Chapter 447 Disbelief

Chapter 446: Disbelief

The members, now freed from the grips of impending doom, showered Orso with heartfelt words of thanks. Their voices cracked with emotion as they expressed their deep appreciation for his selfless act of heroism. Tears of joy cascaded down their faces, mingling with the sweat and grime that adorned their weary features.

Orso's lips curved into a slight smile, a momentary respite from the weight of the battle that raged around them. The glimmer of hope flickered in his eyes as he witnessed the lives he had saved, knowing that his sacrifice was not in vain.

But as quickly as the smile had appeared, it faded, replaced by a sudden jolt of searing pain that tore through his abdomen. A sword, stealthily concealed, had found its mark, piercing his flesh with a ruthless precision.

Orso's body convulsed with agony as he coughed up a deluge of crimson, the metallic tang staining his lips and trickling down his chin. With great effort, he turned his gaze towards the source of his imminent demise, only to be met by the sight of a figure adorned in pristine white armor—a fellow member of the heavenly wolf family.

"Wh-", a bewildered whisper escaped his lips, barely audible amidst the gurgling of blood in his throat. He tried to form words, to understand why a comrade had turned against him, but his voice was silenced by the swift withdrawal of the sword. A gaping wound replaced the blade's presence, and a torrent of scarlet spilled forth, drenching Orso's trembling form.

Time seemed to slow as Orso's body gave way, collapsing to the ground like a ragdoll. His once-vibrant eyes grew dull and glassy, the light within them fading with each labored breath. As the chill of death's embrace wrapped around him, fragments of memories flooded his mind, a kaleidoscope of moments from a life lived.

In the hidden depths of their secluded sanctuary, the heavenly wolf family nurtured the hopes and dreams of their young. Among them, a spirited and determined wolf named Orso burned with a fervent desire to become the greatest warrior his tribe had ever seen. Despite their isolated existence, the family understood the importance of honing their skills, for they knew that the outside world held formidable challenges that demanded their unwavering strength.

The celestial wolves, guided by a prophecy foretold by a renowned oracle, held steadfast in their belief that the Supreme Celestial Shin would soon be reborn. They dedicated themselves to constant growth and readiness, preparing for the day when their master would return in all his glory.

Though his mana reserves were dwindling, Orso knew he couldn't afford to hold back. His plan was not to fully don the entire armor, for he recognized the limitations of his fading power. Instead, he focused his remaining energy on his left arm, encasing it in the gleaming armor that granted him augmented strength.

Summoning all the will he could muster, Orso materialized a sword in his left hand. Gripping it tightly, he harnessed every ounce of his fading might to propel the blade forward with all his might and threw it towards the traitor!


Unfortunately, the traitor's reflexes were swift, and he managed to deflect the oncoming sword with a surprising display of agility. Orso's attack had caught him off guard, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Keke, you are still al-" The traitor's words were cut short as Orso lunged forward, seizing him by the neck and forcefully pushing him backward. It was a desperate move, driven by sheer determination, but Orso knew he was outmatched in strength.

He desperately wished for a miracle, for some divine intervention that could turn the tides in his favor. And in a moment of dire need, when hope seemed to be fading, a timely miracle arrived.

A brilliant bolt of lightning crashed down, illuminating the darkened battlefield, and from its midst emerged a mysterious figure. It was none other than the Vice-Leader of the heavenly wolf clan, renowned for his wisdom and unwavering resolve.

His piercing gaze swept across the chaotic scene before him, taking in the sight of two members of his own clan locked in a fierce battle, their lives hanging by a thread. Concern etched deeply into his furrowed brow as he approached the fray, accompanied by an elder who had joined him in this critical moment.

"What's going on?" the Vice-Leader demanded, his voice carrying an air of authority and command.

"Sir," Orso gasped, his voice strained as he struggled to notify the Vice-Leader of his dire situation. But his words were abruptly cut off as the attacker interjected, his voice laced with accusation and desperation. "Master, he is a traitor! He and the shadow clan's elder ganged up on me!"

Orso's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind reeling at the sudden turn of events. Confusion clouded his thoughts as he tried to comprehend the gravity of the accusation hurled against him.


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