montcresia pales in comparison.”

“I heard the empress put special attention on him.”

“Is it possible he will become the next emperor?”

“If he reached Diamond Rank, there is no doubt that he will become the emperor of this nation.”

“If Saphira could make a relationship with him… it would do the Marshtride family good.”

“Let’s hope that happens.”

Saphira walked beside Aldred with a slight blush. The other girls were surrounding Aldred as well, and their beauty mesmerized everyone.

“Wow, so beautiful.”

“All of them are Aldred’s girls? Fuck! Lucky bastard! If I could get one, I would be happy for life.”

The school staff talked about Aldred and his girls.

“Each and everyone of them is a goddess…”

All the males sighed because they knew they would never get a beautiful girl in their life. All they could do was dream.

Not to mention having a harem filled with beauties, they couldn’t even get one girl.

After walking for a while, Aldred and his women arrived at the martial field where the students were still training.


“Get yourself some rest.”

“Yes, Master!”

They jumped down from the pillar, and immediately grabbed their lunch box to eat.

After lunch, Aldred continued to train them while his women were watching. They even laid out a picnic mat, and had some food while chatting.

“What do you usually do in your free time, Saphira?”

“Well, I would relax by the plain, watching the animals live their lives.”

“That sounds peaceful.”

“It is. I like peace and calmness. The city is too busy and loud for that.”

“I understand you. During our travels, we would eat and watch nature as well.”

Mary and everyone else nodded in agreement. Even Kiara who only joined them recently had learned of their habit.

“Must be nice traveling the world.”

Aldred smiled. “We have seen a lot of beautiful things. Do you know that Paphia made their cities out of gigantic trees? Like they are really tall, and big, that you can make an inn out of them.”


“Yeah. You should visit them sometimes.”

Saphira smiled and slowly touched his hand. “Maybe I will.”

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