RE:BORN Zombie

Chapter 61 Boss Fight lll

Mp: 3,100/3,700 >> Mp: 2,600/3,700


‘That’s insane! I couldn’t even control the intensity well this time.’ Victor said in his mind.

The way this skill worked, he would have to control the intensity of the curse, and compared to the intensity, the amount of mana used would also increase. He had intended for it to be intense, but not this much, and was completely not prepared for it.

Following this, Victor didn’t stop there and used the trap he set some time ago before the whole thing began proper, and-


The entire area around and under the drake began exploding one after another, sending the drake into another state of confusion. Though the skill didn’t take any mana from detonating an already set explosion, all Victor had to do was set one off, and the chain explosion took over. At time like this, Victor was happy for the existence of physics..

Because of the explosions, the drake got destabilized and confused, and in this window of time, its shield barrier disappeared, and this was while it was still in the process of regeneration, then Victor took another large portion of its body with the excavate skill.

The upside to his plan was the fact that his skills didn’t take as much mana as he thought they would, even with the overpoweredness.

The drake at this point where the fight had only begun for some minutes had yet to even make a single attack of its own, as it was forced to defend it self immediately after waking up. Victor’s plan was working so far, and it was a harsh and sadistic plan to burn through his reserves all at a single stretch in attempt to finish the drake before it even had the time to fight back, and so far it seemed to be working.

Now, the entire upper body of the drake up until its chest and front legs was gone, and the regeneration speed which used to be lightening fast was now so much slower that it couldn’t even compare. Victor stopped for a some seconds watching the drake trying to regenerate itself, and while he watched its body trying to regenerate in what looked like a truly desperate struggle, he couldn’t help but hope that this was enough to kill it for good.

One reason why he still wasn’t attacking was the fact that he had used the Death Curse skill earlier, and the intensity was truly not a joke, as it too so much. Going by the normal scale, a skill of that level would have taken at maximum nothing above 80 mana points from him, but this one completely went passed that. It should be enough to kill the drake.

After a minute had passed, the drake stopped its struggle to move, and the its regeneration even stopped, but Victor knew it wasn’t the end as he still hadn’t seen any notification that he killed the drake. Just when he was thinking about it, the notification appeared.

[You have killed Twin Headed Drake ‘Ramok]


‘Finally, I-‘ Victor said in his mind, but before he even finished what it was he was saying, something strange he had never experienced before happened.

It was similar to when the system spoke to him and he could hear the voice in his head while it still sounded in his ears, but this time it was as though a thought was being transmitted to him. It wasn’t at all a voice, it just felt like he was thinking by himself, but the words of this thought was different and independent of his, and it seemed to be communicating with him.

‘What is this? What, or who are you?’ Victor asked. He knew he was an undead, and one of their advantages was the ability to negate all mental attacks. If even after that someone or something could still get into his head, then he wasn’t as safe as he thought he was.

‘Calm down human.. Or should I call you a zombie? You seem to be a mess of different creatures, interesting. I never knew such a thing was possible. Whatever it is you are, calm yourself down let’s talk. I am the Drake Ramok, who you just killed.’

‘Drake? What is this? Is this part of the whole illusion too?’ Victor thought.

‘No, I really am the one you just killed.’

‘You can read my thoughts?’

‘Well, the ones you let me read. We don’t have much time to waste, so let’s be quick.’

‘Ok, I’m listening. What is it you want? Its clear that there’s something, right? Get to the point, I don’t think you’ll last long here to begin with.’ Victor responded.

‘Quite calm in this situ-‘

‘Get to the point.’ Victor cut Ramok off before he could continue rambling on about unimportant things. He wasn’t sure what the drake wanted, but he could only listen in the end. It might actually turn out to be helpful to him.

‘Very well. I need you to free my master from a similar predicament as you have found me before I was slain, and free him from it by ending his life.’

‘What? Let’s say I agree, what do I get from doing this favour?’

‘All my riches.’


‘Just like that? You were serious when you said to get to the point. SO impatient, the younger generation.’

‘Whatever. How do I find this master of yours?’ Victor asked.

‘Here, you will be directed to the location.’ The Drake Ramok said, as it passed something into Victor, and immediately, he could tell which direction he needed to head towards to find this master the drake was talking about. ‘Interesting.’

‘My power? It truly is. If it wasn’t for the predicament I found myself, I would have easily defeated you. Just know that.’ The drake then passed unto Victor a golden key which he said would glow after he killed his master, and that is when he would be able to open his vault. He also instructed Victor on how to go about it. Victor didn’t trust him at first, but Ramok assured Victor that his words were truth. Victor eventually agreed to the deal, and stashed the key in his inventory.

‘Yeah, sure. Now, while there’s still time, tell me about what happened.’ Victor said.

‘Right. Since the negotiation is through, we can move on.’

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