RE:BORN Zombie

Chapter 47 Boss Room II

“Yeah, thought as much.” Though Victor already knew this, he was wishing the amount will be lower this time.

Using his will, Victor willed the system to upgrade the skill, and seconds later the skill was upgraded to level two.


[Touch of Death]

Instantly cause multiple severe critical damages to any target touched with your hands.

Level: 2.

Mana cost: 30


remaining stat point: 32 >> 2


Victor checked the skill and could immediately see the changes. Now instead of just one, it caused several critical damages, and it no longer consumed MP by the second, instead now it was per the number of times he touched the target. “This is quite good.” Victor said. This would be a good way to wake up a sleeping monster.

With the remaining stat points, Victor added them to his agility, bringing his remaining stat point to 0.


Agility: 138 >> 140


Victor creped behind the drake towards its tail. Making sure to make just light and delicate touched on the ground. He wasn’t sure if he needed to make the first attack before the boss monster would become active, so he just had to be careful. Though he said he might have to touch it first to get its attention, this wasn’t a game, and no monster would allow its opponent to attack it first before it knew to kill the enemy.

He was only using game knowledge since it seemed to apply most of the time, but it didn’t mean he truly believed this was some game.

Victor got close enough to the monster, and readying himself to move at anytime, he activated his skill and placed his left palm of the drake’s tail.


The drake shot into a rage mode as it swung its huge tail across the ground, sweeping the place behind it. Luckily Victor was ready to flee, so the moment the drake’s tail moved, he leaped over it and pushed himself back a couple metres to create plenty of space between him and the monster.

Too bad he couldn’t see the health bar of others, if not he would be able to monitor the drake’s condition and know just how much his skills affected it.

“This fight is going to be tough, I can feel it.” Victor said as the drake turned its attention towards him.

If he didn’t know any better, he would have said the monster had a fine pair of eyes, but being an avid gamer, Victor knew that when the eyes of a monster were of two different colours, it wasn’t mostly because of nature favouring it’s beauty.

‘Does this guy have a special skill like some type of cursed eye? Why’s that eye different from the others?’ Victor thought to himself.

The right head of the drake had two colours of eyes, red and purple. The left head was normal, expect for the blue lines that ran through its sides, which were also absent on the right head. Having twin heads, Victor also expected the monster to have two different set of abilities, as that was how it normally went.

Victor, while waiting for the drake to make its first move was calculating how to fight the monster before him in his head. Going according to what he knew, big monsters like dragons and such had enormous physical capabilities, and could go toe to toe with strong fighters, but it was quite known how these types fight.

Despite their physical strength, they always possessed many skills or magic spells that allowed them to dominate the entire fight like bosses. Only after some time would they start using their bodies. Knowing this, Victor was hoping that the fight would go according to the way he saw it to, with the drake using its skills first before its body. If it behaved normally also, that would be a good thing.

Just like Victor had predicted, the first attack the drake threw at him was an enormous breath of fire that swallowed his own in comparison. Since fire had no effect of Victor however, he didn’t have to worry about fire type attacks. The sole fact that the drake used fire attacks was enough advantage in the grand scheme of things.

He rushed sideways however, dodging the drake’s fire breath. If the drake was an intelligent creature, showing that its attacks were non-effective towards him wouldn’t be the best course of action, though, there was a very high chance that it would figure that part out. Looking at Victor’s body that was covered in fiery tattoo lines, it would be very easy for anybody at all to tell that he had an incredibly high affinity for the fire element.

After dodging its breath attack, Victor rushed forward towards the drake with breaking speed, and as he approached a favourable distance, he pulled out the axe form his inventory and swung it hard at the drake’s front legs in attempt to cut it off. The idea Victor had was good, but the drake was very much prepared.


The sound of the axe clashing against something rung out, but Victor could feel it in the attack that he hadn’t even made a dent at the drake’s flesh. Naturally, there was no uproar from the ground or dust, so Victor could see clearly what his axe had collided with. Instead of the drake’s skin, it clashed with a protective shield around it.

Originally, the path to victory was mostly clear, but with the addition of the shield, things just got another level difficult. Most, of Victor’s skills required touch or contact at least, so his combat capability had been greatly reduced by the single fact that he couldn’t use most of his skills, and the one thing he was very good at, had been rendered useless.

Now that his fists, weapons, and most of his skills were useless, Victor only had one clear path forward. He could only use the skill ‘Negative Burst’ to attack now.

‘I hate these kinds of boss fights.’

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