RE:BORN Zombie

Chapter 95 Who Is The Master II

It was taking too long for Vince or his master to come, as Victor began to think. ‘For THE CROW, isn’t this taking too long for them to get back to me? I mean being such a legend, they should be somewhat afraid of me shouldn’t they?’

After some more time passed and Victor was getting bored of walking around the house, he decided to go back to the entrance, may be they were searching for him?


Elsewhere in the house..

“Master! You shouldn’t ignore this like so! Crow really isn’t someone you can mess with!” Vince said out loud in frustration. His master had been refusing to do things according to host report of Crow being very dangerous. It was understandable since his mater knew the real Crow and have even met him, so there was no way for there to be another Crow. She had her own conclusions in fact..

“You dare raise your voice at me? Do you want to die prematurely? A mere half wit like you actually has such guts?” The lady said, making Vince shiver under her tone. She turned her head back facing the other side of her bed as she was still lying down not wanting anything to disturb her sleep.

.ᴄO,ᴍ “I know master, but at least, meet him first. Maybe you’ll change your mind when you meet him yourself.” Vince said again following immediately after the lady spoke.

She was a bit taken aback by Vince’s persistence. Normally, he would have shut up after a threat like that, but this person who is impersonating the Crow is actually enough to make Vince who is the most loyal talk back, “Hmph.. Whatever. I’ve changed my mind, I’ll meet this imposter. And… Haven’t I warned you not to call me master? Refer to me as mistress..” To the last part however, she got no reply. ‘Tut, you’re lucky that I still have use for you, if not..’ She thought.

While in Vince’s mind, he couldn’t even imagine himself doing that. He knew he was at her mercy and all, but he could never stoop to such level and become part of those… Anyway, he at least had succeeded in convincing her to meet THE CROW.


It didn’t take long after that before Vince and his master, or mistress, came walking down the flight of stairs that decorated the main hall of the house. Coincidentally, that was also at the same time Victor was coming back from his walk around the house.

‘The guts to even go walking around my.. house.’ The lady said in her head as she saw Victor. He didn’t have his hood on, so his face was completely visible with the boiling lava tattoos running through them like expensive designs.

‘What kind of demon is that?’ She thought to herself.

“Are you the imposter that pretends to be The Crow?” She asked while coming down the stairs. Hearing this, Vince flinched a bit and rushed before her to the floor where the stairs end.

“Please, forgive my master sir, she is just getting up from sleep and is a bit cranky.” Vince tried to explain with a weary smile plastered on his face.

‘From sleep? Does she sleep in such a dress? Or what exactly is that?’ Victor thought to himself as the lady walked down the stairs herself. She was wearing something Victor could only describe as a dress with extra extra protection. There just wasn’t any other way to describe it. With literal metal parts hanging from several places, and the somewhat rigid shape of the dress, there really was no other way he could look at it.

It had come to the point where he needed to act the part of being such a legend, so Victor switched to Crow mode. If he was right, demons only respect power, and even though they are a very intelligent and developed race, they still base their superiority on power.

Knowing this, the moment the lady touched the floor which wasn’t part of the stairs, Victor turned and glared at her intently. Just like he infused his killing intent into his voice the previous time, this time it was his eyes. The voice was a bit harder to control not to affect multiple targets, so Victor figured the eyes were better.

The lady had her eyes focused elsewhere as she made her way down the final step, ignoring the man who stood before her. But, that didn’t last for long. It wasn’t for a brief moment, not at all. She felt like she was tossed before a mighty predator and had nowhere to escape to. Before her eyes could even snap back towards where this intent was coming from, her instincts had kicked in, and she tried to distance herself as much as possible from the threat. When her eyes had set on the one giving out such terrifying intent, she had already jumped back to the top of the stairs.

At that moment, countless thoughts must have been running through her head as she looked at the different options she had. Vince on the other hand was surprised at what was happening, as to his knowledge, nothing had actually happened yet. Before he could speak again, THE CROW spoke.

“Come here.” In a dead voice, Victor spoke. As always.

Vince hearing his voice immediately turned to look at his master who was now on guard above the stairs. He was going to intervene, but the reaction that came from his own master shocked him greatly, as he would never have ever imagined it.

In less than two seconds, the lady above the stairs was kneeling before Victor, as Victor stood with his hands held behind his back like the master of the house.

‘I need to practice all these things like posture and the rest now.’ Victor said in his mind. He had always been a hunter, and the world he had to survive in, how you stand or look didn’t really matter, so now he figured it would be a good idea to not just be powerful, but look powerful.

“Speak your name.” Victor said. At this point, he was just getting inspiration from a character in an English show he had seen from earth.

“Werzelya.. Werzelya Duragon of the Duragon family…” Before she continued, Victor could tell he wouldn’t be needing the extra information, so he just cut her off there.


Seeing the complete change in character of the woman before him now, Victor, not looking at both her and Vince turned towards the path he had come in from;

“Walk with me.”

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