With the current situation before him, Victor couldn’t help but have such a thought. ‘If I didn’t know better, I’d think someone was against me in this dungeon.’

Victor was not going to waste any time with the monster before him, neither were they as they rushed themselves at him. While he was on the previous floor that was filled with water, Victor couldn’t exactly use physical strength as it was less effective under water, so relied on two skills, touch of death and negative burst. At this moment, Victor simply activated the skill negative burst, and simultaneously the monsters attacking fell to the ground. As they touched the ground, the rest of the monsters behind the once that attacked also fell to the ground, while Victor’s form stood behind all the bodies.

Victor continued onward with confidence without turning behind to check on the state of the monsters he just had a run-in with, he realized they wouldn’t survive his attack. From this floor, Victor could feel that there would be trouble for him, as he felt a similar atmosphere similar to the one on the floor where he faced Arac and Konda.

‘It’s like something is trying to make my life hard,’ Victor said in his mind. He just couldn’t shake away the feeling.

Sure enough, he wasn’t granted a chance to think, as he was constantly being attacked by monsters from time to time. It was as if the monsters knew where he was going at any point in time, and would position themselves for ambush or just gather to attack him. Normally such behaviour wouldn’t be suspicious, but the sole fact that different types of monsters that wouldn’t get along normally were ganging up against him, Victor could tell something was up.

‘As I’m getting close to the boss, it seems the real big shots have started to show themselves.’ Victor thought.

It was normal for monsters with commanding capabilities to appear the closer one got to the boss’ room. This Victor knew from playing some games back on earth. His goal right now had been divided. The primary goal remained to advance through the floors, but he definitely was going to find the monster messing with him like this. The coward that wouldn’t show itself and just send minions had to be dealt with specially.

Amongst the monsters on that floor, none looked any special, so Victor wasn’t really keen on gaining their material. He just killed them and gained some experience points in the process. According to the adventurers, he killed way back on the first floor. The monsters on the last floors were powerful and high levelled, and although they were partially accurate, they weren’t all correct. From what Victor could see, these monsters were just high levelled, and not anything special. It was like carrying a wolf and increasing its level and then nothing else. All the wolf would become is a stronger version of its former self. In the end, it was still a wolf.

Some time passed, and the monster attacks were endless, and because of this occurrence, Victor had actually ended up spending something up to three days on that floor. He also had to check his use of his skills, so that he wouldn’t run out of MP, though levelling up helped him regain his MP and HP, the requirement for level up was doubling and tripling every single time, the next level up was becoming harder and harder to reach even though Victor was to kill 20 minotaurs.

[System analysis complete. Dark Incarpos has been analyzed]

“Good, though the question whether I should put it with the imp… That combination might not be bad. It doesn’t matter in the end since I won’t be using that form anyway.” Victor said as he thought about it.


“Good thing my stamina is infinite, if not I would have been done in by now. Was this floor meant for zombies from the get go?” Victor said to himself. With the possibility of him being fatigued even in the least being zero, Victor could continuously fight the wave of monsters without breaking or slowing down. Victor was sure that most creatures would be unable to do the same unless they were undead or something similar.

‘When is the master mind going to show itself?’

Victor kept moving forward, and after much more time had passed, he finally found the path to the next floor, and unfortunately for him he never found the mastermind behind the unusual floor. He thought some incredible monster would be stashed away somewhere just like Arac and Konda, but it seemed his luck couldn’t be so good every time.

Despite the annoying attack of the monsters that never seemed to end, Victor had also gained plenty from that, and had levelled up some levels.




Level: 34 (65,000/3,400,000) > 37 (1,605,000/7,500,000)

Name: Zombie#2314

Race: Undead(Zombie Lord)

Evolution Material: Fiery Tailed Wolf – 1000…


Title: True Undead […], One Who is Favoured by ‘The Process’ […]

Hp: 3,215/3,215 > 3,365/3,365

Mp: 3,300/3,300 > 3,600/3,600


Strength: 143 > 150 (7)

Agility: 135 > 138

Sense: 120 > 122

Vitality: 50

Magic: 55

Intelligence: 77 > 80

remaining stat point: 77 > 92

[Innate Ability]

Undead Body, Infernal Body

[Skill tab]

Passive: All Title, Rot Bite lvl-max, Undead Aura lvl-max, Melee Combat lvl-5, Spearmanship lvl-5

Active: Legion of the Dead lvl-2, Domain of the Dead lvl-1, Touch of Death lvl-1, Negative Burst lvl-max, Fire Breath lvl-max, Inferno Ring lvl-1..


Victor had checked his stats and the changes in his overall attributes, and though the changes weren’t much, it was still much. It was also clear that levelling up from this point on would just be hellish. While Victor was on the system interface and about to move to the evolution side since he planned to begin the evolution process to incorporate the sea monster he got materials from in the previous floor into his second form, a couple of monsters appeared before him, and this once were the real deal.

Before him were three Minotaur level monsters.

“This is… good.” Victor said while the system interface disappeared from his sight.

The creatures before him looked like chimeras, and ones made by a crazy person at that. They had a draconic head, and body that looked like the combination between three other monsters. The head was probably from a lizard creature, but the size and dense scales on it gave it a fearsome draconic look.


[Chimera Level 90]

[Chimera Level 90]

[Chimera Level 90]


“Thought as much.”

Seeing as these monsters were chimeras, Victor was not sure of what to expect in a fight against them, as their abilities and fighting style would vary greatly from the norm, and their abilities might be mixed. It didn’t matter much either way, a guerilla fight was always an option.

Victor could wait for the monsters to attack first, but it seemed the monsters were also waiting for him to attack. ‘Monsters with intelligence. Let’s just go with it for now.’ Victor said in his mind.

If these monsters possessed intelligence, it would only make the fight easier for Victor, since he would be able to play with their intelligence. ‘At times, an intelligent man is easier to predict than a fool.’ Victor said in his mind, as he stretched out his hands a bit to his side, sort of as if he was making a claw.

He rushed at the monsters, and in an instant had gotten within them. Standing in their middle, Victor released his ‘Inferno Ring,’ and with it came a pillar of fire that shot from the feet of the chimeras, consuming them whole.

The way this skill worked was quite simple. Anybody within a specific distance from Victor would be consumed by a pillar of intense fire when the skill was activated. With this fire came intense heat, and only those with high resistance to fire magic could come out with brief injuries.


[Inferno Ring]

Form a ring of intense flames and burning area around yourself.

Level: 3

Mana cost: 20

Duration: 10secs

Radius: 5m


Just as he had thought, the chimeras had a good resistance to heat, and the skill still at level one could only do so much damage to the monsters. Victor was sure that the fire was a little effective since the level one inferno ring could cause a little damage after 20 seconds of burning the monsters. Before trying any other thing, Victor wanted to try out his other fire skill that was of a higher level than the one he had now to see just how much damage it would deal.

As the pillars of fire subsided, the chimeras emerged from it and with a few burns visible here and there, but nothing serious in the least, the shook off the pain and were about to gorge at Victor when he activated his ‘Fire Breath’ skill against one the chimeras and focused his attack on it while moving behind it and away from the others attack. The results would tell what he had to do next and going forward.

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