(this will be fixed)

[Starting evolution process]




[Evolution process complete]

[Gained new skill Weapon Mastery]

[Gained new skill Swordsmanship]

[Gained new skill Death Curse]

[Gained new skill Plant Manipulation]

[Gained new skill Iron Fist]

[Gained new skill Double strike]

[Skill Swordsmanship and Sword Control have been incorporated into skill Weapon Mastery]

[Skill Double Strike have been incorporated into skill Weapon Mastery]

[Skill Iron Fist has been incorporated into skill Art of Combat]

[Received 20 stat points].

[Health +100 Mana +100]

[Strength +5, Vitality +3, Agility +5, Intelligence +10, Magic +5]


After the evolution was complete, Victor had already gotten to the next floor, and looking at the new skills, he was quite satisfied with what he got, though, he couldn’t tell were some came from.

Victor killed the leader of the human group he met last so quick that he didn’t give him a chance to show his skills, so he didn’t exactly know what to expect. He wasn’t expecting anything grand either since the other Arch human he faced wasn’t really all that different from normal humans.

“Was he some kind of druid or something? To get something like Plant Manipulation.” Victor said while looking at the skills he had, but then the Death Curse was kind of contradictory. But, since druids had something to do with spirits, Victor guessed it was possible for them to also use such magic, maybe.




Level: 37 (6,915,000/7,500,000)

Name: Zombie#2314

Race: Undead(Zombie Lord)

Evolution Material: Fiery Tailed Wolf – 1000…


Title: True Undead […], One Who is Favoured by ‘The Process’ […]

Hp: 3,465/3,465

Mp: 3,450/3,450

Coins: 50


Strength: 223 (7)

Agility: 150

Sense: 122

Vitality: 66

Magic: 60

Intelligence: 110

remaining stat point: 62

[Innate Ability]

Undead Body, Infernal Body

[Skill tab]

Passive: All Title, Rot Bite lvl-max, Undead Aura lvl-max, Recovery lvl-1, Art of Combat lvl-2, Weapon Mastery lvl-2

Active: Legion of the Dead lvl-2, Domain of the Dead lvl-1, Touch of Death lvl-2, Negative Burst lvl-max, Fire Breath lvl-max, Inferno Ring lvl-1, Teleport lvl-1, Remote Explosion lvl-1, Death Curse lvl-1, Plant Manipulation lvl-1


Looking at his stats, there was only one thought he had in mind. ‘The sign of growth. From such an unintelligent creature, now, I am slowly becoming a scholar… So refreshing.’

Not ignoring the rest of his stat, Victor was quite impressed. HE began looking into all the skills he had newly received to see what they were about.


[Death Curse]

Magic that affects the soul and eats away at their life force as time goes by. [Intensity can be increased.

Level: 1

Mana cost: 50

_ _

[Plant Manipulation]

Control plants in the surrounding area. Amount of mana required differs depending on plants.

Level: 1

Mana cost: xx


Apart from these skills, the other skills were sort of self explanatory and needed not to for Victor to check the description to see how they worked.

Another thing Victor discovered was that the system also accepted gems as money and converted them to system coins. If only these guys came as some kind of excavation team to harvest gems, it would have been good. He didn’t know where to get these gems, and that was something he wanted to ask the next people he met.

H even tried using the gems that lit up parts of the cave, but that didn’t work. Victor kept going deeper into the dungeon, and after a day or two reached the 49th floor again. Within that time, he ran into two other human groups, and the fight with them was incredibly easy as they were either tired and exhausted when he found them, or sleeping. In the end, he wasn’t able to get the information he needed about the gem, so he gave up on it.

From the groups he killed last, he gained some useful skills.


[Gained new skill Archery]

[Gained new skill 9 Blades Walks]

[Gained new skill Earth Stump]

[Gained new skill Terror]

[Gained new skill Excavate]

[Gained new skill Demon Chain Bind]

[Gained new skill Demon Shadow]

[Gained new skill Precision Shot]

[Gained new skill Sixth Sense]

[Gained new skill Hot Hands]

[Skill Archery and Precision Shot have been incorporated into skill Weapon Mastery]

[Skill 9 Blades Walks have been absorbed into skill Weapon Mastery]

[Received 30 stat points]

[Health +100 Mana +100]

[Strength +5, Vitality +5, Agility +5, Intelligence +10, Magic +10]


Over all, Victor had gained plenty from the humans, and he could beat his chest anywhere now as a former human himself and say that humanity is not completely useless. From time to time, they still have their uses.

The skills he gained weren’t that strong, but they were going to be very useful when fighting and very quite the versatile bunch. The Earth stomp was just like the name suggests, it caused tremor in the surrounding area. The skill Terror induced hallucination, but at level one it only caused some mental damage nothing else, not to mention, against a strong opponent it would be useless, that is if it would even activate properly.

The Excavate skill did what it said, dig up the ground clean, basically just creating a whole on dirt and any material. From all the skills he gained, this was probably one of the most overpowered when thought through. This skill allowed the user to basically excavate the rocks in an area of hard rock, or even a wall. If he was right, it would work on other materials like metal and even something like water. Basically anything tangible could be excavated. This included human bodies. No wonder a level 60 could be the team leader. The skill was just too above the others. Even superman will fall before such a skill.

The two skills Demon Chain Bind and Demon Shadow were gotten from the same person, but for the first skill, Victor wasn’t sure if it was going to be too useful against strong opponents. If he was able to break out of it after a bit of a struggle, it just proved that monsters above level 100 would also be able to do the same. The most it could do was buy some time. The second one, Demon Shadow was actually more impressive. It reminded him of several anime he had watched where someone would have something similar. Basically, this skill gave life to the user’s shadow, allowing them to gain one minion that is as strong as themselves and can even use some one their skills which the user granted.

The more advanced part of the skill was probably still locked now. For now, all Victor could do with this skill was send his shadow to do common things or fight for him against the opponent’s shadow. The only downside right now was the fact that dark places limited this skill, and it didn’t work either if the environment was not well lit or the shadows were not well defined. He would have to level it up first before it would become very useful. By the time he increased it’s level, it would become another overpowered skill.

Hot hands basically made his hands hit up at super hot temperatures enough to melt through flesh easily. This skill was immediately max level though as soon as he got it. With his infernal body, he could already do something like this, so the skill was kind of a useless one for him.

The Sixth Sense was pretty self explanatory, it gave him a whole new world as he could perceive abstract things that even his high sense stat didn’t allow him to before like subtle changes in factors around him or being able to pick up some minimal changes in the waves and wavelengths around him.

Precision shot was meant to be an active skill, but now that it was absorbed by the weapon mastery skill, it had become passive, at least this was what Victor believed. Since the Weapon Mastery skill kept swallowing other skills, he was sure it would also convert those skills which it had swallowed.

Along with the skills, the last group he had attacked while they were sleeping seemed to be the greedy bunch, as they were actually walking around with their money and gems. Victor wasn’t complaining, it only meant that he could get more coins. In total at this point, Victor had 1,750 coins.

Back on the 49th floor which was the floor before the last one where the drake from before was, Victor was with the bunch of chimeras that roamed the floor, and as easy as it got, he just destroyed them one after another until he got to the door that lead into the boss room.

Victor made sure to use each of his skills that he could, focusing on his active skills to see which one of the skills was most useful for the altercation that was about to occur. This time, he was going to focus on using the most effective skills against the Drake, ones that would work perfectly against it.


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