Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 333 - 330: Having Fun before going to the Next World

Chapter 333: Chapter 330: Having Fun before going to the Next World

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't you have a girlfriend?"

This sudden remark nearly made Stark's hair stand on end. "So, magic really is evil, isn't it? How did you end up changing your orientation while practicing it? That's too scary; I'm not going with you anymore..."

"What on earth are you babbling about?"

Fang Mo looked at Stark and then slowly raised the magic arrow in his hand. "I was talking about shooting you with this magic arrow. Where did your mind go?"


Stark was momentarily stunned.

"That's what I thought. It has to be you city slickers who are really smooth," said Fang Mo. "It was a very serious matter, and after you talked about it, it suddenly felt like there was a surge of bromance. Let me first set up a FA instrument for you..."

"Isn't it scary precisely because it's serious?"

Stark, with a look of disgust, brushed Fang Mo's hand off his shoulder and said uncomfortably, "I walked into the room with no defenses, and you suddenly said 'shoot you with this' so seriously. Not just me, anyone would be scared to death, right?"

"FA~~ FA~~"

Fang Mo ignored Stark and hummed an unknown tune.

"You... "

Stark, feeling a headache coming on, held his forehead. "So what's this about shooting people with magic arrows? The situation with Dr. Banner was also your doing, right?"

"Aren't you always feeling insecure?"

Fang Mo said, "I should have told you before, I'm a passing Stand user. Now you also have the chance to become one. Getting stabbed by this arrow, if you're qualified, could greatly enhance your strength, and protecting the Earth won't be a dream."

"Do I qualify?" Stark asked curiously.

"Maybe not."

Fang Mo shrugged. "But no big deal, if it fails, we'll just reverse time. As everyone knows, exploiting traits between different modules and bugs between different power systems is normal. We can make use of these loopholes..."

"What you're saying is more difficult to understand than quantum mechanics."

Stark, clearly confused, shook his head. "You're sure there's no risk, right?"


Fang Mo directly nodded and said, "I've saved your life so many times, would I harm you?"

"You indeed have saved me a few times, but you've also tricked me quite a bit," Stark said. "During the palladium poisoning, I almost clenched my teeth to bits. I was in so much pain that I even thought death would be a relief... There won't be a similar situation this time, will there?"

"Of course not."

Fang Mo spread his hands: "Dr. Banner is right over there. If you don't believe me, you can ask him directly, right?"


Stark looked at Fang Mo and, after pondering for a moment, finally walked over to Dr. Banner.

After several questions, Stark finally understood the whole story. According to Banner and Fang Mo, Stark summarized that it might be a method to stimulate superpowers, which might be related to one's subconscious or something.

After realizing this, Stark finally breathed a sigh of relief and gently scratched his fingertip with a bug arrow.

Soon after.

His shadow suddenly climbed up from the ground.

"Damn it!" Stark was clearly startled and almost jumped up from the ground, but in the next second, the shadow on the ground also made the same sound: "Damn it! What are you doing... you scared me!"


Stark was dumbfounded.

The shadow on the ground quickly stood up. The original darkness gradually became tangible, turning into a dark-skinned entity. Upon closer inspection, they realized it was a black version of Stark.


Seeing this, Fang Mo immediately showed a surprised expression: "Well, well... Slave and master, is it?"

"No... What is this?"

Stark was completely baffled at this point. Only Fang Mo in the room understood the concept of 'stand', so Stark turned to him and asked, "Is this my 'stand'? What abilities does he have? How does this thing even work?"

"How would I know?"

Fang Mo cheerfully spread his hands: "Everyone's 'stand' ability is different. How would I know what's going on with yours? But I must say, I really like your 'stand'... I'd like to call it 'N-Stark'."

"Can you not joke about black people at a time like this?"

Stark said with a headache, "I'm really feeling a bit uncomfortable right now. Suddenly having an additional perspective is very disorienting..."

"Oh, that's normal."

Fang Mo waved his hand: "A Stand is a manifestation of your mental will. You can understand it as another body of yours, or something like a ghost invisible to ordinary people. Since there are two bodies, it's normal to have two perspectives. Just get used to it..."

"Wait a minute, Fang Mo."

Hearing this, Dr. Banner suddenly couldn't help but speak up: "I don't seem to have another perspective. What's going on with that?"

"Perhaps... Hulk has his own consciousness?"

Fang Mo thought for a moment and replied.

"But I have consciousness too." However, just then, Stark's black Stand suddenly spoke up: "What's going on with this?"


Fang Mo looked at Stark's black Stand in shock.

"Hey, hey..."

Seeing this, Stark immediately touched his forehead and said: "You haven't seen this kind of situation before, have you? So what is this? Has my shadow come to life?"

"No, no, no, that's probably not the most important thing, right?"

Stark's black Stand continued: "Originally, I think what we should be studying right now is this arrow, right? Why does awakening a Stand happen when wounded by this thing? You don't believe in 'magic,' that obviously fake stuff, do you? I don't believe it. I suggest we first analyze the metal composition of the arrowhead..."

"But you are my shadow."

Stark exclaimed in frustration: "Although what you say is indeed worth considering, a shadow suddenly getting up and talking to me... isn't that obviously weirder?"

"Weren't you the one who called me out?"

The shadow Stand, hearing this, also looked speechless: "So should I go back?"

"Go back means..."

"Of course, to become your shadow again." The shadow Stand said: "What else? You can't treat me the same as Fury just because I'm black, right? I'll have you know, I am a scientific research talent..."

"You can go back?"

Stark asked in surprise: "You don't think about seizing my body... and then replacing me?"

"Why would I do that?"

After hearing what the Shadow Stand said, everyone was stunned: "You are the original, and I am your ability. For example, you're like the brain, and I'm the testicle... You're a scientist, have you ever seen a testicle replace the brain's work? Besides, even if you want me to, I won't agree. I'm just here to assist you; I don't want to end up sleepless and scared all the time..."

"Wow, what a hellish metaphor."

Fang Mo also commented after listening: "I've lived this long and this is the first time I've seen someone call themselves a testicles, you're even more barbaric than viet."

"Is this what you meant by increasing combat power?"

Stark looked at his Stand, then directly said to Fang Mo: "I feel like aside from annoying me, he's good for nothing. What about your time-reversing magic? Hurry up and use it on me, I don't want this thing anymore..."

"Don't say that, your Stand is really useful."

Seeing Stark's reaction, Fang Mo quickly persuaded: "This ability literally gave you a black slave for free. Let me tell you, it's not like the Triangle Trade era anymore. Nowadays, these people are extremely valuable; it won't be easy to get something like this again..."

"Who wants it!"

Stark yelled: "Wasn't it you who told me to try it? And now this is what happens... Can't I return it if I'm not satisfied?"

"That, Tony..."

While the two were arguing, Dr. Banner suddenly hesitantly spoke up: "Is there a possibility that your Stand is actually meant for scientific research... like helping us study these new technologies?"


Hearing Dr. Banner's words, Stark was also taken aback, then subconsciously looked at his dark Stand.

What followed was simple.

Stark tentatively commanded his Stand to analyze the circuit elements.

The Stand didn't say anything and just went to do it, while Dr. Banner continued to identify unknown components, and Stark tried to analyze the molecular structure and energy storage principles of the Lambton Crystal.

The three worked together for half an hour.

Then Stark finally realized how to use his Stand.

Indeed, this Stand was designed for scientific research, having the same personality, thoughts, and memories as Stark, effectively doubling his work efficiency like having two Starks.

And after that...

Fang Mo explained to them about the basic settings of the Stands, namely the Stand panel.

So, the two did a bit of research.

Firstly, there's Bruce Banner's side, with Hulk undoubtedly being double A in strength and speed, and Hulk seems to be able to act independently. Fang Mo could even teleport him to Xandar without issue, so his endurance and range must also start at A at the least, even unlimited wouldn't be an exaggeration.

But considering the Hulk's progressively weaker performance in the movie universe and his outright disobedience to Banner, precision and growth are almost non-existent, so it's just set to E.

As for Tony Stark...

His Stand is interesting; it's almost no different from Stark himself, so just looking at the panel is not very helpful. The main point is that it can help with scientific research and even wear armor to fight alongside Stark, like a shadow clone.

It's worth mentioning that...

Stark accidentally glanced at a mirror afterward.

He discovered that he can even control his own reflection in the mirror, except that this reflection in the mirror is white, whiter than his own skin color, just like wall paint.

After pulling out this reflection, Stark found that not only did he no longer have a shadow, but he also couldn't see his own appearance in the mirror. However, on the other hand, he gained two assistants, one black and one white, to help with research, which more than doubled his efficiency.

Fang Mo originally wanted to name Stark's Stand 'Heibai Wuchang' (Black and White Impermanence), but since the other party seemed to know a little about Eastern funeral culture, he immediately refused.

So, Fang Mo suggested that since Stark is a playboy, they might as well come up with a group name, like 'Three Flowers' or 'Three Holes Open' or something, but this was met with an excessively vehement refusal from the other party. In the end, they settled on a name for the twin reflection, which sounded very ordinary and boring, not cool at all.

Time always flies in scientific research.

Early the next morning, Rocket Raccoon, who had gone out to mess around, also came back.

He didn't say what he had done, just joined the research team and continued to work, and everyone tactfully didn't ask.

Of course, Rocket Raccoon was also startled by Stark's Stand, but after hearing that it was Fang Mo's handiwork, he got used to it and rejected Fang Mo's idea to do the same to him.

Although Rocket Raccoon refused, Fang Mo began to get addicted.

This Stand arrow is really fun.

It's not that the Stands he created are so powerful.

It's the feeling of the unknown; you never know what the next awakened Stand will be. Fang Mo really likes this sense of anticipation, just like when he used to follow series and novels for updates every day.

Without creating a Stand for a day, Fang Mo feels like there are bugs crawling on him.

So quickly, he started targeting others. Aren't there still many people

in the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy? You'll just have to see if Fang Mo decides to stab them.

Fang Mo first approached Captain America.

After some smooth talking, Fang Mo shot an arrow right into his rear.

However, to Fang Mo's surprise, Captain America didn't awaken a Stand and instead died due to a rejection reaction.

Seeing this, Fang Mo was truly dumbfounded. Logically, Captain America, Rogers, is a legendary figure, even a main character in movies. How could he just die like that? How does the Stand arrow determine this?

Out of helplessness, Fang Mo had to use the Time Stone to revive him.

This time Fang Mo chose not to retain the memory, meaning Captain America had no idea what had happened. Fang Mo then quickly made his escape.

After that, he tested others one by one.

But the results were very disappointing. Black Widow, Hawkeye, Coulson, Mother Fucker Hero, Groot, Drax, Mantis all showed rejection reactions.

As for Thor...

He is, after all, the god-king of Asgard with a body that can even withstand the high-energy radiation of a neutron star in the original story, so the Stand arrow couldn't pierce his skin.

Only Star-Lord awakened a white light sphere.

This thing is just like Ego's light energy. Star-Lord can mold it into a ball, merge it with his body, or turn it into a weapon, etc. Honestly, Fang Mo is a bit confused: did he awaken a Stand or a genetic talent?

After trying a large number of people, Fang Mo's enthusiasm gradually subsided.

So, he quickly called Nick Fury, activated the Space Stone, and moved the entire Stark Tower to Vanaheim.

After the move, Fang Mo took the Mind Stone off the Infinity Gauntlet and shared his idea of creating an artificial intelligence with everyone. After all, Supreme Intelligence is only semi-artificial intelligence; its essence is still a huge biological brain. What Fang Mo really wanted was an electronic life

like Ultron.

If Stark had been secretly developing it, perhaps everyone would have a few words to say, given the large controversy surrounding artificial intelligence.

But now, it was Fang Mo wanting to create artificial intelligence...

And according to Fang Mo, he just wanted to go to Mosaic, remove Photoshop traces, and mass-produce AI color pictures.

So, everyone had nothing to say and just rolled up their sleeves to get to work. After all, no matter how dangerous artificial intelligence might be, it couldn't be more dangerous than Fang Mo.

"Okay, okay, you guys keep working here."

Seeing that everything was getting on track, Fang Mo was satisfied and turned to leave: "I'll be out for a bit."

"Wait, where are you going?"

Nick Fury sensed something was amiss and asked directly, "I just won a toilet in a lottery and I'm going to try it out," Fang Mo waved his hand: "Don't worry, this time it will be very short, I still have to come back and clean up for Ancient One and Odin... Oh, I almost forgot, Odin doesn't need to be cleaned up, he will turn to ash himself."

"How short is a very short time?"

However, Nick Fury didn't believe Fang Mo's nonsense and immediately asked for more details: "I need a specific time..."

"Hey, I'll be back by the time you've picked a few hundred kilos of cotton."

Fang Mo didn't want to dawdle any longer, as he had indeed stayed in the Marvel Universe for a long time and was now eager to return. So, he used the Space Stone to leave Vanaheim.

Before leaving the Marvel Universe.

Fang Mo took a quick trip to Kamar-Taj.

This time, he went to return the stones, as the Ancient One was quite reasonable with him. To ensure that Doctor Strange's storyline unfolded normally, Fang Mo didn't want to make it difficult for her.

After all this was settled.

Fang Mo immediately had Steve bring out the Linking Book.

And with the rolling black mist, Fang Mo returned once again to his own world.


Next World!!! Chainsaw Man! Hahahaha! What will happen to Makima I wonder hahah

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